Tuesday 06 May 2014 23:33 to 05:00
(5:27 hours)
Last night I was tired and fell asleep quickly. I remember being awake at 4:30am, but it feels like a dream.
When I woke up I was having a very strange but very vivid dream. I woke up very groggy, so maybe this was a non-rem (deep sleep) dream?

Breakfast with my Mum and Brother
When I woke up I was having a very strange but very vivid dream. It had a lot of themes mixed up in it: staying with my mum and my brother, my brother buying a new house and having lots of problems with it, it getting late in the year and winter drawing near.
The last thing that happened is that we all went out for breakfast, and everyone's meals started turning up. I hadn't even ordered my food yet, and it turned out that you had to order at the till but I thought it was table service. Mum offered to give me hers but I said I wasn't hungry and didn't want anything anyway.
The breakfast that came was also pretty weird, it somehow seemed like a cross between a normal English breakfast, and sausage and bean casserole and a Cornish pasty!
When my alarm went off and I woke up I was very groggy, so maybe this was a non-rem (deep sleep) dream?