ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
95 16/09/12 16:14 to 16/09/12 18:18 2:04 I slept well

We are in London now, visiting Yu Lee's mum. I am going to stay here for a few days because I have a course on Monday and Tuesday.

When we arrived in London, we had a massive lunch and then went rollerblading in the park with Yu Lee's mum. After this we were quite tired, and we settled down for a nap and set the alarm for about 2 hours.

I think 2 hours works much better for a nap than 90 minutes. We both woke up feeling refreshed and had virtually no sleep inertia.

I don't remember what I was dreaming about, but I am sure I had a long and complicated dream just before I woke up. Waking up for the alarm clock is not very good for my dream recall though, and my memories of the dream faded straight away.

94 16/09/12 00:38 to 16/09/12 05:32 4:53 I slept well

This morning I have some sleep inertia, but I don't feel too sleepy. I also have some very mild hangover feelings.

I had 1 small bottle of beer and 1 glass of wine last night, and that was quite a few hours before sleeping, so I am surprised to be feeling it this morning.

I woke up from dreaming but I don't remember the dream.

93 15/09/12 12:46 to 15/09/12 15:02 2:15 I slept well

Wow that was a great nap!

It took me a little while to get to sleep, even though I was drowsy to start off with. It was nice taking my nap with Yu Lee though!

When I woke up I was at the end of quite a long dream: The dream had several components and started off in Spain and ended up back in England. I don't really remember many specifics but I'm sure it was quite complicated!

I now have a slight 'cotton wall between my ears' feeling but I feel good and it feels like I have had a whole night's sleep. Now I want to go to town for some iced tea...

92 15/09/12 00:28 to 15/09/12 05:31 5:03 I slept well

Once again I tried adding half an hour onto my core sleep, and once again I feel sleepy. Maybe 4.5 hours is better after all!

I was dreaming when I woke up but I don't remember my dream.

91 14/09/12 20:50 to 14/09/12 21:25 0:34 I slept well

I decided to take a 30 minute power-nap to make up for my poor sleep earlier!

90 14/09/12 17:35 to 14/09/12 18:10 0:35 I slept a little bit

I originally went to bed about 4:30, and was just on the verge of sleep when my mum rang with a problem with her computer.

After I put the phone down I settled down again and then Yu Lee came in. We relaxed for a bit and talked about her work situation, and then I reset the timer and set the start time of this nap again.

I think I slept for at least 10 minutes! It definitely didn't feel like 35 minutes, but there was no way I was sleeping any longer. Hopefully it won't make me too tired tonight.

89 14/09/12 00:48 to 14/09/12 05:32 4:43 I slept well

I tried to get to bed 15 minutes early last night, but in the end it was about 1:00am like normal when I fell asleep.

I am sure I woke up from a dream.

This morning I am feeling mild sleep inertia.

88 13/09/12 16:25 to 13/09/12 18:18 1:52 I slept well

I was worried I wouldn't fall asleep for this one after such a long sleep last night, but in the end I fell into a deep sleep.

WhenI woke up I set another 10 minutes on the alarm which went really quickly and didn't really seem to make any difference.

87 12/09/12 23:33 to 13/09/12 05:14 5:40 I slept well

I think I probably didn't need the extra sleep last night in the end. I woke up naturally at 4:30am, and went back to sleep, and then woke up just after 5 and got up.

The good thing about waking up naturally is that there is absolutely no tiredness at all!

The fact that I first woke up naturally after 5 hours (300 minutes) suggests that I had 3 full sleep cycles, and that my cycles are about 100 minutes long. It might be worth permanently lengthening my core to 5 hours in the long run.

86 12/09/12 16:31 to 12/09/12 18:14 1:42 I slept well

Today I have felt really good all day! When I was walking home from work I still felt pretty alert, but I needed to go to sleep straight away as I am meeting a friend in town at 7:30pm.

I fell asleep straight away, and woke up after 20 minutes. I then drifted in and out for a while, and eventually fell back to sleep and woke up from the alarm.

I felt no grogginess at all after my nap and I feel good now.

85 12/09/12 01:02 to 12/09/12 05:32 4:30 I slept well

I'm pretty sure it took me at least 20 minutes to fall asleep for my core last night: I think I rolled over and saw the clock say 1:20. It wasn't frustrating like not falling asleep for a nap though and I felt relaxed.

Last night was a bit of a breakthrough as I felt really good and alert right up to about 15 minutes before my nap. I think this is what this pattern is supposed to feel like!

When I woke up I was dreaming again. This time I actually remember a very small fragment of the dream. All I remember is something about turning a car around in a car park.

I felt slightly groggy for about 5 minutes after waking.

84 11/09/12 16:42 to 11/09/12 18:51 2:08 I slept well

Looks like I overslept a little on this one!

I felt really tired at work aout 30 minutes before my nap, but the walk home seemed to wake me up a bit. I laid in bed and read for about 10 minutes beforehand, and then I settled down to sleep. I know I reset the timer at least once before I went to sleep, but then when I turned it off at the end I still wasn't completely satisfied and went back to sleep.

About 20 minutes after that Yu Lee came in and woke me up. I'm glad I slept extra as I felt totally awake with no groggy feelings when I woke up. This was an excellent nap!

83 11/09/12 01:17 to 11/09/12 05:32 4:14 I slept well

Yu Lee was baking a cake last night, and wasn't finished in time for our normal bedtime, so we went to bed 15 minutes later than usual.

This morning I woke up and felt extremely sleepy for about 5 minutes, but then I shook it off and now I do feel sleepy but it is nowhere near as intense. I was also starving when I woke up!

82 10/09/12 16:24 to 10/09/12 17:57 1:32 I slept a little bit

This wasn't a particularly successful nap, but I think I did drift off a couple of times. I reset my timer a few times, but in the end I was awake again with half an hour left to go and thought I might as well get up.

Every time I felt like I was drifting off something would wake me up, such as my neighbours in the garden. Tomorrow I think I will use ear plugs as I really need to sleep through my naps!

81 10/09/12 00:29 to 10/09/12 05:31 5:02 I slept well

I had an extra half hour sleep this morning, and it made me feel very groggy for about an hour after waking. I probably won't want to be doing that again!

80 09/09/12 15:13 to 09/09/12 15:32 0:19 I didn't sleep at all

This wasn't really a serious attempt at a nap, as I wasn't even tired. Yu Lee ended up going for a nap today so I laid down next to her and thought I'd give it a go. I knew I wouldn't sleep though and gave up pretty quickly!

79 08/09/12 23:28 to 09/09/12 05:32 6:04 I slept well

I woke up from dreaming again, and feel alert.

78 08/09/12 13:03 to 08/09/12 14:37 1:34 I slept a little bit

Last night I had 6 hours sleep, so I wasn't sure whether or not I would feel tired today. After lunch I was beginning to feel drowsy, so I went for a nap.

I'm pretty sure I wasn't awake for the whole nap, but I was definitely not asleep for all of it. I think I slept for the first 15 minutes or so and then drifted in and out for the rest of it. Although it wasn't the best sleep, it wasn't frustrating like the other one that I couldn't sleep for.

77 07/09/12 23:34 to 08/09/12 05:31 5:57 I slept well

Last night I decided to give myself 6 hours for my core sleep to pay off some sleep debt. I woke up feeling great!

Again, when I woke up I am sure I was dreaming, but I don't remember what I was dreaming about. This is the best waking feeling I've had for a long time.

76 07/09/12 18:49 to 07/09/12 20:26 1:36 I slept well

Today we had dinner a little bit earlier and napped after dinner. I fell asleep quickly and had a great nap.

Yu Lee woke up and said something like: "I don't feel tired this morning". It feels like we have been asleep a lot longer that 90 minutes!