Tuesday 30 July 2013 23:17 to 05:32
(6:15 hours)
Last night I fell asleep quickly, but woke up from a dream at 3:00am.
When I woke up Yu Lee was moving about, trying to get comfortable with her bad back. I got back to sleep in about 10 minutes or so and slept through the rest of the night.
This morning I woke up to both alarms, at 5:00am and 5:15am but I was really tired so I dozed back off for 15 minutes. I think I am needing more sleep at the moment because Yu Lee's restlessness is interfering with my sleep.

Stomach Bug
I dreamt that we went somewhere with work, and we were staying the night. We all got paired up and had to share a room, and I was sharing with Carlos. He wasn't feeling well and spent the evening outside. At one point I went to the toilets and someone had just been sick, and when they rinsed their mouth out water sprayed from their mouth onto me. More and more people were getting sick and Carlos was too. I was scared of being ill too.