Displaying dreams 1 to 2 of 2
dream Dream: Tuesday 11 February 2025 07:00


Tags: Link Rain Yu Lee

I am in the garden with one of the boys (I don't remember if it was Link or Rain). He is sitting on the edge of the deck, and suddenly a pheasant comes into the garden and lands behind him. Me and Yu Lee say "look" and try to get him to look without frightening it away.

He looks around and the pheasant walks past him and stands right in front of him, and then obviously he sees it. After that a couple more pheasants land in the garden.

A while later, some other things happen, but I do not remember what they are now. Later I find myself talking to Link (or Rain), saying, "These are the reasons that I know we were dreaming." One of the reasons is the pheasants. There were two other things that I pointed out to him too, but they have completely gone from my memory now.

dream Dream: Sunday 16 April 2023 15:30

Where is Rain?

Tags: Rain

I dreamt that we left Rain in nursery, but when we went to collect him the teachers couldn't find him. We frantically searched each of the classrooms and asked all of the staff where he was, but no-one could remember where he went. I felt panicked and woke up with my heart racing.

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