Displaying dreams 431 to 440 of 461
dream Dream: Monday 13 February 2006 08:00

Houses in The Sky and The Cloud Shaker

In this dream I lived in a house above the clouds. A lot of weird and wonderful things happened in this dream, some on the ground and some in the sky, although I can only remember fragments.

One bit I remember was visiting a church. Inside the church were a lot of bells on the ceiling, each with a rope that needed to be pulled to sound it.

The priest demonstrated how to play a tune on the bells. He pulled the ropes and moved around the room. I had a go, but when I did it I pulled the ropes too hard or something and the ropes would end up disappearing up into the ceiling.

The other main thing I remember is that there was a weird machine above the clouds that could make storms at certain points and was used to make moments more dramatic.

It consisted of a frame above the clouds at certain points to shape the clouds, and a huge machine to shake the clouds. The whole world seemed to shake when the machine was on and I felt that it was wrong to be doing that. It seemed very dangerous, like something bad was going to happen.

dream Dream: Thursday 09 February 2006 08:00



This dream is hidden. Some dreams are personal. Some dreams are not suitable for everyone to read. And sometimes the author just doesn't want his mum to read them!

dream Dream: Wednesday 08 February 2006 08:00


This dream was about me having some kind of interest in insects.

I had ordered some spiders off the internet before, and it seemed that there was a different offer each month or something. This month the offer was on some kind of bizarre crab thing.

I ordered them, and they came in a small brown box. I opened it up and there were three of them in there. They were really weird because they had two forms: they could be crabs that were about 5cm across or they could be tiny little spiders that were about 0.5cm across.

The first time I opened the box they were in the larger crab form. The second time I opened the box I accidentally dropped them all on the floor. I could see them, but I didn't want to pick them up with my bare hands as they feed on blood and I didn't want them to bite me.

I looked around for a piece of card to pick them up with, but by the time I'd found one I couldn't find the crabs / spiders any more. I searched for a while but they were nowhere to be found.

dream Dream: Tuesday 07 February 2006 08:00

Dad's Metallica Concert

Tags: Dad

I didn't bother to write this dream down when I woke up. It was very obscure and involved my dad organising some kind of Metallica concert on the side of a mountain in Spain.

dream Dream: Tuesday 07 February 2006 06:00


Tags: Shivani Yu Lee

This dream was about us wanting to buy a house off of someone who turned out to be a psycho.

We are living in Coventry, but our house has my living room from home. We went to look at a house and some really weird girl lived there.

We didn't realise how weird the girl was an made friends with her, and went round her house in the evening. She turned out to be a nutter so we left when we got the chance.

The next day me, Yu Lee and Shivani are chilling at home. It's getting late and the weird girl is calling us up and being very weird on the phone, and trying to get us to invite her round for the evening. We don't invite her round though because she's a psycho, and get back on with our conversation.

Then all of a sudden she's at the window, tapping on it with a knife. We jump out of our skins and turn the lights off so she can't see us, but we realise it's too late and she has noticed us already.

I go to get a knife from the kitchen, and the next thing I know she's inside the house and I am threatening her with the knife.

Then I wake up.

The whole experience was highly unpleasant, and I am feeling very uncomfortable now writing this.

dream Dream: Monday 06 February 2006 08:00

Hand Grenades and Mice

Tags: Cif Mum

I only remember vague bits of this dream.

I was at home clearing out some stuff and I found a package that I was given by the army or something as a souvenir. I opened it up and there was a hand grenade inside.

I went on the internet and found a test to see if it was still live. This involved putting it in the microwave. I did the test and it turned out to be a live hand grenade.

I wanted to make is safe so I took it to pieces, but I didn't really know what to do with it. My mum really wanted me to get rid of it too.

In another part of the dream we all had little pretend mice. I asked Cif if he had a hand grenade and he said it was in the drawer with his toy mouse, but he thought it wasn't a live grenade.

I looked in the drawer and found the grenade. It was covered in mouse droppings. We realised that Cif had put a real mouse in the drawer by mistake!

dream Dream: Monday 06 February 2006 06:00

Star Trekking

Tags: Neel Yu Lee

In this dream I dreamt that I was playing a computer game. It was weird though because me and Yu Lee were actually in the game: we weren't sitting at a computer but were acting it out at times.

It was a Star Trek game and I was Jean-Luc Picard. The mission we were doing involved us going down to a planet, and convincing Data to join our crew again, as he had left us. The level was pretty tough though, and I kept dying as this giant dinosaur-like creature (that scared the shit out of me) kept firing missiles in through the window at me.

At the end of the dream, me and Yu Lee were at One Stop talking to Neel. It turns out now that it wasn't a game, it was actually a book, and we are telling Neel about it. We have two copies of the book: one is normal and the other is pocket sized. Neel says that he has the book at home too.

dream Dream: Saturday 04 February 2006 08:00

Yu Lee's Bump

Tags: Yu Lee

I had another dream last night, which I won't go into too much detail about, in which Yu Lee was pregnant. She decided to keep the baby and she had a bump.

When I found out I was really happy, and it gave me great pleasure to feel the baby kick. The bump was a bit of a funny shape though...

dream Dream: Saturday 04 February 2006 06:00

Happy Birthday?

Tags: Jay Yu Lee

This dream was about my birthday. It took place in our house in Earlsdon, but it seemed like my friends from school were near by. The main focus of the dream was how Yu Lee was treating me.

Basically it was a really shit birthday. Throughout the whole dream Yu Lee didn't want to do anything for me. I was getting fed up because I wanted to do stuff and I was being ignored, so I called my friends from home (I think I called Jay).

While I was doing this, Yu Lee organised to go clubbing with her friends from home, despite the fact that I said I really didn't want to go there.

She went and left me on my own, and after a bit I called her and eventually got her to come back home.

When she got in I was getting dressed and she said that I was dressed horrible. She told me to wear a checked shirt because I looked like I was trying to be a black man! I changed as she suggested and she said she wanted to go back to the club. I said I didn't want her to, and that I wanted to go somewhere else, just me and her. She said she couldn't let her friends down.

I got really upset and told her that this was the worst birthday ever and I couldn't wait for it to be over. I was very upset. I told her that she was being really horrible to me and she had been ignoring me all day.

The last thing I remember is that a huge package came for me in the post. I thought it was from Yu Lee, but it turned out to be from her uncle to me. It was huge and the address on the label said wikipedia.com.

When I opened the package, I accidentally trod on it. It was a huge scale model of an aeroplane, the kind you build yourself. Luckily it wasn't damaged by my standing on it.

dream Dream: Friday 03 February 2006 08:00


Tags: Bob Cif Dad Sue Yu Lee

This dream is hidden. Some dreams are personal. Some dreams are not suitable for everyone to read. And sometimes the author just doesn't want his mum to read them!