dream Dream: Sunday 05 March 2006 12:15

Talking Bears and ID Cards

This dream was set in a futuristic world where everything revolves around ID cards. I got the impression that it was fictitious and that maybe I was reading it all in a book.

I think the dream was about some ongoing thing with animal rights protesters. The bit of the story that I saw was about some guy who worked with animals who got fucked over. Someone got hold of his identity cards and passwords and landed him in a load of shit. I think they got his password out of a photocopier that he signed into and didn't sign out.

Most of the dream took place in his office and there was a talking bear in there. The door was locked and he got in and out through the windows. The window that he left unlocked had the bear behind it, guarding it.

I was investigating the whole thing and I was on the guy's side, telling him how to avoid ID fraud and figuring out how it happened.

The dream seemed pretty well thought out.

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