Sleep Log

Monday 30 September 2013 12:29 to 14:08

(1:39 hours)

Today I fell asleep in about 10 minutes, and had a dream about doing some DIY stuff with one of my school friends.

I woke up naturally because my arm was numb. When I woke up my arm was hanging out of the bed and it had gone completely numb, and when I touched it I couldn't feel a thing. I had to lift my arm up with my other arm to et it back in the bed, and in my half asleep state I eventually realised what was wrong and held it in the air to let the blood drain back out of it.

As I held it in the air I could feel the sensation coming back from my finger tips, slowly down my arm until it got to my shoulder. As the numbness faded it was replaced with pins and needles.

Not a nice way to end a lovely nap!

dream Dream: Monday 30 September 2013 14:08


I had a dream about doing some DIY stuff with one of my school friends. I don't remember exactly what we were doing but it involved nailing stuff together. I also remember trying to organise transporting the stuff we were making, and trying to figure out who was going to go in each car.