£100k Tesla
I'm at a house, possibly my Pops' house, but it doesn't resemble it inside. I'm sitting down and talking to my dad. I know that there's something weird happening that can bring someone who has died back for a while, and I'm aware that it's brought my Pops back.
I'm discussing retirement with my dad, and I'm saying that I don't think I could ever fully retire. I might wind down a bit when I'm older, but I'll probably always have little jobs on the side and be doing something because I'd get too bored if I was retired.
My dad responds, but I don't remember his exact words. He mentions something about me earning a lot of money and having a Tesla. My Pops starts laughing and says that if I were to park a £100,000 Tesla in the front car park, the total value of the cars, including his and mine, would be worth £100,000. He implies that his car is worth nothing.
As I realise the dream is fading and the situation is ending, I become aware that my pops is going to disappear. I'm overcome with sadness and start sobbing uncontrollably. This is the last thing I remember before I wake up.
The interesting thing is that in my dream I knew my Pops was dead, but I didn't know that my dad had died.