ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
1280 23/11/13 23:42 to 24/11/13 00:04 0:21 I didn't sleep at all
1279 23/11/13 14:09 to 23/11/13 16:10 2:00 I slept well

Today we went to London to go ice skating (which was fun), and afterwards we went back to Yu Lee's mum's house. I had a pork sandwich and a cup of red bush and went to bed for a nap.

I set an alarm for 2 hours and fell asleep quickly, and when my alarm went off the house was cold and dark and everyone had gone out. I woke up easily and felt refreshed.

1278 23/11/13 00:26 to 23/11/13 04:59 4:33 I slept well

Last night I recorded 48 minutes of laying awake, but looking back I don't see how this could be true. I really must had dozed off briefly because the time passed very quickly.

I slept solidly, and woke up 2 minutes before my alarm. I laid in bed for 1 of those minutes, and then got up and turned off the alarm before it went off.

1277 22/11/13 23:37 to 23/11/13 00:26 0:48 I didn't sleep at all
1276 22/11/13 12:26 to 22/11/13 15:01 2:35 I slept well

Today I took a half day at work, so I had time for a proper nap in the afternoon. I fell asleep in about 10 - 15 minutes and fell into a deep sleep.

Yu Lee was off sick and she came in to wake me up after about 2 hours. She got in the bath and I laid there, and after a couple of minutes I fell back to sleep. I remember her calling from the bath "Are you awake?" and me replying "no!".

1275 21/11/13 23:33 to 22/11/13 05:00 5:27 I slept well

Last night I went to bed a bit later and fell asleep straight away. I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm and dozed until it went off.

1274 21/11/13 12:55 to 21/11/13 13:55 1:00 I slept well

When I came home at lunch time I didn't feel that tired. Yu Lee was home as she wasn't feeling well, and she decided to come for a nap with me.

Just like last night, she was asleep in seconds while I laid there. I'd just told my manager that I have started a business and want to work part time, and he agreed to it, so I was quite excited. I'd also just eaten a heavy chicken and bacon baguette. Also it's harder to sleep with Yu Lee in the bed (but a bit nicer). I'm not sure which of these contributed but it took me more than half an hour to fall asleep.

Once I did get to sleep I had a nice nap and woke up 5 minutes before the alarm. I still laid in bed for another 15 minutes before getting up and going back to work.

1273 21/11/13 12:20 to 21/11/13 12:54 0:34 I didn't sleep at all
1272 20/11/13 23:19 to 21/11/13 05:00 5:41 I slept well

Last night Yu Lee wanted to go to bed early, and I felt a little bit tired so we went to bed around 10:30pm. Yu Lee was asleep in seconds, but it took me about 40 minutes before I nodded off. As I say every night at the moment, it wasn't boring or frustrating and I felt nice and relaxed.

I slept solidly and woke up to my alarm as usual. I didn't want to get up, but when I jumped out of bed I got over that.

1271 20/11/13 22:36 to 20/11/13 23:19 0:42 I didn't sleep at all
1270 20/11/13 12:14 to 20/11/13 13:55 1:40 I slept well

I fell asleep quickly for my nap but woke up naturally after half an hour. After laying in bed for 10 minutes or so a loud noise started outside (some kind of truck?) so I put in earplugs.

After another 5 minutes or so I fell back to sleep and was in a deep sleep when the alarm went off. I didn't want to get up!

1269 20/11/13 00:04 to 20/11/13 05:00 4:56 I slept well

Last night was similar to the previous night. It took me a while to fall asleep, but it was not in any way frustrating so I guess I was drifting in and out for a while.

I slept through the night and woke up from a dream which I no longer remember.

1268 19/11/13 23:13 to 20/11/13 00:04 0:51 I didn't sleep at all
1266 19/11/13 12:22 to 19/11/13 14:04 1:42 I slept well

This was another good nap - I fell asleep quickly and slept deeply. When my alarm went off I snoozed it (this is becoming a bad habit!) and slept for another 10 minutes.

1265 18/11/13 23:45 to 19/11/13 05:00 5:15 I slept well

Last night I felt pretty tired after work, but I did perk up a bit in the evening. When I went to bed it took me just over half an hour to get to sleep, but the time passed very quickly so there is a good chance I'd actually drifted off for a while before that.

This morning I woke from a dream which I don't remember. I woke up easily.

1264 18/11/13 23:08 to 18/11/13 23:45 0:36 I didn't sleep at all
1263 18/11/13 12:05 to 18/11/13 13:54 1:49 I slept well

Today I was pretty tired in the morning, and I was looking forward to my nap a while before I went home.

I didn't fall asleep instantly but I was relaxed and drifting in and out for a while, and then I drifted into a deep sleep. I woke up to a dream when my alarm went off.

After I woke up I snoozed the alarm for 10 minutes and went back to sleep, then when my alarm went off again I jumped straight out of bed and went back to work.

1262 17/11/13 23:53 to 18/11/13 05:00 5:07 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly, even though I slept a lot during the day. I slept through until morning and woke up naturally at 4:57 which was 3 minutes before my alarm. I was dreaming when I woke up but I don't remember the dream any more.

For some reason I decided it was better to wait for my alarm so I went back to sleep for a few minutes.

1261 17/11/13 11:48 to 17/11/13 14:50 3:02 I slept well

This was a pretty epic nap!

After we drove back from Canterbury I felt pretty tired and hungry, so I made us a pretty good sandwich (cheese, ham, gherkins, roasted red pepper, grated carrot, caramelised onion chutney and wholegrain mustard) and then went to bed. Yu Lee was tired too so she came with me and we both slept for about 3 hours.

After my crappy night's sleep last night I was so happy to be back in my bed!

I woke up naturally after about 2 hours, but then I tried to get Yu Lee up but she wouldn't budge so I fell back asleep. Then after another half an hour I tried again, and then after another half an hour we got up.

1260 17/11/13 01:07 to 17/11/13 06:01 4:53 I slept well

Last night I had a pretty poor night's sleep!

We slept on a futon in the same room as Yu Lee's brother and it wasn't very comfortable at all. It took me ages to fall asleep and I woke up at least once in the night.

It was nice to go and visit and we had a good time, but I definitely appreciate having a nice, comfortable bed to sleep in! Also, I had to wear ear plugs during the night as his house mate in the room above was playing music right up to the point when I fell asleep.

All in all that was the worst sleep I've had for a long time and I think I will appreciate my bed tonight.