Saturday 31 January 2015 01:28 to 06:27
(4:58 hours)
Last night it took me a little while to fall asleep, partly because I have a cold and partly because I slept so much in the day.
Once I'd gotten to sleep I slept through most of the night, although I think I woke up briefly at about 5:00am and then woke up again from a dream about 15 minutes before my alarm.

Secret Area
I don't remember many of the details of this dream, but me and Yu Lee were playing some kind of computer game. Yu Lee's family were in Cambridge for some reason and they asked Yu Lee if she wanted to go somewhere with them.
Just as Yu Lee was making plans to go with them, I found a really cool secret area through a hidden door in the game. Yu Lee asked me to wait for her to get back so that we could explore the secret area together but I was teasing her and telling her that I was going to go in while she was out.
Eventually curiosity got the better of her and she told her family that she had to do something so they went off without her. We went into the secret room and it was just a single room with an item in it, and although the item was cool, we were done with the secret room in a couple of seconds, so she missed out on seeing her family for nothing.