ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
628 14/04/13 12:03 to 14/04/13 14:54 2:51 I slept well

Despite getting up easily today, at about midday I suddenly came over sleepy. I went to bed, and although it took me a while to fall asleep (maybe 15 minutes?) I somehow slept through for about 3 hours!

Just before 3pm I felt something touching me and when I opened my eyes it turned out that Yu Lee was poking me to wake me up. She had opened all of the windows and there was a lot of light in the room so it's surprising I was still asleep.

I have no recollection of what I was dreaming about, but I know I was dreaming when I woke up.

627 13/04/13 23:59 to 14/04/13 04:31 4:32 I slept well

Last night I went to bed around midnight and fell asleep straight away.

Yesterday I slept for about 8 hours in total which is quite a lot for me, and this morning was the first time in ages that I actually managed to get up with my alarm. At 4:30 when my alarm went off I felt wide awake and got straight out of bed, even though I'd only had 4.5 hours sleep.

626 13/04/13 15:39 to 13/04/13 17:21 1:42 I slept well

I wasn't sure whether or not I would need this nap after having a 20 minute nap this morning, but at around 3:30pm I started to feel tired and went to bed. It took me around 15 minutes to fall asleep, and I woke up an hour and a half later to the sound of next door banging something into the wall.

When my old neighbours used to wake me up I always used to feel pretty pissed off, but since we have had the new neighbours things like this don't get to me anymore. This is probably because I only hear them once in a blue moon instead of having to listen to them slamming about every day!

This was a great nap and I was dreaming when I woke up. I don't remember my dream exactly but I know I was thinking in Spanish.

625 13/04/13 11:48 to 13/04/13 12:10 0:22 I slept well

This wasn't really a proper nap. I ate some bacon, chips and beans for lunch, and about 10 minutes afterwards my stomach started really hurting so I went to the bedroom to lay down. I was only laying down for about 10 minutes when I fell asleep (I remember looking at the clock at 11:48 which is why I recorded the time like that).

I slept for just over 20 minutes, and when I woke up my stomach felt fine!

624 12/04/13 23:06 to 13/04/13 05:24 6:18 I slept well

Last night we went to bed a bit before 11:00pm and I didn't really feel that tired. I laid in bed for just under 20 minutes which went really quickly.

I set my alarm for 4:30am this morning but that still isn't working so well! I fell straight back to sleep and woke up at 5:30am. This isn't really a problem though...

(Yu Lee slept in until 10:00 this morning!)

623 12/04/13 22:48 to 12/04/13 23:06 0:18 I didn't sleep at all
621 12/04/13 16:08 to 12/04/13 17:49 1:41 I slept well

Today I was quite tired when I got in. I went straight to bed and fell asleep in about 5 - 10 minutes.

I slept pretty deeply and woke up after more than 1.5 hours sleep. I shouted to Yu Lee to see if she was in and she came into the bedroom and we both ended up staying there for another half an hour before I got up.

This was one of those naps where I felt quite sleepy afterwards and didn't want to get up, unlike yesterday where I felt wide awake straight away. This was a very nice nap.

620 12/04/13 06:35 to 12/04/13 06:45 0:10 I slept well

I came back to bed to wake Yu Lee up and ended up dozing off for 10 minutes...

619 12/04/13 00:08 to 12/04/13 05:08 5:00 I slept well

Last night we went to bed around 11:00pm and chatted in bed for about half an hour. After that I tried to go to sleep but it took me around 40 minutes to fall asleep.

To be honest, I have found it harder to sleep since the clocks have changed. Maybe I should just change my schedule so that I can still be on GMT?

Laying in bed was not uncomfortable or boring, and once I got to sleep I slept through until my alarm at 5:00am. I actually managed to get up in a reasonable amount of time today and I was out of bed before 5:20am.

618 11/04/13 23:29 to 12/04/13 00:08 0:38 I didn't sleep at all
617 11/04/13 16:11 to 11/04/13 17:36 1:24 I slept well

Today's nap was pretty good. I was supposed to be seeing my Spanish friend in the evening, but she told me she couldn't make it so I ended up eating out at lunch time instead. I also had a beer at lunch time which always makes me a bit sleepy in the afternoon, so by the time I got home I was definitely ready for my bed.

I think it probably took me about 5 minutes to fall asleep, and I felt like I had a nice, deep sleep. Yu Lee came in to wake me up just after 5:30pm and when she opened the door it woke me up.

This was a pretty good nap!

616 11/04/13 00:04 to 11/04/13 05:43 5:38 I slept well

Last night we went to be after midnight. My alarm clock was still set at 5:00am, and I still went back to sleep afterwards. I probably need to go to sleep a little earlier...

615 10/04/13 13:54 to 10/04/13 16:07 2:13 I slept well

Today I was off sick (I've had a nasty cold for a few days) so I took my nap at 2pm. I think it took me around 15 minutes to fall asleep, but when I did drift off I drifted into a very deep sleep.

Yu Lee came in with a cup of tea just over 2 hours later and I drunk it in bed, but it took me half an hour to drag myself out of bed. I may have dozed off a few times whilst laying there but only for a couple of minutes.

I could have slept longer!

614 10/04/13 00:48 to 10/04/13 06:06 5:17 I slept well

Last night we were playing games late, and we ended up skyping Yu Lee's brother until about midnight. When we went to bed we were talking about something and then it took me quite a while to get to sleep.

I set my alarm for 5:00am as it was a bit later than usual, but in the end I turned it straight off and went back to sleep, and woke up just after 6:00am. This is quite late for me!

613 10/04/13 00:17 to 10/04/13 00:48 0:31 I didn't sleep at all
612 09/04/13 16:23 to 09/04/13 17:39 1:16 I slept well

Today when I came in from work I went straight to bed and fell asleep within about 5 minutes. I slept through for over an hour. This was a pretty standard nap.

611 09/04/13 00:01 to 09/04/13 04:49 4:47 I slept well

Last night when I went to bed I didn't feel particularly tired, and in the end it took me about half an hour to fall asleep. When I did fall asleep I slept through solidly until my alarm at 4:30am and then I got up 20 minutes later.

610 08/04/13 23:32 to 09/04/13 00:01 0:29 I didn't sleep at all
609 08/04/13 16:29 to 08/04/13 18:04 1:34 I slept well

Today I felt really tired at work, which is surprising because I got quite a lot of sleep last night. I think my nap yesterday was very poor quality so I am still catching up from it.

When I got home Yu Lee was here as she took the day off sick, so she came to bed with me. After 20 minutes she gave up and got up and I reset the timer. After that I fell asleep relatively quickly and slept for about an hour, and then had some broken sleep afterwards. This wasn't the most refreshing nap I've ever had...

608 07/04/13 23:05 to 08/04/13 05:05 6:00 I slept well

Last night I actually felt pretty tired. I got a reasonable amount of sleep yesterday, but the quality of it wasn't that good. During the night I probably slept a little bit worse than usual due to being in an unfamiliar environment and drinking a few beers, and for my nap I slept in the car which is never good.

By the time 11pm came around I was definitely ready for bed and I fell asleep in about 5 minutes. I slept through solidly until my alarm went off at 4:30am, and then I dozed off again for another half hour.