Sleep Log

Wednesday 02 October 2013 12:22 to 15:03

(2:41 hours)

Today it took me a little while to fall asleep for my nap, despite the fact that I felt quite tired in the morning. I think the excitement / stress of my upcoming house move is starting to have an effect on my naps!

After I reset my sleep it still took me a little while to drift off and the first half of my nap was pretty light.

I woke up naturally at about 1:30pm and could remember a dream, but I don't remember it anymore. I went back to sleep and was woken from another dream by my alarm, and then I must have drifted off again because the next thing I knew it was 3:00pm. The last hour of my sleep felt the deepest and after that I felt refreshed.

When I got up I had a missed call from the removal guy saying he couldn't drop the boxes off today.