Sunday 25 August 2013 12:33 to 14:35
(2:02 hours)
Today it took me a little while to fall asleep, probably around 5 minutes. I had a very deep sleep and a strange dream.
After my dream I woke up naturally, very hot and sticky in my bed.

Recumbent Bicycles
I dreamt I was in a place that was a cross between work and university.
During my dream I tested out a recumbent bicycle when I thought it was work time, then went to the office and realised it was a weekend. I went to a top floor meeting room and started talking which annoyed the receptionist, and later found out that she was annoyed with me because a group of female Chinese monks were having a party thrown in their honour, and that they were not allowed to hear people talking and hadn't heard a voice for years.
I later met the receptionist and apologised and moaned at her about how someone could have sent round an email warning us, but it ended up with us flirting and her slapping my arse. I couldn't find my friends and eventually ended up ranting about how it was Saturday night and no one was on campus because they were all too busy riding recumbent bicycles (?) and doing ball room dancing and other boring grown up things. Then I made a very rude comment to a long blonde haired, muscly wrestler looking guy called Seb. He got very angry and I thought he was going to hit me, and I started to apologise and he said "we don't talk when I'm angry" so I asked if I could find him tomorrow to explain what a dick I was and he seemed happy with that...
And I'm sure a load of other weird things happened too!