Shopping in Whittard of Chelsea
In my dream, me, Yu Lee and Yu Lee's mum are in Whittard of Chelsea (a tea shop) doing some shopping. I go up to the counter with loads of beer (remember this is just a tea shop) and put it on the counter and start paying. Moments later, Yu Lee and her mum come up to the checkout with a massive trolley full of stuff and join me.
I look away from the counter while the girl puts my beers through the till and start talking to the others. After a few minutes I look back to the girl on the till and see that she's just put my things through, and has been waiting for me to finish my conversation. I tell her we are all together, and she cancels the shopping off of the till and puts it all in together.
She starts off putting my things through, and for some reason she is adding the numbers up in her head. She looks at the old receipt (that she cancelled) and starts copying the numbers off of it so that she doesn't have to work them out again, but then she realises that she added them up wrong the first time. I help her with the adding up, and she tells me that she always gets confused when she tries to work out 7 × 5. I tell her that it the easy one, and that it's harder remember 7 × 6 = 42 and 7 × 7 = 49.