Thursday 03 October 2013 00:24 to 04:57
(4:32 hours)
Last night it took me quite a while to fall asleep, and this time it felt like quite a while. I think it was a combination of sleeping more during the day, drinking tea a little later than usual, and drinking more beer than usual and closer to bed time. Also having lots of thoughts about the house move whizzing around in my head didn't help!
This morning I woke up from a dream.

Dating Advice, Meeting my Friend, a Weird Wooden Instrument...
My dream had a couple of things going on:
First I was trying to organise a date for someone, and giving them advice about how to go on dates with people!
Secondly I was trying to meet up with my Spanish friend, Sara. We were typing messages to each other on the computer and she told me that she was tired. She said "I was out last night in America. It was the best night of my life so far". We were in Spain so I told her we should meet up and go for tapas some time.
The third thing I remember, which is what I was dreaming about when I woke up, was playing some kind of weird wooden instrument that looked like a didgeridoo. I had to do some weird kind of visualisation thing to get it to work and someone was giving me advice about how I needed to concentrate on the instrument to make it work.