Friday 24 October 2014 00:12 to 06:53
(6:40 hours)
Yesterday we went to Gaurdarmar during the day. We walked around a nice little park, bought some flip flops, paddled in the sea and ended up eating seafood in a tapas bar on the seafront. On the way back to my dad's house we called into his local bar for a few more beers.
When we got back me and Yu Lee went for a quick swim in the pool (which was very cold) and then went for a lay down. I was not really tired enough to sleep after sleeping for 9 hours during the night, but it was good to lay down for a while after all of our lunchtime beers.
Last night Dad cooked us a really nice Spanish dish that consisted of pork chops wrapped around a mixture of cured ham, cheese, roasted red peppers, parsley and garlic. The whole thing was wrapped up like a Swiss roll, bread-crumbed (twice) and then fried. It was delicious!
We went to bed just after 1:00am and fell asleep quickly. I'm pretty sure I woke up briefly from a dream in the night which I remembered well enough to write down at the time, but now is gone. I went straight back to sleep and slept through until my alarm this morning when I woke up from another dream.

The main thing I remember in this dream is trying to dispose of a beehive in someone's garden.
We removed the beehive from a fence and quickly put it in the wheelie bin, and were surprised how easy it was and that none of the bees came out. Then we decided that we couldn't just have a wheelie bin full of bees, so I got a watering can and poured it on the beehive. I started to push the wheelie bin down the other end of the garden, and then all of a sudden I heard a buzzing noise as the bees started to leave the hive and surround me.
The main thing I remember thinking is that next time I would move the bin first and then pour in the water!