Displaying dreams 1 to 7 of 7
dream Dream: Saturday 08 March 2025 09:43

Link's Sauce Mishap

Tags: Link

I'm in my house and we're having dinner. I'm not sure what we're eating exactly, but Link wants to have some brown sauce and vinegar on his food. He takes his (empty) plate over to the kitchen and starts trying to pour the condiments onto his plate. I get distracted as I'm still trying to dish up everyone's food, and Link takes quite a long time messing around with his sauce.

When I finish what I'm doing, I look around and see Link carefully walking back from the kitchen to the table, holding his plate in both hands. He looks stressed. I take a look at his plate and see that he's put an excessive amount of vinegar and brown sauce on it, and they've mixed together to create a massive, soupy mixture floating around on his plate.

I can tell Link is unhappy with the result, so I suggest he go back and get a new plate with more food. I take the plate from him and pour the vinegar and brown sauce mixture down the sink. This is the last thing I remember before I wake up.

dream Dream: Tuesday 11 February 2025 07:00


Tags: Link Rain Yu Lee

I am in the garden with one of the boys (I don't remember if it was Link or Rain). He is sitting on the edge of the deck, and suddenly a pheasant comes into the garden and lands behind him. Me and Yu Lee say "look" and try to get him to look without frightening it away.

He looks around and the pheasant walks past him and stands right in front of him, and then obviously he sees it. After that a couple more pheasants land in the garden.

A while later, some other things happen, but I do not remember what they are now. Later I find myself talking to Link (or Rain), saying, "These are the reasons that I know we were dreaming." One of the reasons is the pheasants. There were two other things that I pointed out to him too, but they have completely gone from my memory now.

dream Dream: Monday 10 February 2025 09:05

Weird Computer / Big Sister

The first part of the dream:

I have some kind of a weird computer. It's a new build computer but with a weird retro aesthetic. We actually had two of them in our house and we had Mum, Richard and Bob over and we were showing them.

One of the weird things about the computers is the keyboard: some of the keys had this kind of weird split key where one part of the key did "key down" and the other part of the key did "key up," so you had to kind of slide your finger across to make the key go back up. Also, some of these keys stood quite tall off of the keyboard, so while there were normal keys in the rest of the keyboard, these stood about 5 cm tall, or maybe bigger, and were also a blue colour where the rest of the keys were light grey. I have no idea how you would actually use this thing.

One of the pieces of software that we were showing them was a rogue-like with text mode graphics, like Nethack. We showed them for a while and while, I was doing this Link was messing around and pressing the cursor keys, and it was really annoying me and I had to tell him off.

A little while later, we switched to a new scene, and this time we're at our house and we're going to have some kind of party for the kids or maybe a playdate. There were a couple of kids coming from the same family. After a little while, they start to show up. First, this little kid shows up, and we're just talking to them. Then, a little while later, her big sister shows up who's about 18 years old.​

When they came, they brought a little tray of snacks. It had like four miniature breadsticks dipped in chocolate, and I put it on the table and jokingly said, "Dinner is served."

We're chatting to them, and it turns out that this is their normal family structure. The big sister says "my mum goes and looks after other people's kids and we barely see her, and I look after our kids".

dream Dream: Sunday 05 August 2018 12:25

Weird Conversation about Next Door

Tags: Link Yu Lee
Semi-Lucid Dream (L1)

Before my dream started, I'd gone for a nap and woken up about 40 minutes later. I recorded the end of my sleep and then thought I'd see if I could go back to sleep.

I drifted off to sleep very quickly and woke up moments later to loud music coming from outside. I felt very annoyed by this, and decided I would definitely be closing the window before my naps in future.

I went down stairs and realised the music wasn't coming from outside: Yu Lee and Link were listening to music and it was really loud. Yu Lee turned it down when I got downstairs.

Some time passed, and I went about my usual getting up routine and made some tea. Yu Lee was talking to me about how she'd arrived home from somewhere and some things had happened, but I wasn't really listening to the start of what she was saying. She continued, "and someone from next door was putting on their socks. They also had a guy from a band in their house, like the guy who was playing the accordion in our garden. You can walk right into their front room. Go out and have a look!"

What she was saying made very little sense at all and I thought that something wasn't right. I walked through the house (which looking back had a different layout to our real house) and started to wonder if I was dreaming. As I opened the front door I was bathed in bright sunlight that was so bright it washed everything in my vision out into white.

I now knew for sure that I was definitely dreaming and became lucid. I realised it wasn't the brightness of the sun washing everything out: the dream was fading away.

Things continued to get whiter as I stepped outside, and I leapt into the air and rose high into the sky. Things were virtually impossible to see now and I knew the dream was fading, so I span around in circles and rubbed my hands together in an attempt to hold on. This worked for a while, and I persisted in the dream for longer than I normally do, but eventually I tired of it and realised I would need to do this continuously to stay asleep which would defeat the whole point of being in a lucid dream in the first place.

Eventually the dream world faded completely and I awoke in my bed.

dream Dream: Thursday 15 March 2018 07:44

Visiting Dad with Link

Tags: Dad Link Sue Yu Lee

I dreamt the me and Yu Lee took Link to Spain to see Dad and Sue.

I don't remember a lot of the dream, but I do remember that we ended up going places and seemed to spend a lot of time making our way from place to place. The part of Spain where my dad lived was also very different to real life, seeming more like an island than mainland Spain with lots of coastal areas.

The main part that I remember is the end of the dream. We were at Dad's house and we decided to take Link to some caves. Dad didn't really want to go, but he took us anyway and we all got in the car and drove to the other side of town where the caves were. When we got there we couldn't park very close to the caves and had to walk quite a way to reach them, but when we finally reached the cave entrance we realised that it was closed and wouldn't open for another hour and a half.

We briefly discussed whether we would wait for them to open or leave, and Yu Lee was insistent that her and Link would wait for the caves to open again and my Dad and Sue just went along with it. I said "well I'm not waiting around for an hour an half" and walked off on my own.

I headed away from the caves, through a touristy area with shops and restaurants and emerged back in the main part of town. I stopped to look around and get my bearings, looking to see if I could find a nice bar to hang out in whilst I waited for the caves to re-open. Just at that point I noticed my dad walking towards me on his own.

He asked me what I was doing and I said that I wasn't going to wait around on my own and that I wanted to have a beer. He said "alright then we can go for a couple of cañas, but no more than two!"

That's the last thing I remember before waking up.

dream Dream: Tuesday 26 September 2017 04:00

A Vague Dream About Link

Tags: Ai Seng Link

I don't really remember much about this dream at all, but I wanted to note it down as my son was in it again.

All I remember is talking to Ai Seng and saying that I couldn't do something because I had the baby with me.

dream Dream: Monday 25 September 2017 04:00

My First Dream About Link

Tags: Link Yu Lee

This is the first dream I ever remember having with my son Link in it.

Link is downstairs crying, and Yu Lee asks me to go downstairs and see what's wrong with him. When I get there, Link's a lot bigger than in real life.

I ask him what's wrong and he says "I hurt my thumb and my leg." I look at his hand and all of the skin appears to have been sliced off the tip of his thumb.

It's weird that he was so much older in my dream.

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