Displaying dreams 1 to 10 of 473
dream Dream: Tuesday 18 March 2025 09:00

Weird Right Hand

This is the last of 4 dreams I had last night, but I only remember 2 of them. I've recently had surgery on my right hand in real life.

I'm in a house, walking around, and I suddenly look at my right hand, and it looks really weird. I examine it and realise that I have no thumb on my right hand. I decide to count my fingers, and I have five fingers, but no thumb.

Someone else is in the house, but I don't remember who it is. I start calling out to them, saying that my hand is really weird. This causes me to wake up.

dream Dream: Tuesday 18 March 2025 07:30

£100k Tesla

Tags: Dad Pops

I'm at a house, possibly my Pops' house, but it doesn't resemble it inside. I'm sitting down and talking to my dad. I know that there's something weird happening that can bring someone who has died back for a while, and I'm aware that it's brought my Pops back.

I'm discussing retirement with my dad, and I'm saying that I don't think I could ever fully retire. I might wind down a bit when I'm older, but I'll probably always have little jobs on the side and be doing something because I'd get too bored if I was retired.

My dad responds, but I don't remember his exact words. He mentions something about me earning a lot of money and having a Tesla. My Pops starts laughing and says that if I were to park a £100,000 Tesla in the front car park, the total value of the cars, including his and mine, would be worth £100,000. He implies that his car is worth nothing.

As I realise the dream is fading and the situation is ending, I become aware that my pops is going to disappear. I'm overcome with sadness and start sobbing uncontrollably. This is the last thing I remember before I wake up.

The interesting thing is that in my dream I knew my Pops was dead, but I didn't know that my dad had died.

dream Dream: Saturday 08 March 2025 09:43

Link's Sauce Mishap

Tags: Link

I'm in my house and we're having dinner. I'm not sure what we're eating exactly, but Link wants to have some brown sauce and vinegar on his food. He takes his (empty) plate over to the kitchen and starts trying to pour the condiments onto his plate. I get distracted as I'm still trying to dish up everyone's food, and Link takes quite a long time messing around with his sauce.

When I finish what I'm doing, I look around and see Link carefully walking back from the kitchen to the table, holding his plate in both hands. He looks stressed. I take a look at his plate and see that he's put an excessive amount of vinegar and brown sauce on it, and they've mixed together to create a massive, soupy mixture floating around on his plate.

I can tell Link is unhappy with the result, so I suggest he go back and get a new plate with more food. I take the plate from him and pour the vinegar and brown sauce mixture down the sink. This is the last thing I remember before I wake up.

dream Dream: Saturday 08 March 2025 07:00

Argument with Shaolin at Brad's House

Tags: Brad Shaolin

I'm out somewhere with my friend Brad from school. I'm not sure what we were doing, but it's late at night and we're outside. We decide we need to go back to Brad's house so that he can get some water. He tells us that we need to be really quiet because everyone's asleep, as it's the middle of the night.

Brad opens his door and goes inside while we wait outside in the street. His house is small and narrow, and you can somehow see into all of the rooms from outside.

He's filling up his bottle of water and doing some stuff, and you can hear people inside starting to wake up and move around. For some reason, it turns out that Shaolin is also there, and she's just been woken up by Brad. She starts having a go at him, saying something like, "What are you doing? You're waking everyone up!" Brad tries to calm her down, saying, "Come on, I'm just getting some water. It's okay, I'm allowed to get water."

Shaolin starts getting really angry with him, saying that he shouldn't wake people up in the middle of the night. I jump into the conversation, arguing with Shaolin and saying something like, "Why do you always have to create a problem? This is typical of you, you don't need to make a big deal out of this." The conversation escalates into a confrontation, and this is the last thing I remember before I wake up.

dream Dream: Wednesday 26 February 2025 07:30

Cannibal Restaurant

I'm away on holiday somewhere with Yu Lee and the kids, but Stefan and Christina are with us as well. There's a place that we want to eat out. We've eaten the food from there before, but the last time we had takeaway.

We go to the restaurant and we're sitting down and looking through the menu, and it's quite hard to choose what to have. Everything we've had there before has been absolutely delicious. But this is one of those places where they don't have a lot of vegetables and most of the things are just meat.

We pick through the menu for a while and eventually we choose what we want to have. We sit there for quite a while waiting for the food. I don't know how it happens, but at some point I'm talking to the waiting staff and they're walking off into the kitchen and I'm still whittering away to them. Eventually, we're in the kitchen and I'm telling them how last time when I got the takeaway, I cooked it on my induction hob, and I'm explaining to the guy how induction cooking is way faster than you think it would be. He seemed kind of interested but really he was just humouring me.

We're waiting for absolutely ages and I had to go and do something. I can't remember what, but I had to leave the restaurant and fetch something, so I left. The restaurant was actually inside a supermarket, which was a bit odd. Wherever it was I needed to go, I had to go through this hospital. It was the quickest way, but the hospital had this really confusing layout, and I remember going round and round in circles trying to find my way through the corridors to get from one side of this hospital to the other side. I don't actually remember getting whatever it was I needed, but I remember going back and I went into the supermarket which contained the restaurant, and Yu Lee was in a different aisle and she was ordering loads of like junk food like sweets.

Eventually I get back to the table and our food still isn't there. We're all sitting around and Stefan jokes, "They're probably just going to keep us waiting forever until we fall asleep so they can eat us." More time passes and we actually do all fall asleep at this table. I'm half asleep and the waiting staff come back. I wake up and see what they're doing, and Stefan's joke turned out to be actually true and they were going to try and kill us and eat us and put us in the food. It turned out that it was a cannibal restaurant!

We all somehow make our escape. When we finally get out of there, we have to make our way back through the same hospital that I was in earlier. Again, it's really stressful trying to get through this stupid hospital. Somehow I get separated from everyone else, but this time I'm not messing about. I yell "Yu Lee" at the top of my voice. I keep going through the hospital and eventually I find my way out.

When we're back out in the street, Yu Lee and the others have all taken off and they're running very quickly. I follow after them and at some point, Yu Lee slams into this pale brick wall and it kind of wobbles. She carries on and I'm at the back of the group. At this point, a lady comes out of the house next to the brick wall and she yells at me, "You think it's funny to try and knock down people's Tudor walls?" I stop and talk to her and I apologise and say, "I'm really sorry, but we were just trying to run somewhere. My wife bumped into it by accident, she didn't mean to knock it over. She just bumped into it and made it wobble." The woman accepts my apology and her demeanour completely changes and she smiles at me.

I take off again after Yu Lee and the others and I don't think I ever actually catch up with them before I wake up.

dream Dream: Tuesday 25 February 2025 09:00

Storm Outside The Big House

Me, Yu Lee, and the kids live in a different house. It's a massive house with so many rooms and a really weird layout. My room is on the top floor, but instead of being a room like in a normal roof space with a slanted roof, it's almost like a little self-contained apartment. My room has these kind of sliding patio doors at one end, and I'm guessing there was a railing outside of them, but I don't remember it in the dream.

A lot of things happen in the dream that I don't remember. It seems like it was quite a long dream, and I remember early in the dream having an issue with the doors of my room upstairs - they were difficult to close or something like that.

A little while later, we're all downstairs in the main kind of living room. In fact, it must have been on the first floor or maybe not - something about this doesn't quite make sense. There's some kind of storm happening, and it's really, really wet and windy outside, but we're all just hanging around in the living room.

A little while later, I look up at the ceiling and realise that there's water dripping in from the top of the ceiling like a damp patch. We've just moved into the house, and I'm very scared that there's some big problem like a water leak or something.

I go upstairs to investigate, and my room is the room directly above that room. When I step into the room, I immediately see that the patio doors have blown off completely and it's all open, and the rainwater is coming in and flooding the room.

dream Dream: Sunday 16 February 2025 09:40

Weird UI, Living Amongst Fields

Tags: Ally Yu Lee

The first thing I remember in my dream is very vague. I am talking to Ally about something related to a UI on some project that we are working on. The UI is something we built to set some kind of settings and she doesn't like how it works. The UI is very much like the Espers UI from Final Fantasy VI, where you have to "equip" a couple of different things. She says that there is some kind of issue because you have to equip two specific items at once, and one of them finishes before the other. I have no idea what it was supposed to acheive.

She complains about it, and then I go an test it, but for me it works just fine. Decide that it's not important and decide to ignore it.

The next part of my dream is very strange. We are in our front drive, but the road is all gone and instead replaced with farmer's fields. We are having some kind of party or an event here, and lots of people are parked on our drive. The first few people turn up and they park very neatly right over at the edge of our concrete drive. Next someone else turns up and parks in a place Yu Lee is really not happy with. She is complaining, "Why do they always park like that? They're always blocking someone in!"

I look around the drive, and it is quite a bit bigger than in real life, and it is completely surrounded by fields. The fields seem to be newly planted, with lots of exposed soil and neat rows of tiny plants.

There must have been four cars on the drive, and one parked just in front of it. I make a hand gesture, moving my hand around the perimeter of the drive and looking around the field and say, "Well, at least we've got plenty of overflow parking if they can't all fit on the drive."

dream Dream: Friday 14 February 2025 09:30

The Dodgy Visitor

Tags: Yu Lee

I am in a large building in the middle of nowhere. It's some kind of business, like a warehouse or a place where you'd sell cars.

A man comes to visit us; he is going to buy something from us. He seems really dodgy: he is scruffy and seems like a criminal. He talks to me, and I get this idea that he is going to try and scam me or steal something. He does take something—I can't remember what—and he goes to get back in his car and drive off.

Yu Lee has taken a fuse out of his car, so it doesn't start. The man gets angry and is very annoyed that I have stopped him from getting away when he was trying to steal from me. I look in his car, and he has this set of clothes and some shoes all covered in mud, and I don't know why but it looks really suspicious. I somehow draw the conclusion that something awful has happened.

I can't remember how I found out, and it doesn't make perfect sense, but it turns out that he was going to wear these clothes when he tried to kill his wife by running over her.

The last scene of the dream goes really weird. It's like suddenly we're not there anymore, and it's kind of zoomed out with loud music playing, like it's part of a movie. The guy is on the floor, and his head is pinned between some rocks. A car drives over him with the wheels going directly over his head.

dream Dream: Tuesday 11 February 2025 07:00


Tags: Link Rain Yu Lee

I am in the garden with one of the boys (I don't remember if it was Link or Rain). He is sitting on the edge of the deck, and suddenly a pheasant comes into the garden and lands behind him. Me and Yu Lee say "look" and try to get him to look without frightening it away.

He looks around and the pheasant walks past him and stands right in front of him, and then obviously he sees it. After that a couple more pheasants land in the garden.

A while later, some other things happen, but I do not remember what they are now. Later I find myself talking to Link (or Rain), saying, "These are the reasons that I know we were dreaming." One of the reasons is the pheasants. There were two other things that I pointed out to him too, but they have completely gone from my memory now.

dream Dream: Monday 10 February 2025 09:05

Weird Computer / Big Sister

The first part of the dream:

I have some kind of a weird computer. It's a new build computer but with a weird retro aesthetic. We actually had two of them in our house and we had Mum, Richard and Bob over and we were showing them.

One of the weird things about the computers is the keyboard: some of the keys had this kind of weird split key where one part of the key did "key down" and the other part of the key did "key up," so you had to kind of slide your finger across to make the key go back up. Also, some of these keys stood quite tall off of the keyboard, so while there were normal keys in the rest of the keyboard, these stood about 5 cm tall, or maybe bigger, and were also a blue colour where the rest of the keys were light grey. I have no idea how you would actually use this thing.

One of the pieces of software that we were showing them was a rogue-like with text mode graphics, like Nethack. We showed them for a while and while, I was doing this Link was messing around and pressing the cursor keys, and it was really annoying me and I had to tell him off.

A little while later, we switched to a new scene, and this time we're at our house and we're going to have some kind of party for the kids or maybe a playdate. There were a couple of kids coming from the same family. After a little while, they start to show up. First, this little kid shows up, and we're just talking to them. Then, a little while later, her big sister shows up who's about 18 years old.​

When they came, they brought a little tray of snacks. It had like four miniature breadsticks dipped in chocolate, and I put it on the table and jokingly said, "Dinner is served."

We're chatting to them, and it turns out that this is their normal family structure. The big sister says "my mum goes and looks after other people's kids and we barely see her, and I look after our kids".