ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
1259 17/11/13 00:42 to 17/11/13 01:07 0:25 I didn't sleep at all
1258 17/11/13 00:03 to 17/11/13 00:38 0:35 I didn't sleep at all
1257 16/11/13 14:01 to 16/11/13 15:12 1:10 I slept well

Today I did manage to get a nap in. We went back to Yu Lee's brother's room and I slept for an hour with my eye mask and ear plugs while they played on the computer. It wasn't the best sleep and I probably only slept for about half of it but it was well worth it and I felt better afterwards.

1256 16/11/13 00:07 to 16/11/13 05:30 5:22 I slept well

Last night it took me a little while to fall asleep, probably because I had quite a long nap yesterday.

This morning we needed to drive to Canterbury to stay with Yu Lee's little brother. I decided to give myself an extra half an hour of sleep in the morning to help me make it through the day if I didn't get a chance to nap.

I slept solidly through the night and woke up easily.

1255 15/11/13 23:44 to 16/11/13 00:07 0:23 I didn't sleep at all
1254 15/11/13 12:39 to 15/11/13 14:51 2:12 I slept well

Today I napped for a little longer than intended!

I was working from home this afternoon so I had a little bit longer, but I set my alarm for 2:15pm. I took a while to fall asleep but then I was sleeping very deeply. After stopping the alarm I fell back to sleep and when I woke up it was nearly 3:00pm. Whoops!

1253 15/11/13 12:19 to 15/11/13 12:39 0:20 I didn't sleep at all
1252 14/11/13 23:57 to 15/11/13 05:00 5:03 I slept well

Last night I was surprisingly tired and fell asleep quickly. I slept solidly through the night and woke up easily this morning.

1250 14/11/13 11:48 to 14/11/13 14:16 2:27 I slept well

Today I was working from home, so I didn't need to waste half of my lunchtime walking to and from work.

I set my alarm for 2 and a quarter hours and went to sleep, but woke up after an hour. I laid there for a few more minutes and went back to sleep and woke up again to my alarm at 2:05, then dozed off for another 10 minutes before getting up.

I felt like I slept too much!

1249 13/11/13 23:22 to 14/11/13 05:01 5:38 I slept well

Last night it took me a while to fall asleep, and I think I was in and out of light sleep for the first part of the night. I'm not sure why, but I didn't feel that tired.

1248 13/11/13 23:02 to 13/11/13 23:22 0:19 I didn't sleep at all
1247 13/11/13 11:57 to 13/11/13 14:14 2:16 I slept well

Today I only had a half day at work so I allowed myself to sleep a little longer for my nap. I had a great nap but I still felt like I could have slept longer!

When my alarm went off I snoozed it for 10 minutes, then got up and had a cup of tea before my pass plus driving lesson.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable nap!

1246 13/11/13 00:09 to 13/11/13 05:00 4:50 I slept well

Last night I didn't feel particularly tired and I went to sleep a little later than usual. When I did settle down to sleep I fell asleep quickly and slept through the night.

1245 12/11/13 12:20 to 12/11/13 13:55 1:35 I slept well

For my nap today I set my alarm for 1:55 and fell asleep quickly. I woke up after 40 minutes and got really confused, and when I looked at the clock and saw it was 1:05 I thought that my alarm had gone off 10 minutes ago and that I was late for work. I went to log my sleep and it said I'd only been asleep for 40 minutes and I suddenly realised that my alarm was set for 1:55 and not 12:55.

After this I was wide awake and it took me about 5 minutes to fall back to sleep, but I did go back into a nice deep sleep and I was fast asleep when my alarm really went off.

1244 11/11/13 23:07 to 12/11/13 05:00 5:53 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly, and slept through until 3:20am when I woke up from a dream. It took me about 5 minutes to fall back to sleep, and I woke up at 5:00am from another dream when my alarm went off.

I don't remember either dream now.

1243 11/11/13 12:42 to 11/11/13 13:55 1:13 I slept well

When I came back for my nap today my mind was too active to fall asleep. After about 10 minutes I got up and stayed away from my bed for less than 10 minutes, and when I returned I fell asleep very quickly.

I slept well for my nap, and I felt like I could have easily slept another hour or two. It was a struggle to get up!

1242 11/11/13 12:21 to 11/11/13 12:33 0:11 I didn't sleep at all
1241 10/11/13 22:45 to 11/11/13 05:00 6:15 I slept well

By the time bedtime came around I was pretty tired yesterday. Although I had loads of sleep in the morning, the afternoon was not nice, and although I couldn't sleep I had a horrible tired feeling all day, similar to the day after pulling an all nighter.

I fell asleep quickly and slept like a log! I felt much better this morning.

1240 10/11/13 13:48 to 10/11/13 13:58 0:09 I didn't sleep at all

I wasn't too serious about this one!

As I'd slept on the sofa this morning I wasn't properly tired, but I did feel like my head and especially my eyelids were a bit heavy. We planned to go out for a drive so that I could try to get used to Yu Lee's car, so I decided to close my eyes for 20 minutes beforehand.

After 9 minutes I realised sleep was not going to happen and got up.

1239 10/11/13 05:40 to 10/11/13 06:53 1:13 I slept well

After drinking a cup of tea I started to feel a bit crappy, and hot and cold at the same time, so I laid down on my sofa and went back to sleep. I woke up at 6:25am, and then went back to sleep again until Yu Lee came in at 6:50am.

When I woke up the last time I was dreaming.

Yu Lee sat on the sofa and I laid there with my head on her lap for a while, and then she made me a cup of tea. Now after a sausage, mushroom and tomato roll I feel much better!
