ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
755 24/05/13 23:51 to 25/05/13 00:23 0:32 I didn't sleep at all
754 24/05/13 12:45 to 24/05/13 14:17 1:32 I slept well

That was a really good nap! I came home and fell asleep pretty quickly, but woke up again after about an hour. Then I went back to sleep and when my alarm went off I was dreaming about being somewhere that was half way between school and air cadets! My dream also had something to do with a tennis court.

753 24/05/13 05:28 to 24/05/13 05:38 0:10 I slept a little bit

I dozed off again for a few minutes after marking the end of my sleep.

752 23/05/13 23:53 to 24/05/13 05:24 5:30 I slept well

Last night I went out with one of my Spanish friends for a few beers, and got back home around 10:30pm. I ended up going to bed just before midnight and fell asleep in seconds!

I slept solidly through the night and woke up to my alarm at 5:00am. I then dozed for half an hour before marking the end of the sleep.

751 23/05/13 12:13 to 23/05/13 13:38 1:25 I slept well

Today I didn't think I would sleep at lunch time after sleeping so long last night, but in the end I actually had a pretty good sleep!

I fell asleep in about 5 minutes, and slept for about an hour. When I woke up it was still 20 minutes early so I dozed for a while and was asleep when my alarm went off.

750 22/05/13 22:54 to 23/05/13 05:53 6:59 I slept well

Last night I went to bed at 11:00pm and fell asleep pretty much straight away. I slept through solidly until 4:00am when I woke up naturally and could have got up, but as usual I decided it was too early and went back to bed.

After that I slept through my alarms and had a weird dream.

In hindsight I probably should have gotten up at 4:00am because when I did finally get up I felt like I'd slept way too long. I doubt I will even attempt to nap today.

749 22/05/13 13:17 to 22/05/13 14:38 1:20 I slept well

Today I came back for a lunch time nap, and managed to fall asleep pretty quickly. I woke up about 20 minutes before I needed to, but I fell back to sleep and was asleep when my alarm went off.

This was one of the best lunch time naps I've had for a while, and I'm pretty sure I was dreaming at one point.

748 22/05/13 00:05 to 22/05/13 05:45 5:40 I slept well

Last night I drank half a bottle of wine and watched Prometheus, so when 11:00pm came around I was not really tired. In the end I stayed up until just after midnight.

I fell asleep pretty quickly, but I woke up at about 1:30am and went to the toilet and got some water.

This morning I snoozed my alarm and got up about 45 minutes after it went off.

747 21/05/13 12:34 to 21/05/13 13:59 1:24 I slept well

Today I started to feel sleepy around 11:30am, but I waited until 12:30pm to go to sleep.

When I laid down in my bed I fell asleep in less than 5 minutes, and drifted into a nice deep sleep. I set an alarm for 1h:45 but I woke up before it was going to go off. After that I laid in bed for about 15 minutes and then got up.

When I woke up I was having a really vivid dream. This was a great, enjoyable nap!

746 20/05/13 22:57 to 21/05/13 04:58 6:00 I slept well

Last night I wasn't that tired when I went to bed, but Yu Lee asked me to come with her at 11:00pm so I did, and to my surprise I fell asleep in about 10 minutes.

I woke up naturally at 1:00am and thought it was morning, but then I realised the time and went back to sleep. The same thing happened at 4:00am which was just a little bit too early to get up, and then my alarm went off at 5:00am and I turned it off and then dozed for 5 minutes before getting up.

745 20/05/13 15:42 to 20/05/13 17:18 1:36 I slept well

Today when I got home I was trying to book Tuesday off as holiday but I couldn't get hold of my manager. Initially I went for a sleep at 2:30pm, and I just started to doze off when my phone vibrated and woke me up again. It was one of my work mates replying to an earlier text so I got up and tried to book my holiday again.

Just after 3:30pm I went back for a nap and this time I fell asleep straight away and was uninterrupted. I woke up after about 1.5 hours, and then dozed for 5 minutes or so before getting up.

743 20/05/13 01:11 to 20/05/13 06:00 4:49 I slept well

Last night I went to bed at about 1:30am local time, but to be honest I wasn't really tired. We needed to be up at 7:00am today to go to the airport so I didn't want to stay up later, but in the end it just meant that it took me 45 minutes to get to sleep.

Once I did get to sleep I slept solidly through the night, and then at 7:00am I got up and packed my things to come home.

742 20/05/13 00:29 to 20/05/13 01:11 0:42 I didn't sleep at all
741 19/05/13 17:37 to 19/05/13 20:22 2:44 I slept well

Today we went to a different bar ('El Burladero') as the normal one doesn't open on Sundays. We had quite a few drinks and ended up chatting to the barmaid for a while which was fun.

When we came back I went straight to bed but it was a bit later than usual, about 6:30pm. I slept for over 2.5 hours and woke up to my Dad banging on the door!

740 19/05/13 06:34 to 19/05/13 06:44 0:10 I slept well

...and ended up sleeping for another 10 minutes or so.

739 19/05/13 01:07 to 19/05/13 06:26 5:18 I slept well

Last night I went to bed at around 1:30am local time, but I didn't sleep for over half an hour. Even though I didn't sleep, the time I spent in bed wasn't at all frustrating and was quite relaxing.

After just over half an hour in bed I decided to get up and get some water as I was really thirsty, and when I returned to bed I probably laid there for another 10 - 15 minutes before actually falling asleep.

This morning I woke up naturally at 7:25am, and when I went to look at the time on my tablet the alarm went off in my hands! I turned off the alarm but laid there for a while...

738 19/05/13 00:26 to 19/05/13 01:03 0:36 I didn't sleep at all
737 18/05/13 18:06 to 18/05/13 19:19 1:13 I slept well I went to the kitchen to get some more water and downed another pint or so.

After getting water I came back to bed but I didn't really think there was any chance of falling asleep again. I laid down and drifted off, and what seemed like about 10 minutes later I opened my eyes again, and was surprised to see that more than another hour had passed!

Getting water half way through my nap was definitely the right thing to do as I'm sure I would be feeling hungover otherwise.

736 18/05/13 16:43 to 18/05/13 18:01 1:17 I slept well

Today at the pub I'd probably had enough beer already, but Sue wanted another one so I had one too. After that I paid the bill and then told the barman that it was our last night here and he gave us another round of drinks for free so in the end I had a couple more than I really needed!

When we got in I downed more than a pint of water and went straight to sleep. Just over an hour later I woke up with an incredible thirst...

734 18/05/13 00:36 to 18/05/13 06:45 6:09 I slept well

Last night we went out for dinner with Phil and Rosie (my dad's neighbours) and we got back around 1:00am local time. We sat and watched tv for a while and went to bed at 1:30am and I was asleep straight away.

I set an alarm for 7:45am, but I woke up naturally at 7:30am and turned it off. After that I actually fell back to sleep for 15 minutes before getting up.