ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
158 16/10/12 16:11 to 16/10/12 17:42 1:31 I slept well

We went to Charlie Chan's which is a chinese restaurant in town for lunch today, and I had a couple of beers and a lot of food. After the 50 minute walk home I was ready for bed but a bit dehydrated. I drank as much water as I could but my stomach was very full.

I passed out very quickly, and woke up 1:45 later without the alarm, with a splitting headache. I dozed for about 15 minutes before I got up (after I logged the end of the sleep).

157 16/10/12 00:43 to 16/10/12 05:32 4:49 I slept well

Last night there was no noise at all again. It took me a while to fall asleep, and I'm sure I looked at the clock past 1:00am but it was not stressful or frustrating.

I have no issues with having to lay in bed for a while before falling asleep - as long as it is not too long and I don't have to put up with any annoying noises!

156 15/10/12 16:22 to 15/10/12 18:14 1:51 I slept well

I was quite tired for my nap today and fell asleep quickly. I think I originally woke up at about 6:00pm but I dozed for about 15 minutes before getting up.

155 15/10/12 00:42 to 15/10/12 05:50 5:08 I slept well

Last night I could occasionally hear my neighbours talking next door, but it was very quiet and didn't bother me. The low pitched noise didn't make a return either. I think it took me about 15 minutes to fall asleep.

This morning I woke up very tired so I allowed myself to sleep for an extra 20 minutes.

154 14/10/12 17:14 to 14/10/12 19:05 1:50 I slept well

I went back to bed to reattempt my nap, and this time next door were having a barbecue. I put in my ear plugs but I could still hear them.

I laid there for quite a while, and I really thought that I wouldn't sleep at 1 point, but in the end I drifted off to sleep and woke up naturally about an hour and a half later.

Well worth it!

153 14/10/12 15:04 to 14/10/12 15:25 0:20 I didn't sleep at all

Yu Lee was tired and so was I, so we decided to take our nap early. Unfortunately, at that moment my neighbours decided it was the best moment to play some loud music, run up and down the stairs, slam a few doors, shout in the garden and then end up hitting something with a hammer repeatedly...

152 14/10/12 01:18 to 14/10/12 05:31 4:12 I slept well

Last night was the second night in a row that I didn't hear the noise, and I slept well. I must have got to sleep in about 15 minutes, and I even managed to get up on time today!

151 13/10/12 16:32 to 13/10/12 18:31 1:58 I slept well

It took me a little while to fall asleep today for my nap, probably because I had a bit of a lie in this morning. When I did eventually start to drift off I was woken a couple of times by next door (I think they were hoovering) even though I was wearing ear plugs. It didn't really bother me though and I definitely slept for at least 1.5 hours.

150 13/10/12 00:38 to 13/10/12 06:25 5:47 I slept well

Last night was the first night that I haven't heard 'the noise' for a long time! I had a good nights sleep, but then I really couldn't be bothered to get up this morning so I had a bit of a lie in and got up at 6:25am.

Hopefully tomorrow I can drag myself out of bed at the normal time!

149 12/10/12 16:23 to 12/10/12 18:11 1:47 I slept well

Today's nap was not the best nap ever, but it wasn't too bad either.

First of all it took me a little while to fall asleep. I think this is because my stomach was quite full, and I had quite a bit of sleep last night.

The way I woke up was definitely not ideal though! I had a dream with an unpleasant end and I woke up feeling hot, sweaty and thirsty!

148 12/10/12 00:47 to 12/10/12 06:08 5:21 I slept well

Last night I was quite tired and I went to bed at 12:30am. I was nearly asleep before the noise started, so I fell asleep pretty quickly afterwards.

This morning I still felt sleepy so I gave myself an extra half half hour. I don't want to get into the habit of doing this!

147 11/10/12 16:44 to 11/10/12 18:45 2:00 I slept well

Yu Lee was off work today so we took a nap together. We will both be off work for the next week.

I had a good nap!

146 11/10/12 00:39 to 11/10/12 06:05 5:26 I slept well

Last night I was really tired, so I went to bed at 11:30pm. My neighbour's tv was even louder than usual, and it kept me awake until 12:45.

This morning I was still tired so I set another alarm for 30 minutes and went back to sleep. When I woke up for the second time I felt much better.

145 10/10/12 16:28 to 10/10/12 18:00 1:32 I slept well

This nap was a bit rushed as I had to meet up for a language exchange afterwards. The fact that I knew I had to get straight up and go afterwards somehow made it more difficult than usual to get to sleep, but I think I was sleeping within 15 minutes.

Afterwards I got up, had a cup of tea and then left. The nap was refreshing, but not as good as my usual 2 hour naps.

144 10/10/12 00:33 to 10/10/12 05:30 4:57 I slept well

Last night I went to bed at about 12:15, and when I went to bed it was silent. I was just getting nice and relaxed when the noise started again at about 12:30. This time it wasn't as loud, and my earplugs did a decent job of blocking it out, so I fell asleep pretty easily once I put them in.

143 09/10/12 16:28 to 09/10/12 18:30 2:02 I slept well

Another great nap. I think I woke up half way through, but went straight back to sleep. When the alarm finally went off I felt I could have slept longer.

142 09/10/12 01:15 to 09/10/12 05:31 4:16 I slept well

I went to bed at 12:45am and once again was kept awake for at least half an hour due to low frequency noise coming from next door.

141 08/10/12 16:30 to 08/10/12 18:40 2:10 I slept well

I didn't feel that sleepy beforehand but I think I fell asleep in minutes. I woke up 5 minutes before the alarm.

140 08/10/12 00:08 to 08/10/12 05:39 5:31 I slept well

I was feeling tired last night and my stomach was hurting so I went to bed at about 11:40, but I still didn't really sleep until after midnight. Again I heard a bassy noise coming from next door.

This morning I laid in bed for about half an hour and actually got up at 6:00am. I was debating having a lay in, but by the time I finished debating it I had woken up already.

I also thought it was Sunday and was bitterly disappointed when I realised it was Monday morning and I had to go to work :-(

139 07/10/12 16:31 to 07/10/12 18:26 1:54 I slept well

This was a great nap with a very strange waking experience.

About 5 minutes before the alarm was due I was having a very vivid dream, when I suddenly heard music playing which woke me up. The music was loud enough for me to make out the tune, and as I woke up I remember thinking 'wow next door are playing their music loud'. As I became more and more awake, the music faded out and I realised that it was just part of my dream!

It seems next door are always keeping me up with their noise. Now they are even coming into my dreams and waking me up!
