ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
1568 23/03/14 11:56 to 23/03/14 15:31 3:35 I slept well

Today I felt pretty tired in the morning, but it still took me a little while to fall asleep. I was just nodding off when Yu Lee made a lot of noise getting out of the bath which woke me up again.

Once I did fall asleep I slept deeply and for a long time.

1567 22/03/14 23:11 to 23/03/14 06:00 6:49 I slept well

Last night I felt surprisingly tired in the evening. I don't think I fell asleep straight away, but I'm sure I was dozing at first before falling into a deep sleep.

I slept through the night and was dreaming this morning.

1566 22/03/14 13:15 to 22/03/14 16:22 3:06 I slept well

This morning I felt tired a few times, but again I wasn't sure if I'd sleep for my nap after having so much sleep in the night.

It took me a few minutes to drift off at nap time, but once I was asleep I was unconscious for ages! I woke up after 3 hours when Yu Lee came in to see if I was still alive.

1565 21/03/14 23:13 to 22/03/14 06:00 6:47 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly and slept through the whole night.

1564 21/03/14 12:40 to 21/03/14 14:55 2:14 I slept well

I felt sleepy quite a few times this morning, and when I went for my nap I fell asleep straight away. I recorded the end of my nap after about 2.5 hours, but I'm pretty sure I dozed off for a few minutes afterwards. It was about half an hour later by the time I dragged myself out of bed.

1563 20/03/14 23:28 to 21/03/14 06:00 6:32 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly, and slept the whole night through without waking up once. I set my alarm for 6:00am this morning and got up easily, but felt quite sleepy at various points throughout the morning.

1562 20/03/14 13:04 to 20/03/14 15:20 2:15 I slept well

Today I felt lethargic all day. I tried to do a bit of client work but only managed half an hour! I think I will still be off work tomorrow.

I wasn't expecting to sleep for my nap after sleeping in this morning, even though I felt tired, but I actually fell asleep relatively quickly and had some weird dreams, although I only remember one of them.

I slept for over 2 hours and then laid in bed for another 20 minutes. My head feels like it's full of cotton wool.

1561 19/03/14 23:59 to 20/03/14 06:47 6:47 I slept well

Last night I wasn't expecting to go to bed until at least midnight, having slept for so long in the afternoon, but at about 10:30pm I came over a bit sleepy and started to feel quite ill, so I went to bed early.

I don't think I slept for the first hour, but it went pretty quick. Yu Lee has the flu as well now and I think last night was the low point for her. When I got in the bed I was shivering, but her body temperature was so high that putting her arm on my chest was enough to instantly stop the shivering!

I had a disturbed night's sleep with Yu Lee constantly tossing and turning, and getting up to get water and paracetamol. My alarm went off at 5:00am but I chose to ignore it and go back to bed.

1560 19/03/14 22:49 to 19/03/14 23:59 1:10 I didn't sleep at all
1559 19/03/14 12:20 to 19/03/14 15:31 3:10 I slept well

This morning I was a little tired, but I figured it would be better to have a nap later than sleep in.

By the time nap time came around I was exhausted and fell asleep quickly, and then I didn't wake up for over 3 hours! I could have sworn I'd set an alarm for 2:30pm but I must have turned it off without remembering it.

Overall I've slept nearly 9 hours today which is still a lot more than normal for me.

1558 18/03/14 23:22 to 19/03/14 05:00 5:38 I slept well

Last night I was quite tired by bed time, and after another coughing fit (which was really starting to hurt my chest muscles and throat) I fell asleep quickly.

I slept through the night without waking once which is definitely a good sign, and woke from a dream to my alarm at 5:00am.

I'm a little tired, but it will be worth getting up this early when I get to take my nap!

1557 18/03/14 13:37 to 18/03/14 14:27 0:50 I didn't sleep at all

I knew I wouldn't sleep for this nap but it was nice to lay down for a while. I had about a 10 minute coughing fit, but after that I laid there and relaxed.

After about 50 minutes I decided I'd laid there long enough and got up again.

1556 17/03/14 23:26 to 18/03/14 06:59 7:32 I slept well

Last night, despite all of the sleep in the daytime, I was pretty tired by bed time. In the evening I just laid on the sofa in the back room watching Leverage with Yu Lee, and by the time bed time came around I was more than ready to go to sleep.

I fell asleep quickly, although I coughed a bit when I first laid down, and slept through the night, waking a few times towards the end of the night (from about 3:00am onwards).

I set my alarm for 5:00am, but when I got up and started putting on my clothes I realised that I felt terrible and went back to bed. I then slept on and off until 7:00am and got out of bed at 8:00am.

1555 17/03/14 15:31 to 17/03/14 16:37 1:06 I slept a little bit

I fell back to sleep again, but it was a very light sleep and I was having weird dreams. I think the caffeine from the tea made my dreams seem a little more 'stressful' and I drifted in and out about 10 times in the hour.

After that, I laid in bed for another hour, before coming downstairs and laying on the sofa until 6:30pm. Now Yu Lee has gone to buy me more soup!

1554 17/03/14 12:30 to 17/03/14 15:03 2:33 I slept well

After waking up on the sofa and being uncomfortable, I went up stairs and got into my bed again and fell straight back to sleep. When I woke up I had a cup of tea and laid in bed for a while...

1553 17/03/14 10:30 to 17/03/14 12:20 1:50 I slept well

After waking up this morning I must have laid in bed for about an hour. I finally managed to drag myself out of bed and onto the sofa in the back room, and Yu Lee went to the shop to buy me some soup and a crusty bread roll.

After my soup I came into the front room and slept on the sofa for a couple more hours.

1552 16/03/14 23:13 to 17/03/14 08:25 9:12 I slept well

Yesterday I started to feel a little better after my nap. I had a craving for miso soup and I couldn't be bothered to cook, and also it was the first night that me and Yu Lee were back together so we decided to go out for Japanese food.

I felt a bit crappy but I enjoyed the meal!

Afterwards we lazed around watching on-demand tv, and by bed time I was exhausted and feeling terrible. I set the alarm for 5:00am with the intention of turning it off if I felt bad in the morning.

I had a broken nights sleep, waking at 12:30am, 1:30am, and basically every hour through the night. I felt hot and cold and generally uncomfortable.

I turned the alarm off at 5:00am, turned a second one off at 6:00am and ended up getting up after 8:00am.

1551 16/03/14 14:34 to 16/03/14 16:10 1:35 I slept well

My return journey to England was a bit crappy. The plane was about 25 minutes late taking off due to an issue with paperwork, and then when we landed it was a nightmare getting through immigration. On the Spanish side of the trip I literally just waved my passport at them on my way through, but there was such a big queue on our end that I actually had to queue for over an hour!

On the plane I'd started to feel like I was coming down with a cold, and by the time I got home I was feeling a bit crappy. I went for my nap but I couldn't get comfortable and it took me about half an hour to fall asleep.

When I woke up I felt even worse!

1550 16/03/14 14:09 to 16/03/14 14:34 0:24 I didn't sleep at all
1549 16/03/14 05:30 to 16/03/14 05:59 0:29 I slept well

When I did decide to go back to sleep I suddenly felt like I might not be able to sleep. I laid with my eyes closed for what seemed like a couple of minutes, and the next thing I knew the alarm was going off.