Nipple Paint
In this dream I was still going out with Lauryn. Me, Bob, Lauryn and Ben had been out for the day. We had all been drinking and Lauryn bought some special paints for painting your nipples a different colour.
We were all sitting in the living room (at York Avenue) and I was sitting on the sofa next to Lauryn. Lauryn asked if anyone minded if she tried out her nipple paints and I said that I did mind because they stink. She said she was going to do it anyway so I nicked one of the paints. It was a primer or something and you had to do it first so the others were useless without it.
She started whinging at me to give it back and I got pissed off and said "What's the point of asking if anyone minded if you do something if you are just going to do it anyway when someone says no?"
Next she called Bob over and told him to make me give it back to her. He said "Shall I punch him?" and she said "Yes," so he was like "What, right here?" pointing at my shoulder. She said "Yes," so he pulled back his fist, but instead of punching me he punched her in the arm and said "Whoops!"
I banged knuckles with him and said "Safe Bob!" She got upset and then I woke up.