ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
1705 22/05/14 00:13 to 22/05/14 06:36 6:23 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly, and woke up from a dream at 1:50am. I got up to go to the bathroom and get a glass of water, and then went back to sleep.

I woke up from another dream at about 3:30am. I felt really awake, like I could have easily gotten up, but it was obviously a bit too early so I went back to sleep again.

The next time I woke up (from yet another dream) was 6:30am.

It seems like I woke up after 1, 2 and 4 sleep cycles, when I wanted to wake up after 3! My wake up time has slipped each day that I haven't used an alarm so far, but I'm going to try to stick at this for a little while longer.

I don't remember any of my dreams.

Edit: When I woke up this morning I actually felt like I'd had a bit too much sleep, but 20 minutes and 1 cup of tea later I actually feel really good!

1704 21/05/14 14:22 to 21/05/14 16:18 1:56 I slept well

Today I went to one of my old workmates' retirement lunches, with a load of people from my old work.

I got there first and sat in the beer garden with a pint and read my book. Then loads of people turned up and we had dinner, and in the end I had 3 pints of beer in total.

It was really good fun, especially because it was quite sunny and I hadn't seen them for a while!

When I got back I laid on the sofa in the back room and fell asleep, and woke up feeling pretty good but a little thirsty. I had a vague recollection of a dream, but not enough to describe it.

1703 20/05/14 23:27 to 21/05/14 05:35 6:08 I slept well

Last night it took me about half an hour to properly fall asleep. I remember looking at the clock and it being around midnight, but to be honest I was half asleep already and messing about with my sleep timer would have woken me up.

I woke up at 4:05am this morning and decided to go back to sleep. I woke up again at 5:25am from a dream, but I don't really remember it. I dozed for 10 minutes and then got up.

1702 20/05/14 15:24 to 20/05/14 17:14 1:50 I slept well

Yesterday evening me and Yu Lee were talking about the beer festival which is this week, and we decided that we'd like to go at lunch time one day. We looked at the weather and today was the only day with good weather forecast, so Yu Lee decided to try and book the afternoon off work so that we could go.

I met Yu Lee there at 12:30pm and we stayed there until the lunchtime session closed at 3:00pm. We had hog roast for lunch, and I had 5 half-pints of different beers.

When I got home I went straight to bed on the sofa in the back room. I woke up from a dream (which I don't remember) after nearly 2 hours, and my arm was a bit stiff from laying on it.

That was a lovely nap after a lovely afternoon!

1701 19/05/14 23:33 to 20/05/14 05:24 5:50 I slept well

Last night I felt pretty tired by bedtime and fell asleep quickly. I slept through the night and woke up naturally to a dream at 5:15am. I laid in bed and dozed for 10 minutes before getting up.

1700 19/05/14 13:02 to 19/05/14 14:18 1:16 I slept well

Today was once again stunning outside, so after my morning's work I sat outside and had a toasted Ciabatta, with salad and the leftover lamb from the barbecue at the weekend, which I cut into small pieces and fried with an onion. It was like a really tasty kebab!

I had a couple of small beers in the sun and read some of my Spanish book ("El Alquimista") and had to sit under the parasol because it was so sunny. I also broke one of my chairs trying to get the parasol cover off which annoyed me a bit as they are brand new and obviously not very good quality.

When I came in I took a nap in my clothes on the sofa in the back room. I fell asleep quickly and woke up naturally from a dream after an hour and a quarter. I set an alarm for 2:45pm as I have a piano lesson at 3:15pm but I didn't need it.

1699 18/05/14 23:59 to 19/05/14 05:21 5:21 I slept well

Last night I didn't set an alarm as I want to stop relying on the alarm to wake me up! I've written a full blog post about this which you can read by clicking "My Sleep Blog" from the menu at the top of the page, or by clicking this link: (Hint: click this sleep on the sleep chart to view this comment in a new window and then click the link!)

I woke up naturally at 5:15am, but then I let myself go back to sleep for a few minutes and woke up less that 10 minutes later and got up. I think I dreamt in the night but I don't remember the dream now.

1698 18/05/14 15:34 to 18/05/14 16:34 1:00 I slept well

Bob and Steph were round today, so I waited for everyone to get up and made some cooked breakfast. After that we chatted for a while, then went outside and I did a bit of gardening while they played a couple of games.

After that we chatted and I had a couple of beers and then they left to go home.

I was a little bit drowsy so I laid on a picnic blanket in the shade for 20 minutes but I didn't sleep. After that I came in doors and fell asleep on the sofa for an hour.

1696 18/05/14 00:24 to 18/05/14 06:00 5:35 I slept well

Yesterday Bob and Steph spent the day with us and we played lots of games and barbecued lots of meat. We went to bed just after midnight.

I set my alarm an hour later to 6:00am and fell asleep quickly. This morning I woke up at 5:15am, but then I went back to sleep until my alarm went off. I feel like I could have slept longer.

1695 17/05/14 06:23 to 17/05/14 09:20 2:57 I slept well

Bob and Steph are visiting today, so I had a cunning plan of how to deal with my sleeping pattern. I got up at the usual time; had breakfast; drunk some rooibos; wrote up my sleep and dream; did 10 whole minutes of freelancing work and then went back to bed!

I fell asleep quickly and slept for 3 hours, waking from a dream and feeling very hot. I wrote some notes about my dream, then got back into bed and woke up Yu Lee. Next was breakfast number 2, and that leaves me with 1 hour to clean the house!

I feel slightly worse than normal for sleeping so long, but not as bad as I do without getting up in between.

1694 17/05/14 00:08 to 17/05/14 05:00 4:52 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly. I slept through the night and woke from a dream to my alarm.

1693 16/05/14 13:06 to 16/05/14 14:55 1:48 I slept well

I fell asleep pretty quickly and was sleeping deeply when the alarm went off.

When I woke up I knew I'd dreamt but couldn't remember the dream. I laid in bed for a few minutes listening to the alarm and piece by piece, the last part of the dream came back to me.

Once I was satisfied that I wasn't going to remember any more I turned off the alarm and took some notes.

This was a nice nap!

1692 15/05/14 23:57 to 16/05/14 05:00 5:03 I slept well

Last night I went up to bed just after 11:30pm and I was pretty tired. When we got in bedroom, the first thing that I noticed was a fly buzzing around. There was no way I was going to go to bed with it flying around so I spent the next 20 minutes trying to get rid of it.

After a long and epic battle the fly suddenly stopped. I don't think I'd killed it, although I had hit it a couple of times with a piece of cardboard, but it had either left the room or crawled into a crevice to die. I decided it wasn't going to be bothering me any more and turned the light off and went to sleep.

I fell asleep quickly and slept through until the alarm, and I'm pretty sure I was dreaming this morning the but alarm seemed to erase the dream from my memory. I felt really tired and had to sit cross legged on the floor for a few minutes while I properly woke up.

1691 15/05/14 13:24 to 15/05/14 15:31 2:07 I slept well

Today was lovely outside so I took my lunch outside and had a beer in the sun at 11:00am. After my beer I still wanted to stay outside so I mowed the lawn and had another beer.

After all of that I was ready for my nap! It took me a few minutes to get to sleep and I remember my legs being hot. Once asleep I had a good nap.

I woke up from a dream at about 3:00pm. I was dreaming, and then started to go back to sleep when I suddenly thought "that was a dream - I need to try and remember it!" It took quite a bit of effort to remember the dream but eventually I got a few details, and woke up properly and wrote them in my note pad.

I remember thinking "I might as well get up now" but then the next thing I knew was half an hour later and my alarm was going off.

That was a lovely nap and now I'm ready to do some more work!

1690 15/05/14 00:05 to 15/05/14 05:00 4:55 I slept well

Last night I felt tired about 11:00pm, but in the end it was an hour later before I got to bed and turned out the light.

I fell asleep quickly, and was dreaming this morning, but I don't remember my dream any more.

1689 14/05/14 12:52 to 14/05/14 13:59 1:07 I slept well

I felt tired at some points this morning, but when I went to bed it took me a while to fall asleep. I nearly gave up, but in the end I'm glad I didn't because I had a great nap.

When I did fall asleep, I slept for just over an hour before waking up naturally. Then I laid in bed for 15 minutes and got up as soon as my alarm went off.

This is the most awake I've felt for ages!

1688 14/05/14 12:30 to 14/05/14 12:52 0:21 I didn't sleep at all
1687 14/05/14 01:01 to 14/05/14 05:00 3:59 I slept well

I don't know why, but it took me ages to fall asleep last night. It wasn't the most frustrated I've ever been trying to get to sleep, but I was laying there for over an hour and it was a complete waste of time.

Once I got to sleep I slept without waking until my alarm went off this morning. Unsurprisingly I feel a little tired now.

1686 13/05/14 23:44 to 14/05/14 01:00 1:16 I didn't sleep at all
1685 13/05/14 11:58 to 13/05/14 14:42 2:43 I slept well

I was really tired this morning and thinking about going for an early nap at about 10:00am, but when I got to bed it took me a little while to fall asleep.

When I did get to sleep I woke up from a dream at 1:30pm, but then went back to sleep until my alarm went off at 2:30pm. I laid in bed for quite a while and struggled to get up.
