Sunday 04 May 2014 23:22 to 06:00
(6:38 hours)
Last night we had some friends over for a barbecue, and we had a pork shoulder, rainbow trout, tiger prawns and barbecued vegetables. The evening went really well but by the end I was tired, probably because I didn't really sleep at nap time.
I fell asleep very quickly and woke up to my alarm at 5:00am as usual. After turning it off I decided I deserved another hour and set my alarm for 6:00am and went back to bed, falling asleep in seconds.
When my alarm went off the second time I was dreaming. I still felt a bit tired when I got up.

Mouldy WorldPay
I was dreaming about working at WorldPay, and we were in some kind of temporary building, like a cross between an office block and a porter cabin. There was a weird mould problem, with mould growing on the walls and the head of department was worried it was going to spread.
He called the people in charge of the building and they were going to come down, but he said it was a waste of time because they were near Oxford, and after driving all this way wouldn't be able to do anything anyway.