Sleep Log

Saturday 22 June 2013 12:26 to 14:13

(1:47 hours)

For my nap today I fell asleep in about 10 minutes, and had a weird dream.

After my nap I laid in bed for about 20 minutes but I didn't fall back to sleep, although I could have easily slept for another hour or so. This was a good nap!

Japanese Composer Speaking Spanish
dream Dream: Saturday 22 June 2013 14:13

Japanese Composer Speaking Spanish

In my dream, for some reason I was in the student union of a university, and I was meeting up with Nobuo Uematsu, the Japanese composer that wrote the music for final fantasy (this is the music I have been playing on my piano so it is obviously on my mind). For some reason when I met him he was speaking Spanish!

I wanted to get some drinks in but I didn't want to lose my table so I asked Yu Lee to get them, but she wouldn't. I asked why and she said she had to meet her friend, so I called her a bitch and she walked off in a strop and then I woke up to my alarm.