ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
242 22/11/12 16:19 to 22/11/12 17:47 1:27 I slept well

I must admit, after all of the sleep I had last night and the previous nap, I really didn't expect to sleep much for this one!

It definitely took me a little longer to fall asleep this time, as I didn't really feel tired, but I think I was still asleep within 15 minutes which isn't bad.

When I first woke up I looked at the clock on Yu Lee's side table, and it was partially obscured and for some reason I thought it said 16:45. I was a bit disappointed as this would have meant that I had slept for about 10 minutes which is never good. For some reason I looked a second time, and realised that it was actually saying 5:45 which was a lot better.

I feel really good after that nap - very well rested. Hopefully tonight I will not need to sleep for so long.

241 22/11/12 00:09 to 22/11/12 06:40 6:30 I slept well

As I slept for 2.5 hours for my nap yesterday, I was thinking that it would be easy to get up this morning. I woke up at 5:30 as usual, but immediately fell back to sleep and woke up an hour later. This was my longest sleep in over a month.

I seriously don't understand why I am so tired at the moment! I was easily managing on 6 hours a night before, and 7 felt like a luxury, but this week I have needed more sleep and I have slept 9 hours in the past 24.

240 21/11/12 16:23 to 21/11/12 19:00 2:36 I slept well

I fell asleep very easily today, in less than 10 minutes, and I didn't set an alarm. I woke up and fell back asleep a couple of times, and finally got up at 7:00pm.

I still feel a little tired - I have been needing more sleep recently for some reason...

239 21/11/12 00:19 to 21/11/12 05:25 5:06 I slept well

Last night I felt quite sleepy, and Yu Lee was very tired so I went to bed before 12:30. I think in general this is a better bed time for me - it seems like I need 5 hours sleep at night instead of 4.5 hours.

This morning I woke from a (weird) dream 5 minutes before the alarm. I sat up in bed until the alarm went off and then got up. Yu Lee was still in bed at 8:00am when I left for work!

238 20/11/12 16:30 to 20/11/12 18:11 1:41 I slept well

Today I felt wide awake all day, and even when it came to nap time I wasn't feeling particularly sleepy. When I laid down in my bed I realised that I would probably be able to sleep though, and sure enough, after about 10 minutes I drifted off to sleep.

I think I probably slept for about 1:30, and I felt pretty good afterwards. Time for more plumbing!

237 20/11/12 00:48 to 20/11/12 06:48 6:00 I slept well

I was pretty tired last night, and I fell asleep very quickly after going to bed.

This morning I woke up at 5:30, turned off my alarm and went back to sleep. In the end I woke up after 6:00 hours of sleep. I really need to get back into the habit of getting up when the alarm goes off: I don't mind dozing for half an hour but falling back to sleep for 1.5 hours is too much. Maybe I'm extra tired from working on my bathroom?

236 19/11/12 16:39 to 19/11/12 18:32 1:53 I slept well

I felt quite tired today, especially this morning which is unusual.

Towards the end of work I actually felt a lot more awake, and when I got in I didn't really feel tired. I got Yu Lee and we went to bed, and the moment my head hit the pillow a wave of tiredness washed over me. I think I must have fallen asleep within 10 minutes, and I woke up naturally after 2 hours feeling refreshed.

235 19/11/12 00:53 to 19/11/12 06:15 5:22 I slept well

I was quite tired last night and I fell asleep straight away. I slept in until 6:15 this morning.

234 18/11/12 15:56 to 18/11/12 17:46 1:49 I slept well

This morning when I slept in until 7:00 I wasn't sure if I would be able to sleep for my nap. It turns out that I had nothing to worry about!

I spent most of today fitting my bathroom, and I was absolutely shattered by nap time. I fell asleep very quickly and woke up naturally after 1:50. I feel so much better now!

233 18/11/12 00:43 to 18/11/12 06:59 6:16 I slept well

Last night I was knackered by bed time after spending a lot of the day refitting my bathroom. I fell asleep straight away, and when I woke up this morning I decided to give myself a lay in, and set the alarm for 7:00.

I woke up twice between my vibrating alarm at 5:30 and the other alarm at 7:00. When I finally did get up I had a mild headache and felt like I had been asleep for a very long time. I think it's pretty cool that I can sleep in until 7:00 and it feels like I have slept in until noon!

232 17/11/12 15:42 to 17/11/12 17:34 1:52 I slept well

After a little while awake, I felt sleepy again, so I made my second attempt at sleep. I managed to find a good compromise and had my legs out of the covers but with Yu Lee right up behind me - she was making me hot but the cool air was keeping me cool.

I went to sleep in about 5 - 10 minutes this time, and slept through until 5:35 when I woke up naturally, and felt a lot better.

Overall, I spent a lot longer in bed this afternoon than I intended but it was nice to relax after a tiring morning. Now it's time for dinner, followed by some more diy!

231 17/11/12 14:08 to 17/11/12 15:02 0:53 I slept a little bit

Trust good old Yu Lee to spoil a good nap!

We were ripping out the old bath from our bathroom today, and it was tiring work. Since about 12:00 noon I felt completely knackered, so I decided it was nap time and Yu Lee came with me. It was a little brighter than usual as it was earlier, so I put on my eye mask and settled down to sleep.

Every time I nodded off, Yu Lee would fidget and wake me up! She said she was cold, but I was too hot, so the following cycle repeated: Yu Lee got cold and snuggled up to me, which woke me up and then I fell back to sleep after a few minutes. Then I got too hot which woke me up so I pushed her away from me, and then went back to sleep.

After an hour of this I stopped feeling sleepy so we turned on the lights...

230 17/11/12 00:32 to 17/11/12 05:57 5:24 I slept well

Last night I heard 'the noise' again for the first time in a long time. It was a very low frequency (bassy) humming noise that sounds kind of like a very large diesel engine is just idling outside somewhere.

I think I fell asleep after about 15 minutes, so it didn't affect me too much.

At 4:40am this morning I woke up from a dream. I went back to sleep and woke up at 5:30 with my alarm, but I turned it off and dozed until 6:00.

229 16/11/12 16:00 to 16/11/12 18:00 1:59 I slept well

This morning I felt a little bit tired, but afterwards I was fine all day, until about 2:00pm when I had a really boring meeting at work. About half way through the meeting I started yawning a lot and felt like it was nap time already, although I woke up a bit towards the end.

I got home just before 4:00pm and ate a banana as I was starving, then I went to bed. I think it took me about 15 - 20 minutes to fall asleep, and I woke up at 5:59. 1 minute later my alarm went off and I got up and made dinner.

228 16/11/12 00:20 to 16/11/12 05:52 5:31 I slept well

Last night I was pretty tired, probably because I only had a 1 hour nap, and also because I had a large glass of red wine.

I fell asleep in about 15 minutes and slept through until the alarm at 5:30. After I woke up, I laid there for a couple of minutes and then fell asleep until 5:50.

I also changed the duvet for a thinner one last night as I kept waking up really hot.

227 15/11/12 16:48 to 15/11/12 18:05 1:16 I slept well

Yu Lee was home today, so we spent a bit of time together before our nap and then napped together.

I fell asleep easily but woke up naturally after 1:05.

226 15/11/12 00:33 to 15/11/12 05:40 5:06 I slept well

I managed to get to bed half an hour earlier this time. I think it might be better to sleep 5 hours each night instead of 4.5 and my current sleeping pattern has left me a bit tired in the morning. I will try this for a few days and see what happens.

225 14/11/12 17:06 to 14/11/12 19:17 2:11 I slept well

After about 15 minutes we went back to bed, and then after a while Yu Lee got up and I carried on sleeping.

I thought that I was laying there for about 10 minutes when Yu Lee got up, and then it took me another 5-10 minutes to go back to sleep. What actually happened was that I fell asleep straight away, and Yu Lee laid there for 1 hour.

I had a reasonably good sleep, and Yu Lee came in to wake me up after I'd been sleeping for 2 hours.

224 14/11/12 16:27 to 14/11/12 16:50 0:23 I didn't sleep at all

I felt a bit tired this afternoon, but on my walk home I woke up a bit. I was a little bit late leaving the office, and when I got home Yu Lee asked me to help her bring a new wash basin inside from her car.

Yu Lee came to bed with me, but she was a bit restless because she is stressed about her work situation. After laying there for 20 minutes I whispered 'are you awake?' and she said that she was so we git up for a while.

223 14/11/12 00:43 to 14/11/12 05:51 5:07 I slept well

Last night I intended to go to bed a bit early, at 12:30, as I have been feeling a bit tired the past couple of days. Yu Lee was a bit stressed about something that is happening at her work, so she kept talking to me which meant I didn't get to sleep until 12:45.

This morning when I woke up I was very tired again, and I dozed with the light on until 5:50. I laid in bed 10 more minutes until 6 when I got up to have my shower.

I think I need to experiment with having a slightly longer sleep at night, as I seem to have a bit of sleep debt. Yu Lee is still asleep at 7:00.