Looking at Weird Houses
House Hunting
I dreamt I was with Yu Lee, Shivani and Nisha. For some reason Shivani and Nisha were looking for somewhere to live and we decided to go with them to look at houses.
All of the houses we looked at were really weird. Most of them were small, and they all had strange features so that they could make better use of space. The main one I remember was in Cornwall, and was very close to the sea.
When we went inside the tiny little house, at first we couldn't find the bedroom. We looked around for a while, and then noticed something strange in the living room. The end of the living room had a wall that was angled at 45 degrees, so that it sloped up from the floor and away from the room. At the top of the slope was a small platform with a bed on it and a tiny window right next to it.
We climbed up onto the platform and when I looked out of the window there was an amazing view with waves crashing against cliffs.
Going to the Shops
Later on I was at home (wherever that was!) and I was going to meet up with a friend. He was going to come round and then we were going to go to the supermarket for something.
When he got to my house I realised that his mum has brought him and was going to take us in her car, and for some reason I really didn't want to get in the car with her. I told someone else in the house to tell them that I'd gone already and snuck out the back and made my own way to the supermarket.
Later on in the dream I am in a car and someone else is driving me. We are on our way to another shop, this time a smaller convenience store like a coop. When we get there the car park is tiny and quite secluded, and there is a small triangular pond. The edges of the pond are basically platforms raised off of the pond bed on stilts so that the inside of the pond is quite a bit bigger than the opening.
The driver of the car tells me he is going to park in the pond and I tell him not to, but he insists that he "always parks like this in dreams". Although the dream character tells me we are in a dream I think nothing of it.
As the car moves over edge of the pond I think to myself "I hate it when this happens" and brace for impact. The car crashes into the water and gets wedged under the platform at the edge of the pond. I feel trapped, like there is no way out.
Shortly after that we somehow escape from the submerged car and go inside the shop. We are looking around when the security guard starts staring at us, and I know it's because he saw us park in the pond. He approaches us to throw us out and I wake up naturally.