I'm away on holiday somewhere with Yu Lee and the kids, but Stefan and Christina are with us as well. There's a place that we want to eat out. We've eaten the food from there before, but the last time we had takeaway.
We go to the restaurant and we're sitting down and looking through the menu, and it's quite hard to choose what to have. Everything we've had there before has been absolutely delicious. But this is one of those places where they don't have a lot of vegetables and most of the things are just meat.
We pick through the menu for a while and eventually we choose what we want to have. We sit there for quite a while waiting for the food. I don't know how it happens, but at some point I'm talking to the waiting staff and they're walking off into the kitchen and I'm still whittering away to them. Eventually, we're in the kitchen and I'm telling them how last time when I got the takeaway, I cooked it on my induction hob, and I'm explaining to the guy how induction cooking is way faster than you think it would be. He seemed kind of interested but really he was just humouring me.
We're waiting for absolutely ages and I had to go and do something. I can't remember what, but I had to leave the restaurant and fetch something, so I left. The restaurant was actually inside a supermarket, which was a bit odd. Wherever it was I needed to go, I had to go through this hospital. It was the quickest way, but the hospital had this really confusing layout, and I remember going round and round in circles trying to find my way through the corridors to get from one side of this hospital to the other side. I don't actually remember getting whatever it was I needed, but I remember going back and I went into the supermarket which contained the restaurant, and Yu Lee was in a different aisle and she was ordering loads of like junk food like sweets.
Eventually I get back to the table and our food still isn't there. We're all sitting around and Stefan jokes, "They're probably just going to keep us waiting forever until we fall asleep so they can eat us." More time passes and we actually do all fall asleep at this table. I'm half asleep and the waiting staff come back. I wake up and see what they're doing, and Stefan's joke turned out to be actually true and they were going to try and kill us and eat us and put us in the food. It turned out that it was a cannibal restaurant!
We all somehow make our escape. When we finally get out of there, we have to make our way back through the same hospital that I was in earlier. Again, it's really stressful trying to get through this stupid hospital. Somehow I get separated from everyone else, but this time I'm not messing about. I yell "Yu Lee" at the top of my voice. I keep going through the hospital and eventually I find my way out.
When we're back out in the street, Yu Lee and the others have all taken off and they're running very quickly. I follow after them and at some point, Yu Lee slams into this pale brick wall and it kind of wobbles. She carries on and I'm at the back of the group. At this point, a lady comes out of the house next to the brick wall and she yells at me, "You think it's funny to try and knock down people's Tudor walls?" I stop and talk to her and I apologise and say, "I'm really sorry, but we were just trying to run somewhere. My wife bumped into it by accident, she didn't mean to knock it over. She just bumped into it and made it wobble." The woman accepts my apology and her demeanour completely changes and she smiles at me.
I take off again after Yu Lee and the others and I don't think I ever actually catch up with them before I wake up.