Link's Sauce Mishap
I'm in my house and we're having dinner. I'm not sure what we're eating exactly, but Link wants to have some brown sauce and vinegar on his food. He takes his (empty) plate over to the kitchen and starts trying to pour the condiments onto his plate. I get distracted as I'm still trying to dish up everyone's food, and Link takes quite a long time messing around with his sauce.
When I finish what I'm doing, I look around and see Link carefully walking back from the kitchen to the table, holding his plate in both hands. He looks stressed. I take a look at his plate and see that he's put an excessive amount of vinegar and brown sauce on it, and they've mixed together to create a massive, soupy mixture floating around on his plate.
I can tell Link is unhappy with the result, so I suggest he go back and get a new plate with more food. I take the plate from him and pour the vinegar and brown sauce mixture down the sink. This is the last thing I remember before I wake up.