Losing my Back Teeth
I dreamt that I was trying to organise some kind of ceremony. I can't really remember all of the details, but for some reason Lucía (my Spanish next door neighbour from my old house) and Yu Lee's mum were going to be there, and I was trying to get them to meet each other.
There were a lot of things going on, but the whole time I was distracted by an odd feeling in my mouth, like some of my back teeth were too close together and pressing on each other, and I kept pressing on them with my tongue to try and relieve the pressure.
I was pressing my tongue against my tooth when all of a sudden the pressure disappeared completely. At first I was relieved, but then I realised that one of the teeth that was uncomfortable was now very wobbly, and then when I pressed it with my tongue it came completely loose and was just sitting in my mouth. I put my fingers in my mouth and grabbed it and pulled it out, and a perfect molar tooth complete with a very large root came out.
I was pretty horrified that my tooth had come out, but there was nothing that I could do about it so I carried on with the preparations. Then, a little while later I felt another one of my teeth go loose again. This time I was being very careful not to push it with my tongue, but eventually it fell out of the socket and was laying across the back of my mouth. Although the tooth was completely loose, I had a feeling that it was still attached by the nerve / blood vessel.
The panic from loosing another tooth woke me up.