Working in a Shop, Crappy Extensions
The main part of my dream that I remember is that I was working in a shop, but for some reason I couldn't come into work so Ai Seng was covering for me.
While she was working my shift me and Yu Lee went into the shop to buy a few things. The total came to a couple of pounds, but when she entered it into the till she just opened the drawer and gave us a load of money, as if she'd taken £50 and was giving us the change.
Afterwards me and Yu Lee were having a go at her and saying that if she wants to do that and basically steal from the shop, she should enter £50 into the till, but ask us for £5. That way we will hand her a £5 note and she will pretend we gave her £50, and if someone looks through the cctv footage it will at least look like we paid.
The next part of my dream that I remember took place in Slough, in York Avenue. I guess my mum was living there in my dream and I was going to visit her.
When I got there I noticed that Cliff and Sue (who lived next door to my mum) had a new extension, and then as I was walking down the street I noticed that a lot of other houses had extensions too. After looking at them for a while I realised that they were not quite right, and there were a lot of half finished buildings and exposed breeze blocks.
Later on I was talking to my mum and she was explaining how someone was funding people in the area to have extensions, but when they started doing the construction work, they were doing all of the houses in parallel rather than finishing one and moving on to the next one. When they were all nearly finished they ran out of funding so everyone was stuck with an unfinished extension.
The final part of my dream that I remember is that a car was driving down the road, and all of a sudden it stopped and someone wound down the window. They said that the fat man in the back was stuck and they needed some help getting him out.
I approached the car to help them but as I did so the doors all opened and everyone got out and told me that they'd sorted it out now.