A Vague Dream About Link
I don't really remember much about this dream at all, but I wanted to note it down as my son was in it again.
All I remember is talking to Ai Seng and saying that I couldn't do something because I had the baby with me.
I don't really remember much about this dream at all, but I wanted to note it down as my son was in it again.
All I remember is talking to Ai Seng and saying that I couldn't do something because I had the baby with me.
In my dream we are on holiday in China, although it's more like it's "supposed" to be China but most aspects of it are really like Spain. I'm on holiday with Yu Lee and Ai Seng, and for some reason I have gone off on my own. I think I bumped into someone and started having a conversation in Spanish and they told me that they would meet me in the main square.
I talk to a Spanish lady on a boat in the river for a while. After a couple of minutes I feel like I should go back and meet up with the others so I make an excuse and leave, but on my way back I bump into someone else and have another conversation, until I make another excuse and leave again.
When I make it back to the square I easily find Ai Seng and Yu Lee and they are doing something, looking at the buildings and taking notes. I tell them that I ended my conversation by saying that I had to meet with Ai Seng for dinner.
The next thing I remember is going to get some dim sum. The others tell me that there are two places that sell excellent dumplings, and that they both sell exactly the same dumplings but one of them is significantly cheaper than the other. I ask why there's such a difference in price and they tell me that one place is basically posher and knows how to sell them better.
We enter the cheaper of the two dim sum restaurants and it's massive inside, more like a banquet hall than a restaurant. I don't remember seeing Ai Seng or Yu Lee for the rest of the dream, but there is a man with me and a couple of other boys who I assume are his sons.
At the front of the hall is a stage, and on the stage is a man with a microphone and a couple of other guys who I assume are just people visiting the restaurant. The guy with the microphone gives some dumplings to the other men and then asks them what they think of them. The men both say that the dumplings are delicious, and the host asks them if they are as good as the other dim sum restaurant. The whole thing seems really uncomfortable and I think to myself, "no wonder this restaurant is cheaper than the other one." The whole thing is a farce and makes the restaurant appear cheap and tacky.
While we are waiting in the queue the man who's with us starts to get agitated, saying that we look scruffy and that it's disrespectful to the locals. His sons have long hair and he makes them tie it up and makes them tuck their t-shirts into their trousers. He comes up to me and starts tucking my hair in behind my ears and trying to "neaten" me up.
By now he's getting really angry and a lot of the other people in the restaurant are looking at us. I look around and don't think the other people are particularly smart and can't understand why he's being like this.
Next he tries to make me tuck my t-shirt into my trousers and I finally snap and get really angry. I flick my hair out from behind my ears and put it back how it was at the start and ask him why he's doing this. I tell him that we all look ridiculous with our hair and t-shirts tucked in, and that nobody is dressed particularly smartly or cares how we are dressed.
At that moment a waiter walks past so I get his attention and ask him what the dress code is. He looks at me, with a distinctly "not amused" expression on his face and says "do whatever this man wants please, so that he can shut up."
I turn to the man who's with us again and raise my voice a little, arguing about why he always does this. I feel very frustrated that he gets so angry about silly things like this.
At this point I woke up with my heart pounding.
Polayamory is the practice of having intimate relationships with more than one person.
I don't actually remember this happening in the dream, but I remember remembering it in the dream!
Yu Lee and I had gone through a bad patch where we weren't quite as close as we used to be. In that period I'd met up with Lauryn (my ex-girlfriend from school) and we'd spent a bit of time together. I'm not sure how the decision had come about, but for some reason we decided to get married (whilst I was already married to Yu Lee)!
After that me and Yu Lee had gotten a lot closer again and I wasn't 100% sure that I wanted to go through with the wedding.
I'm at somebody's house but I have no idea who's. Ai Seng is here, and Jo's family are here too but Jo isn't. (Note: I've never met Jo's family in real life so these were just made-up dream characters.) Everyone's come for my wedding day.
We're sitting round a large dining table when the door bell rings. Someone gets up to open it and it's Dad and Sue who have come from Spain for the wedding. I say hello and talk to them for a bit and then Dad says he needs to park the car in the garage so I go with him.
Dad backs the car into the garage and then gets out while the car is still reversing. The car moves backwards by itself and Dad steers it by pushing the front of the car left and right. Someone enters the garage through a door in the back (from the house) and Dad tells him to stop and put his hands out and stop the car with his hands. The guy looks a bit nervous to try it but follows instructions and after a split second of pushing the back of the moving car (which was moving right towards him) it stops. "It's an automatic so you can do that," Dad tells me as if it's common knowledge.
We go back in the house and are sitting round the dining room table again, and I'm feeling nervous about the wedding. We are going to get married in the cathedral because I wanted to get married in the same place that me and Yu Lee got married (even though in real life we got married in a civil ceremony) and I suddenly start to wonder if it's even possible to marry a second wife in a religious venue. I tell this to Dad and he says he isn't sure.
I'm sitting next to a girl who has her phone out so I ask her to google whether or not the wedding can go ahead, but she's not really competent at using her phone and it is taking forever and is frustrating. We are typing phrases into google like "Polyamory church wedding uk legal" but we can't seem to find out if it's possible. Dad tells me I should ring the venue and ask as the ceremony is only a couple of hours away.
I'm feeling increasingly nervous now. I don't really want to get married to Lauryn but my guests have all showed up and I would feel silly to back out now. I ask my Dad to call the cathedral and ask about marrying a second wife and he agrees to do it.
He's on the phone for a couple of minutes before he hangs up and tells me that it's not possible. He tells me that I'd better start looking for a registry office now as we don't have long left but I tell him it's off and that I'm not going to go through with it.
The last thing I remember is calling Lauryn and telling her that we can't get married after all because it's illegal. I feel relieved.
The first thing I thought upon waking was "Me and Yu Lee didn't get married in a church!"
This dream had a really odd theme: it was about spending Christmas with a woman who was terminally ill.
We were staying at Ai Seng's house for Christmas. There were a lot of people there, as Zen and Shaolin were both staying there (I assume with their respective partners) in addition to me and Yu Lee, and we also had a terminally ill woman and her three children staying with us too.
The dying woman was relatively young, probably in her thirties. She was slim and had short blonde hair, and although her face had been aged somewhat by her illness, she was still attractive. She had twins who must have been 1 - 2 years old, and a little girl who was a couple of years older.
I don't remember many events from the dream (and to be honest it felt like we spent most of the dream sitting around and not doing much), but it was definitely Christmas day, and having the dying woman with us removed the feeling of Christmas from the atmosphere.
There were a lot of people staying at the house, and fitting everyone in was obviously a problem. Me and Yu Lee were staying in a room that definitely doesn't exist at Ai Seng's house in real life. I'm not sure what the room was normally used for as it had all of the furniture you would expect in a bedroom, but it was attached to the kitchen. I remember saying at one point that it was convenient having the fridge so close to my bed.
I'm not sure where everyone else was staying, but there was a bed in each of the bathrooms. It really felt like there were people and their belongings everywhere!
One of the first scenes I remember was that we were all sitting in some kind of living room. The dying lady started to break down from her illness, and obviously thought she was going to die. She said "Nice meeting all of you," but a while later seemed to have recovered.
Another part of the dream that I remember was needed to use the toilet. I went into the downstairs bathroom, and there was a bed and lots of stuff in there. I closed the door and locked it, pulled down my jeans and was just sitting down when there was a knock on the door.
"Steve, we need to come in and get something. Is that OK?"
I pulled up my trousers and opened the door and Shaolin came in and started sorting through the items in the bathroom. On my way out I heard her lock the door and put the seat down on the toilet, and I felt pretty annoyed that she had kicked me out of the bathroom and then used it herself. A little while later I brought it up when we were all together again and she said "Well, I was desperate," and I said "So was I."
The last part of the dream that I remember was going somewhere with the dying woman and her children. She wanted to go for a walk, so I'd offered to go with her, and now we were outside somewhere.
There were no buildings around, and the scenery was like something you'd expect to find in a national park. I don't remember there being much vegetation around us, and we were walking along a rocky surface with a pool of water nearby.
We stopped walking and started talking. The lady was telling me about how her daughter had been really ill recently, "ever since we'd been to that rock."
I asked her "What rock?"
"We were out for the day in Cardiff, well actually in Middlesbrough, and we were hiking when we came up to a big flat rock," the lady explained. "After the children had been playing on it for a while, we realised that it was covered in a thick layer of dust. A while later [the girl] got sick, and when she recovered from one thing she got ill again with another. Eventually we realised it was the dust causing it and went back to the rock to investigate.
"When we got back to the rock, we started to move some of the dust out of the way and found all sorts of rubbish underneath. There was a lot of household waste, but also dead mice and cats and things like that."
Just as she'd finished speaking, her little girl toppled over head first into the pool of water in front of her. The mum instinctively grabbed her out, and the little kid just stood there and said innocently, "I didn't even notice."
After that I woke up naturally.
Throughout the dream I remember thinking that I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask the lady about her illness, but I didn't think she'd want to talk about it. She seemed very accepting of her fate. I felt like I'd feel angry if I were in her position, but she seemed calm.
The main part of my dream that I remember is that I was working in a shop, but for some reason I couldn't come into work so Ai Seng was covering for me.
While she was working my shift me and Yu Lee went into the shop to buy a few things. The total came to a couple of pounds, but when she entered it into the till she just opened the drawer and gave us a load of money, as if she'd taken £50 and was giving us the change.
Afterwards me and Yu Lee were having a go at her and saying that if she wants to do that and basically steal from the shop, she should enter £50 into the till, but ask us for £5. That way we will hand her a £5 note and she will pretend we gave her £50, and if someone looks through the cctv footage it will at least look like we paid.
The next part of my dream that I remember took place in Slough, in York Avenue. I guess my mum was living there in my dream and I was going to visit her.
When I got there I noticed that Cliff and Sue (who lived next door to my mum) had a new extension, and then as I was walking down the street I noticed that a lot of other houses had extensions too. After looking at them for a while I realised that they were not quite right, and there were a lot of half finished buildings and exposed breeze blocks.
Later on I was talking to my mum and she was explaining how someone was funding people in the area to have extensions, but when they started doing the construction work, they were doing all of the houses in parallel rather than finishing one and moving on to the next one. When they were all nearly finished they ran out of funding so everyone was stuck with an unfinished extension.
The final part of my dream that I remember is that a car was driving down the road, and all of a sudden it stopped and someone wound down the window. They said that the fat man in the back was stuck and they needed some help getting him out.
I approached the car to help them but as I did so the doors all opened and everyone got out and told me that they'd sorted it out now.
I dreamt that me and Yu Lee had just moved house, and the house that we'd moved into definitely had some things in common with this house, but some of the things were totally different. The downstairs hallway was the same as our current house with the same wooden floors, but upstairs was slightly different. There were two identical bedrooms with cream carpets and magnolia walls, with a low, sloped ceiling on one side of the room and a really wide shelf going all of the way along the shortest end of the room.
Ai Seng was staying with us, and we'd decided that we'd lived in the house for a while now and that it was about time we started making it our own. We were going to go and unpack some things to put on the shelf in our room to make it look a bit less 'magnolia'.
I headed downstairs to fetch one of the boxes, and when I got to the bottom of the stairs I couldn't believe my eyes: the hallway was completely flooded with brown, murky water. I knew it had been raining, but I never realised it had been raining that much.
I waded through the water into the kitchen and got a two-pint plastic jug to start bailing the water out. As I waded back towards the front door Ai Seng was telling me to be careful that the water didn't overflow my shoes, but it was already above my ankles at that point.
When I opened the front door (there was no porch in my dream), the driveway and street was wet but not flooded, and the sun had come out. I was just about to dip the jug into the water when my alarm went off and woke me up.
We are visiting Zen, but in the dream he lives somewhere else (i.e. not Canterbury). The weather is really nice with a clear blue sky, but I'm aware of the fact that it's getting dark early, and I don't want summer to end.
Ai Seng is with a man that I haven't seen before, and when I say "with", I mean they seem to be in some kind of relationship. He's younger than she is, kind of scruffy, and they don't seem to be very well matched. Throughout the day I have hardly spoken to him but Ai Seng tells me that he will give me a lift home so that I don't have to get the train.
We walk to the spot where his car is parked, in some kind of car park. I see a crappy looking three seater van and realise that is what he drives, and he's parked it really close to the wall, so he tells me he will back it out to give me more room to get in the passenger's side. I hang back and wait, but somehow Ai Seng manages to squeeze in the tiny gap and get inside before he's moved it.
I stand there waiting for a little while, but he's not moving the van, and then I look inside and see them kissing. It's very uncomfortable looking, and I can tell that Ai Seng is just going along with it. She eventually pulls away and he reverses the van and I get inside.
The whole time I'm talking to this guy, I get the feeling that he is very manipulative, and keeps trying to control Ai Seng and make her do things that she doesn't want to (not serious things, but little things). He also keeps calling her pet-names like "cutie pie" and I remember thinking "please stop before I'm sick".
After a few minutes in the van he starts asking where my house is, and when I tell him he says "I can drop you at the train station instead, how about that?" He says it in a joking manner, but I can tell he really doesn't want to take me all of the way back home.
The only other thing I remember is talking in the van, and saying that I hate the winter and want to go somewhere warm like Australia for a few of the coldest months here. I say that I could work there, and Ai Seng totally doesn't get it, and says something like "Yeah you could maybe work in HR or something." I have to explain that I can work on my business anywhere that has internet.
I dreamt that I was trying to organise some kind of ceremony. I can't really remember all of the details, but for some reason Lucía (my Spanish next door neighbour from my old house) and Yu Lee's mum were going to be there, and I was trying to get them to meet each other.
There were a lot of things going on, but the whole time I was distracted by an odd feeling in my mouth, like some of my back teeth were too close together and pressing on each other, and I kept pressing on them with my tongue to try and relieve the pressure.
I was pressing my tongue against my tooth when all of a sudden the pressure disappeared completely. At first I was relieved, but then I realised that one of the teeth that was uncomfortable was now very wobbly, and then when I pressed it with my tongue it came completely loose and was just sitting in my mouth. I put my fingers in my mouth and grabbed it and pulled it out, and a perfect molar tooth complete with a very large root came out.
I was pretty horrified that my tooth had come out, but there was nothing that I could do about it so I carried on with the preparations. Then, a little while later I felt another one of my teeth go loose again. This time I was being very careful not to push it with my tongue, but eventually it fell out of the socket and was laying across the back of my mouth. Although the tooth was completely loose, I had a feeling that it was still attached by the nerve / blood vessel.
The panic from loosing another tooth woke me up.
In my dream, me, Yu Lee and Yu Lee's mum are in Whittard of Chelsea (a tea shop) doing some shopping. I go up to the counter with loads of beer (remember this is just a tea shop) and put it on the counter and start paying. Moments later, Yu Lee and her mum come up to the checkout with a massive trolley full of stuff and join me.
I look away from the counter while the girl puts my beers through the till and start talking to the others. After a few minutes I look back to the girl on the till and see that she's just put my things through, and has been waiting for me to finish my conversation. I tell her we are all together, and she cancels the shopping off of the till and puts it all in together.
She starts off putting my things through, and for some reason she is adding the numbers up in her head. She looks at the old receipt (that she cancelled) and starts copying the numbers off of it so that she doesn't have to work them out again, but then she realises that she added them up wrong the first time. I help her with the adding up, and she tells me that she always gets confused when she tries to work out 7 × 5. I tell her that it the easy one, and that it's harder remember 7 × 6 = 42 and 7 × 7 = 49.
There was a lot more to this dream than I can remember now. I remember that my mate Mike from school was in part of it, and also my ex-girlfriend's sister (as a baby). This is the only bit I remember in enough detail to write down.
We are at Yu Lee's mum's house (although it doesn't necessarily look like Yu Lee's mum's house) and Yu Lee's dad comes back from somewhere. He excited because he's got loads of medicine for a bargain price!
He opens his shopping back and starts handing out boxes of medicine to everyone. The boxes are all different and are for random things, and one of the boxes contains eye medicine. I'm not quite sure why, but he takes the eye medicine out of the box and puts a drop in each eye.
A little while later, I think the police came round, and for some reason Yu Lee's dad had to go with them. While he's gone Yu Lee's mum comes home and she keeps taking boxes of medicine out of the bags that each of us have and trying to put them all in the same bag. After a while I realise what she's doing and ask "You want the bags, don't you?" She says "no" defensively, and then after a few seconds admits that she does want the bags, so I take the medicine out of the bag and give the bag to her.
A while layer, Yu Lee's dad comes back in through the front door. We are asking him what happened while he is fiddling around with the door, and then he turns round and his face looks really weird. I realise it's because his eyes are all swollen.
I tell him his eyes are swollen and it must have been because of the eye drops he took and he starts to look concerned. Then I woke up.