ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
1684 13/05/14 00:29 to 13/05/14 05:00 4:31 I slept well

Last night I was adding the dream log to this site, and in the end I went to bed pretty late. I was knackered by the time I got to bed and fell asleep quickly.

I woke up really thirsty and needing the bathroom from a dream at 2:00am, and laid in bed for about 10 minutes before getting up and getting some water, going to the bathroom and writing down my dream.

I fell asleep again very quickly, and I'm pretty sure I was dreaming again this morning but I don't remember my dream. The rest of the night went very quickly and it feels like I was barely asleep before it was time to get up.

1683 12/05/14 11:44 to 12/05/14 14:01 2:17 I slept well

It took me about 10 minutes to fall asleep and I slept well. I think I dreamt but I don't remember the dream.

When the alarm went off I was sound asleep and it took me about 10 minutes to wake up properly and another 5 minutes before I got out of bed and turned it off.

1682 12/05/14 00:10 to 12/05/14 05:00 4:50 I slept well

It took me quite a while to fall asleep yesterday, but I was dozing and very relaxed and enjoying being in bed. Once I got to sleep I slept until my alarm this morning.

I think I was dreaming this morning but I don't remember anything about my dream apart from a very vague feeling.

1681 11/05/14 23:26 to 12/05/14 00:10 0:43 I didn't sleep at all
1680 11/05/14 12:08 to 11/05/14 13:25 1:17 I slept well

Today I didn't fall asleep instantly for my nap, but it didn't take too long either. I think I woke up after about 50 minutes but I'm not sure, and either way I was definitely asleep for a while after that.

I was woken after about 1:15 by my neighbours putting up pictures on the other side of the party wall. It was more pleasant than waking up to the alarm!

1679 11/05/14 00:07 to 11/05/14 05:00 4:53 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly and slept through the night without waking. I'm pretty sure I was dreaming when the alarm went off but I have no recollection of the dream. It was easy to get up this morning, but weird waking up alone (Yu Lee is visiting her mum).

1678 10/05/14 08:20 to 10/05/14 11:34 3:13 I slept well

I didn't feel particularly tired this morning, but I had no work to do, so after indulging on a sausage and egg sandwich, 2 cups of tea and a couple of hours of YouTube I came back to bed.

I fell asleep in about 10 minutes, and woke a few times throughout the morning. I think Yu Lee go up around 10:30am and I slept for another hour.

It's quite enjoyable to do this because it feels like a lay in rather than a nap, but I don't feel grotty when I wake up.

1677 09/05/14 23:55 to 10/05/14 05:00 5:05 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep pretty quickly and slept through the night. This morning I woke from a dream.

1676 09/05/14 12:55 to 09/05/14 14:58 2:03 I slept well

This morning I felt quite tired around 10:30am, but then I arranged to have a call at 11:30am with a client so I couldn't go for an early nap.

When I went for my nap I felt like I wouldn't fall asleep, but then I obviously did because the next thing I knew my alarm was going off and I was struggling to wake up. When I went to mark the end of my sleep I realised that I'd forgot to record the start, but I'm pretty sure it was about 12:55pm then I went to sleep.

1675 09/05/14 00:15 to 09/05/14 05:00 4:45 I slept well

Last night I watched an Iron Maiden concert on You Tube and drank beer, which was enjoyable. I went to bed just after midnight and fell asleep quickly.

This morning I woke up from a dream to my alarm, and at the time I could remember it but now all I remember is that it had something to do with machinery or something technical. It was much easier getting up today though although I still feel slightly tired.

1674 08/05/14 11:16 to 08/05/14 14:36 3:19 I slept well

This morning I was really tired, and after my run I could have easily gone back to bed. I only had a croissant in the morning so I ended up having lunch at 9:00am, and then I did a couple more hours of work before heading back to bed.

I fell asleep quickly and had what I first though was a disturbed sleep, but later turned out to be a series of lucid dreams and false awakenings.

When I woke up from my dream, just over an hour had passed since I went to bed. I went back to sleep and slept for a long time before dragging myself out of bed and taking a shower.

1673 08/05/14 00:39 to 08/05/14 05:00 4:21 I slept well

Last night I felt tired, but then we laid in bed for a while talking and I woke up a bit. To be honest I think I had been drinking a little bit too close to bedtime and this stopped me from falling asleep straight away.

This morning I was dreaming, and when I woke up I felt very tired and would have loved another hour in bed.

1672 08/05/14 00:08 to 08/05/14 00:38 0:29 I didn't sleep at all
1671 07/05/14 12:57 to 07/05/14 14:44 1:47 I slept well

This morning I felt pretty tired, but I perked up and by nap time I wasn't even sure if I'd fall asleep or not. Then when I actually lay down I fell asleep very quickly and slept well.

I woke up to my alarm and laid in bed for nearly 15 minutes before getting up and switching it off. I could have slept a lot longer.

1670 06/05/14 23:33 to 07/05/14 05:00 5:27 I slept well

Last night I was tired and fell asleep quickly. I remember being awake at 4:30am, but it feels like a dream.

When I woke up I was having a very strange but very vivid dream. I woke up very groggy, so maybe this was a non-rem (deep sleep) dream?

1669 06/05/14 13:16 to 06/05/14 15:03 1:46 I slept well

Today I fell asleep quickly for my nap, and I think I woke up naturally after about 1.5 hours and went back to sleep. When my alarm went off I laid in bed for 10 minutes and got up.

1668 05/05/14 23:43 to 06/05/14 05:00 5:17 I slept well

Last night I got to sleep surprisingly quickly, considering how much sleep I'd had. On the other hand I actually felt pretty tired (and grumpy) most of the day.

This morning I awoke to the alarm from a vivid dream.

1667 05/05/14 08:43 to 05/05/14 11:45 3:02 I slept well

I felt pretty sleepy this morning, and at about 8:30am I heard Yu Lee stirring upstairs so I went up and got back into bed. I wasn't really planning on going back to sleep, but in the end it just happened!

I slept solidly until Yu Lee came in to wake me up at 11:15am. She asked if I wanted a cup of tea and I said yes, but then I drifted off again and woke up half an hour layer. Yu Lee told me she forgot about my tea and left it brewing for half an hour, so she tipped it down the sink and make me another one.

1666 04/05/14 23:22 to 05/05/14 06:00 6:38 I slept well

Last night we had some friends over for a barbecue, and we had a pork shoulder, rainbow trout, tiger prawns and barbecued vegetables. The evening went really well but by the end I was tired, probably because I didn't really sleep at nap time.

I fell asleep very quickly and woke up to my alarm at 5:00am as usual. After turning it off I decided I deserved another hour and set my alarm for 6:00am and went back to bed, falling asleep in seconds.

When my alarm went off the second time I was dreaming. I still felt a bit tired when I got up.

1664 04/05/14 12:20 to 04/05/14 12:43 0:23 I didn't sleep at all

When I woke up this morning I really felt like I wanted to go back to bed, but by the time nap time came around I wasn't quite as tired.

It took me about 15 minutes to fall asleep, but then as soon as I'd drifted off an ambulance (or police car) drove past the house with its sirens on and woke me up. As usual, if I get woken up in the first 10 minutes it's unlikely I'll get back to sleep.

After another half hour or so I gave up and got up.