Wednesday 21 August 2013 23:42 to 06:01
(6:19 hours)
Last night we went to bed just after 11:00pm and it was about 11:20pm when we turned out the light. Although I felt quite drowsy initially it took me a little while to fall asleep.
This morning I remember waking up and looking at the clock at about 4:30am and thinking that I could easily get up but that it was a bit early. I went back to sleep and I don't even remember my alarms going off - all I remember is waking up from a weird dream at 6:00am.
I feel like I slept too long last night and I think I should have got up at 4:30am.

Yu Lee's Baby
In my dream Yu Lee suddenly had a baby. I was surprised because she didn't look pregnant at all, although I remember thinking that she had seemed to put on a little weight. I asked how she could be pregnant and not know and she said that she had known for a few weeks but for some reason she didn't tell me.