ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
464 13/02/13 17:00 to 13/02/13 17:16 0:15 I didn't sleep at all

Still nothing!

462 13/02/13 16:06 to 13/02/13 16:30 0:23 I didn't sleep at all

Once again I felt pretty tired at several points today and I'm sure I could have easily fallen asleep at 2:00pm, and even when I got in from work and got in bed I felt quite tired, but for some reason I am unable to sleep.

Maybe if I leave it a little and have a later nap it will work better for me...

461 12/02/13 22:14 to 13/02/13 04:41 6:26 I slept well

Lat night I was pretty tired, probably due to the disaster of a nap that I had! I fell asleep pretty quickly but then I had a nightmare and woke up at 12:30 (although I don't remember anything about the nightmare now).

I got back to sleep easily and slept through until just after 4:30am when I woke up naturally.

460 12/02/13 17:00 to 12/02/13 17:44 0:44 I didn't sleep at all

As I wasn't sure if I'd slept or not I stayed in bed for another 45 minutes. This time I definitely did not sleep as I glanced at the clock about every 10 minutes. I'm not really sure what happened with today's nap and I feel a bit frustrated by it.

459 12/02/13 16:15 to 12/02/13 17:00 0:45 I slept a little bit

I felt quite tired from around midday until about 3:00pm at work, and I felt that I could have easily fallen asleep in this period. When I got home I didn't feel as tired any more and wasn't sure if I would sleep or not but decided to go to bed anyway.

I laid in bed for what seemed like about 15 minutes, so when I looked at the clock and 45 minutes had passed I was surprised. I don't remember falling asleep or waking up and I don't really know if I slept or not. It was not enjoyable like a nap and not particularly refreshing.

458 11/02/13 23:11 to 12/02/13 05:00 5:49 I slept well

Last night I met up with one of my Spanish friends for a meal and a few drinks. By the time I got home it was 10:15pm, so I had a cup of rooibos and got ready for bed.

By the time I'd settled down to sleep it was gone 11:00pm. As my nap had failed and I had been out and was tired I decided to put my alarm back to 5:30am. I fell asleep almost instantly, and slept through until 4:40am when I woke up from a dream. After that I dozed for about 20 minutes and got up at 5:00am.

457 11/02/13 17:45 to 11/02/13 18:20 0:35 I didn't sleep at all

Too frustrated to sleep now :-(

456 11/02/13 17:15 to 11/02/13 17:45 0:30 I slept a little bit

Just drifted off to sleep when Yu Lee woke me up when she came in.

454 11/02/13 16:48 to 11/02/13 17:15 0:27 I didn't sleep at all

Too stressed to sleep, I know Yu Lee will wake me up when she comes in if I don't fall asleep soon...

452 11/02/13 16:21 to 11/02/13 16:42 0:21 I didn't sleep at all

Going out tonight - need to get some sleep...

451 10/02/13 22:37 to 11/02/13 04:29 5:52 I slept well

Last night I went to bed just after 10:30. I slept through solidly until 4:25am when I woke up naturally, and then went back to sleep for 5 minutes until my alarm went off and woke me up.

450 10/02/13 15:30 to 10/02/13 17:24 1:53 I slept well

I stayed up for about an hour and played Guild Wars 2 with Yu Lee, and I know I was tired because I was snapping at her a bit. Then I decided to try to nap again, and this time it worked!

I think I fell asleep in about 10 minutes, and slept for nearly 2 hours. When Yu Lee came in to wake me I was having some crazy dreams but I don't really remember them very well now. I'm sure my dream had something to do with being in a hot country in the jungle.

This was a very nice nap this time! It's just a shame I wasted an hour beforehand going to bed when I wasn't really ready.

448 10/02/13 13:21 to 10/02/13 14:12 0:51 I didn't sleep at all

I came back from my driving lessons and felt tired so I went to bed, but in the end I just laid in bed for 45 minutes and then got up again.

Even after this failed attempt at a nap I still felt tired, so I know the problem wasn't to do with not being tired enough. I think that maybe I couldn't fall asleep because I was still a little bit nervous from my first lesson...

447 09/02/13 22:54 to 10/02/13 04:29 5:35 I slept well

Last night I went to bed at 10:30pm, but it was closer to 11:00 by the time I had settled down to sleep. I woke up around 3:30am and then slept through until my alarm at 4:30am.

When my alarm went off I'm pretty sure I was dreaming, although I have no clue what I was dreaming about. After my alarm went off I laid in bed for about 10 minutes, and at one point I drifted off back into a dream for about 2-3 minutes. The weird thing is that I had my eyes open the whole time, which I guess is only possible because my room is pitch black at night. I didn't bother recording it as a separate sleep as it was so short.

Edit: Now that I think about it, I actually woke up at 12:30am as well. I remember looking at the clock and thinking that I had slept for 1.5 hours which was probably 1 whole sleep cycle.

446 09/02/13 12:34 to 09/02/13 14:51 2:16 I slept well

This morning I felt like I could have gone to sleep around 11:00am, but in the end I decided to wait until 12:30 to go to sleep.

When I got in my bed I'm sure I fell asleep in minutes, but I remember waking about half an hour later and being really confused. I had forgotten whether or not I had logged the start of my sleep, and had no clue what the time was so I opened my eyes and checked that I had logged it on my tablet. It was quite light at this time so I put on my sleep mask before settling back down to sleep, although by this point I wasn't really sure if I would sleep again or not.

I fell asleep very quickly again, and then had a dream filled sleep that lasted for quite a while. I woke up naturally from a dream at 2:50pm, although I can barely remember any details of the dream now.

Overall this was actually a pretty good nap which is what I always say when I get a chance to nap in the middle of the day!

445 08/02/13 22:43 to 09/02/13 04:44 6:00 I slept well

I'm not sure why but I have been feeling quite tired in the evenings this week, and last night I felt a bit tired between 9:00pm and 10:00pm.

I went to bed at about 10:30, but by the time we had stopped talking and settled down to sleep it was 10:45. I think I fell asleep pretty quickly, and I woke up from a dream at 4:30am when my alarm clock went off. I turned my alarm off and went straight back to sleep and dozed for 15 minutes before I got up.

444 08/02/13 16:16 to 08/02/13 17:57 1:41 I slept well

I felt a little sleepy today at work, but when I got home and got into bed I had already started to feel a little less sleepy. I laid on my back instead of my side, and I think I fell asleep within 5 minutes.

When I woke up I remember laying there for a little while and drifting in and out, maybe for about 5 minutes. Then I opened my eyes and noticed it was 6:00pm and got up.

443 07/02/13 22:39 to 08/02/13 04:29 5:49 I slept well

Last night I was quite surprised to start getting tired around 10:00pm, considering the amount of sleep I'd had. In the end I went to bed at the normal time, and I think I fell asleep relatively quickly although I slept quite lightly last night.

My sleep was very broken. I remember seeing the clock at 11:30, 1:30 and 3:45, but when my alarm went off at 4:30 I was fast asleep and I feel well rested.

442 07/02/13 18:13 to 07/02/13 19:54 1:40 I slept well

I wasn't sure whether to take this nap or not, but now that I've woken up from it I would definitely say that it was a good idea!

I fell asleep in a couple of minutes and slept through solidly until Yu Lee came in to wake me up. I still feel a little bit 'off' from having weird sleep times today, but I definitely feel better than I did before my nap and I'm sure I will feel even better when I've finished this cup of tea!

Overall, I need to learn how to judge when I won't sleep so that I don't waste time laying down and not sleeping...

440 07/02/13 16:15 to 07/02/13 16:50 0:35 I didn't sleep at all

I didn't really feel tired when I got in from work and I didn't think I would sleep, but I decided to go for a lie down anyway. Once I was in bed I knew for sure I wouldn't sleep but I couldn't be bothered to get up so I laid there for a while!