Polayamory is the practice of having intimate relationships with more than one person.
I don't actually remember this happening in the dream, but I remember remembering it in the dream!
Yu Lee and I had gone through a bad patch where we weren't quite as close as we used to be. In that period I'd met up with Lauryn (my ex-girlfriend from school) and we'd spent a bit of time together. I'm not sure how the decision had come about, but for some reason we decided to get married (whilst I was already married to Yu Lee)!
After that me and Yu Lee had gotten a lot closer again and I wasn't 100% sure that I wanted to go through with the wedding.
Wedding Day
I'm at somebody's house but I have no idea who's. Ai Seng is here, and Jo's family are here too but Jo isn't. (Note: I've never met Jo's family in real life so these were just made-up dream characters.) Everyone's come for my wedding day.
We're sitting round a large dining table when the door bell rings. Someone gets up to open it and it's Dad and Sue who have come from Spain for the wedding. I say hello and talk to them for a bit and then Dad says he needs to park the car in the garage so I go with him.
Dad backs the car into the garage and then gets out while the car is still reversing. The car moves backwards by itself and Dad steers it by pushing the front of the car left and right. Someone enters the garage through a door in the back (from the house) and Dad tells him to stop and put his hands out and stop the car with his hands. The guy looks a bit nervous to try it but follows instructions and after a split second of pushing the back of the moving car (which was moving right towards him) it stops. "It's an automatic so you can do that," Dad tells me as if it's common knowledge.
We go back in the house and are sitting round the dining room table again, and I'm feeling nervous about the wedding. We are going to get married in the cathedral because I wanted to get married in the same place that me and Yu Lee got married (even though in real life we got married in a civil ceremony) and I suddenly start to wonder if it's even possible to marry a second wife in a religious venue. I tell this to Dad and he says he isn't sure.
I'm sitting next to a girl who has her phone out so I ask her to google whether or not the wedding can go ahead, but she's not really competent at using her phone and it is taking forever and is frustrating. We are typing phrases into google like "Polyamory church wedding uk legal" but we can't seem to find out if it's possible. Dad tells me I should ring the venue and ask as the ceremony is only a couple of hours away.
I'm feeling increasingly nervous now. I don't really want to get married to Lauryn but my guests have all showed up and I would feel silly to back out now. I ask my Dad to call the cathedral and ask about marrying a second wife and he agrees to do it.
He's on the phone for a couple of minutes before he hangs up and tells me that it's not possible. He tells me that I'd better start looking for a registry office now as we don't have long left but I tell him it's off and that I'm not going to go through with it.
The last thing I remember is calling Lauryn and telling her that we can't get married after all because it's illegal. I feel relieved.
The first thing I thought upon waking was "Me and Yu Lee didn't get married in a church!"