Displaying dreams 1 to 5 of 5
dream Dream: Saturday 08 March 2025 07:00

Argument with Shaolin at Brad's House

Tags: Brad Shaolin

I'm out somewhere with my friend Brad from school. I'm not sure what we were doing, but it's late at night and we're outside. We decide we need to go back to Brad's house so that he can get some water. He tells us that we need to be really quiet because everyone's asleep, as it's the middle of the night.

Brad opens his door and goes inside while we wait outside in the street. His house is small and narrow, and you can somehow see into all of the rooms from outside.

He's filling up his bottle of water and doing some stuff, and you can hear people inside starting to wake up and move around. For some reason, it turns out that Shaolin is also there, and she's just been woken up by Brad. She starts having a go at him, saying something like, "What are you doing? You're waking everyone up!" Brad tries to calm her down, saying, "Come on, I'm just getting some water. It's okay, I'm allowed to get water."

Shaolin starts getting really angry with him, saying that he shouldn't wake people up in the middle of the night. I jump into the conversation, arguing with Shaolin and saying something like, "Why do you always have to create a problem? This is typical of you, you don't need to make a big deal out of this." The conversation escalates into a confrontation, and this is the last thing I remember before I wake up.

dream Dream: Friday 23 May 2014 05:42

Walking Somewhere with my School / Work Mates

This dream took place in a mixture of work and school. There were some people that I went to school with, and people from Jagex where I worked years ago.

The first part that I properly remember was being outside with a big group of people. We were all walking somewhere, and the Italian girl that worked at Jagex (who I saw in real life a couple of days ago and said hello to me) was pushing a pram. She kept budging people out of the way and trying to squeeze past them.

I turned to the person next to me and said this was about the fourth time today that I'd seen her budging past people, and that I didn't understand why she didn't just ask them to move. Then I shouted "Excuse me guys" to the people that were in her way, and they all moved out of the way for her and she thanked me.

Later we were near our destination, and this time there were a lot less people. I was with my friend Brad from school. Some other people that I didn't know started to approach us and were intimidating us. The main person doing this had short hair and a white t-shirt, and I had the feeling that he was quite hard.

After a short while he got closer to us, and I turned to Brad who just said "run". We started to run and the guy who was following us was right behind me now, and I think he tried to kick me but one of my Jagex friends blocked the kick with his foot (I think it was Mark S and I think he was wearing leather sandals).

We continued to run, and the guy in the white t-shirt got a bit close again so I pulled a tape measure out of my pocket and threw it at his head which made him stumble and bought me some more time. He approached again, and swung for me again, and Mark blocked it again.

After this we made it to the building and they ran off.


I also remember a couple of fragments:

  • I remember being in a meeting room and humming the guitar part for "The Four Horsemen" by Metallica.
  • I remember something to do with a new nintendo console that came in multiple parts, and was like a weird arcade machine with loads of accessories.
dream Dream: Thursday 15 May 2014 14:56

Fungal Infection / Smoking

Tags: Brad Mum Yu Lee

Yu Lee told me she had a fungal infection, and I don't remember if it was in her mouth or between her toes, but it was definitely one of those. She showed it to me and it was a little white fuzzy ball.

She pulled it out with her fingers, and I asked if she was going to put it in her pocket. She told me that if she put it in her pocket it would continue to grow for a couple of days, and I said "Like a ballistomycete?" which is a mushroom enemy in Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. Now that I'm awake I have no idea why I made that comparison as a ballistomycete is a giant mushroom and what she had was a tiny fuzzy white ball of fluff!

The next thing I remember was being outside with several people, two of which were my Mum and my mate Brad from school. We were all waiting for the barbecue to heat up, and several of us were smoking. My mum asked Brad if she could have some of his cigarette and he said yes and handed it to her. She had a couple of puffs on it and then it was finished.

A couple of seconds later Brad said "Oh shit that was a spliff!" but then he told me that it probably didn't matter because it was only the end of it and it was probably all tobacco at the bottom. Mum did seem a little bit jolly but I put it down to the red wine she was drinking.

dream Dream: Wednesday 18 January 2006 08:00

Two Really Vague Dreams

  1. Christmas time: Jack and Brad are spending Christmas together. Jack and Jack's dad aren't drinking so that Jack's dad can drop him home at midnight.

  2. Something about spaceships and time travel which went into a false awakening where I wrote the dream down.

dream Dream: Sunday 23 January 2000 08:00

Year 9 Dream Diary - Dream 2

Me, Jack, Bradley, Michael and Humza are together in the class room, picking on Amardeep, saying that she’s got hairy breasts. She gets very upset and eventually shows us her chest and it’s very hairy!

(note : this is quite realistic isn’t it?)

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