Displaying dreams 51 to 60 of 461
dream Dream: Monday 11 January 2016 08:05

Village Bicycle

Tags: Yu Lee

I dreamt that I was living in a shared house with three other people; two boys and a girl. When we all moved in together we were all friends, but my relationship with my female house-mate had progressed to a romantic relationship, and we had been sleeping together (although this was only implied and I don't remember actually sleeping with her in the dream).

Things progress in the dream, and one of the other guys starts to feel unwell. This next bit makes no sense in the real world, but he ends up taking a "pregnancy test" which reveals that he is "pregnant". Obviously this isn't the way things work in real life, but in my dream men can take the test to see if they've gotten their partner pregnant.

When we hear about his test results we realise that this means that he has gotten our female house-mate pregnant. This causes a lot of drama in the house, because it turns out that she was actually sleeping with all three of us!

After this, the two of them start to act like a proper couple which makes things very awkward in the house, and the situation is very upsetting for me and the other male house-mate.

From this part of the dream, Yu Lee is with me. I'm not really sure how she fits into everything or how much time has passed but it's pretty unpleasant to be in the house now. The last thing I remember is all being in the front room, sitting around and half watching TV. The girl is sitting on her partner's lap and Yu Lee is sitting next to me on the sofa. I can't remember the conversation leading up to it, but in the end I make a comment saying something like "I suppose everyone gets to ride the village bicycle at some point," and this pretty much kills the conversation.

dream Dream: Friday 08 January 2016 08:37

Eating Disorder

Tags: Joanna Yu Lee Zen

I don't recall a lot of the details of this dream, but I was with Yu Lee, Zen and Jo and we were eating. After we finished eating, Jo said that she was very full and a little while later went to the bathroom and I could hear her being sick. I looked at Zen and he told me that this was normal and she does it all of the time.

dream Dream: Thursday 07 January 2016 08:20


I don't remember who I was with, but I was with 2 dream characters. It was around 6:00pm and we'd gone to someone's work to use their workshop after working hours. I felt sure that the building we were in was somewhere just off of Newmarket Road, and the building was shared with another company. We'd chose this particular day because some people in the other company were working late and could lock up after us.

I don't remember what we were making, but it was taking a long time! After what felt like a long time and well after it had gotten dark, we saw the people from the other company leave. I opened the window and shouted to them "Are you going now?" and they told me not to worry because they were coming back. Sure enough, a short while later we heard them get back.

The only part of the project that I really remember in any detail was trying to drill a hole through a stack of 1p and 2p coins. We were having trouble doing it with the pillar drill and in the end managed it by using the dremel.

Whatever it was that we were making consisted of a tube made of drilled coins, a couple of pieces of wood or metal at each end, and was supposed to have something inside the tube.

I was talking to the other dream characters who were with me in the lobby, saying that I needed something to put inside the tube, and one of the workers from the other company heard me and said that I should try using a threaded rod. I told him that I didn't have one and said that they might have one, so we went inside his part of the building to look for one. While we were looking for the rod, his friends started to pack up and he said that he didn't have time to find it as they needed to go now, and we needed to go too so that they could lock up behind us.

I gathered all of the bits of my project and headed outside. It was daytime now and I realised it was 8:00am and we'd been up all night! We got into the car and drove off.

For some reason, instead of driving home I parked in someone else's drive, and just as we were getting out of the car they came out of their house to see what we were doing. I explained that we needed somewhere to park and they said that I could leave my car there for the rest of the day.

The last thing I remember was thinking that I had to go to school, and that I would be really tired after not sleeping at all. I felt exhausted and pictured myself falling asleep in a lesson.

dream Dream: Saturday 02 January 2016 09:07


Tags: Alberto Yu Lee

Yu Lee and I are in Spain, in a bar, and the barman is Alberto who used to own the bar my dad and Sue frequented daily a few years ago. We are there for lunch, and when we get there we order a beer and a couple of tapas.

After our first round of food, we decide to order more because we are still hungry. I call Alberto over and start talking to him in Spanish. I tell him that we want to order some more food, and tell him that Yu Lee doesn't like it when there isn't a proper menu. He says that there's no menu because they change the dished that they serve daily, and I agree that it isn't a problem. He then runs through the food options and one of the the options is Liver (hígado). I ask him how it comes and he tells me that it is a special dish and the liver is raw. I order the liver and a couple of other things and he tells me that it will be a while because the liver takes a while to prepare.

Throughout the conversation I keep mixing up Spanish and Italian words (just like real life) and it takes a real effort to keep talking in Spanish. At some points in the conversation I really slow down and feel like I have to think about every word, and I tell him that my Spanish is not so good because I've been learning Italian.

After we finish making our order, we decide to go out for a walk to pass the time while the food is being prepared. After walking around for a few minutes we decide to take a short cut back but end up getting completely lost. I start to feel stressed because the food will be ready and we won't make it back.

Eventually we come to a place that looks familiar. We are on the edge of a beech, and there is a river cutting in-land in front of us, and in the distance we can see a huge red suspension bridge. There's a sign with a map of the area on it, and we realise that we can't cross the river here and will have to walk for miles to make it back to the bar.

dream Dream: Thursday 24 December 2015 08:00

Drinking at a Bar

Me and Yu Lee are at a bar, and Jonathan from Charles Tyrwhitt in Cambridge is behind the bar. There are several other people at the bar in front of us, and just as we get there Jonathan disappears out the back to do something.

We wait at the bar for quite a long time, and eventually he comes back and serves the other customers. When it comes round to our turn he apologises for keeping us waiting and takes our order.

I order a beer, and Yu Lee orders a non-alcoholic cocktail which has lots of pineapple juice in it. Jonathan says that he thinks the lemon juice cocktail is more refreshing, so Yu Lee says she will have that one instead, but then Jonathan says "You shouldn't just order the lemon cocktail because I think it would be better. You should order what you want."

Yu Lee thinks about what he says and changes her order back to the pineapple cocktail.

dream Dream: Monday 21 December 2015 08:10

House Viewing by the Sea

Tags: Yu Lee

In my dream, Yu Lee and I are trying to move house, and have a property viewing in a house at the seaside.

We arrive at the properly early, so we decide to have a look around before the viewing. We walk around the block and find our way to the back of the property, and there is a large metal gate leading in to the back of the garden. We look through the bars of the gate and see the owner or the estate agent showing another person around. They see us through the gate and say that they'll be finished soon, and I tell them not to rush because we are early anyway.

We make our way back round to the front of the house and after a while we knock on the door and go inside.

I don't remember the tour of the house itself, but after a few minutes the owner takes us out the back to view the garden. They then lead us down to the beach, which doesn't make a lot of sense looking back on it now, because we'd clearly seen a gate leading out onto the road early in the dream.

The atmosphere out on the beach is very strange. There is a large bridge above the beach, presumable with a large road on top, like a motorway bridge but a little wider and quite a lot taller. There are large concrete pillars holding it up. The colours of everything are kind of grey and not a lot of light seems to actually reach the beach.

Even though the beach is completely shadowed by the bridge, people are still hanging out on the beach as they would on any other beach. All of a sudden a massive wave comes in and we are in the water. We manage to stay at the water's surface which is now a couple of storeys high. almost at the top of the concrete pillars.

The water doesn't quite reach the top of the bridge, but we can see another wave coming in and this time it's even bigger. The owner of the property tells us we have to hold our arms in a certain position to avoid being completely submerged.

I woke up before the wave hit us.

dream Dream: Monday 21 December 2015 08:00

Mum's Credit Rating

Tags: Mum

I don't remember a lot of the details of this dream, but I was talking to my mum about her financial situation. She has some crazy idea about paying for something, but said that it would mean missing a mortgage payment.

The main part of the dream that I remember is being very frustrated and telling here (repeatedly) "Whatever you do, don't miss a mortgage payment!"

As usual, Mum was being stubborn and didn't seem to agree...

dream Dream: Wednesday 16 December 2015 08:30

New School / Peeing Vinagre

Tags: Mum

I dreamt that I was still living at home with my mum (in our old house in Slough), and I was at the point where I'd just finished one school and needed to start the next. We'd been applying to different schools but there was one that was much better than the rest.

We received a letter saying that I hadn't gotten into the good school. At this point I basically gave up and tried to get used to the fact that I was going to the crappy school, but Mum wanted to call the school and try to get them to change their mind. I argued with her that it was a waste of time, and at one point I even got quite annoyed with her, but she didn't listen and spent a while making phone calls.

I went upstairs to my room and could hear my mum on the phone downstairs. After quite a long time she called up to me that it worked and they'd offered me a place! I felt relieved.

We had a workman in the house, doing some kind of building work. It was about 8 o'clock in the evening so I don't know why he was still there. The builder was doing something in one of the upstairs rooms, and had loads of tools and materials in Bob's bedroom, but I think he was doing some work in the bathroom.

I went downstairs and talked to Mum. She was in the middle of ordering me a new bed, and she said that as I'd gotten into the good school after all, I'd be needing a different bed instead. I chose the one that I wanted and we ordered it. I'm pretty sure we were looking in a printed catalogue so I have no idea how she ordered it.

A few minutes later the door went and I answered it. The delivery man handed me a package full of screws and nuts and bolts, and I realised it was the hardware for my new bed. I couldn't understand how it had gotten here so quick.

I needed to pee so I went upstairs, but for some reason, instead of going into the bathroom I went into Bob's bedroom. There was a cardboard container on the floor that had previously been filled with screws or something, that the builder had left behind. It was made out of the same kind of material as a paper cup and looked pretty waterproof so I decided to pee into it. I only peed a little bit, and it burned on the way out, and my urine was dark brown. I stopped even though I wasn't really finished and took the container to the bathroom. As I poured it into the toilet it fizzed and I realised it was because it was very acidic!

I peed some more into the toilet and it was really uncomfortable because of the burning sensation. As I continued, the urine fizzed some more in the toilet. I realised that this wasn't normal and went downstairs to tell Mum, but then I woke up and my dream ended.

dream Dream: Wednesday 02 December 2015 08:06

House Party in a Big House

Tags: Mike Will

In my dream I'm living somewhere else, in a house that's much bigger and more luxurious than my real house. The house is 3 floors tall and each floor has quite a lot of rooms on it. I've invited a lot of my school friends round for a house party. There are people everywhere, but the only people that I specifically remember are Mike and Will.

Mike tells me that he went to another party the previous night and that he's still a bit hungover from it. He pulls out a bottle of something and pours us some drinks. I ask what it is and he says it's a Red Bull cocktail. I'm hesitant to drink it because of the caffeine content and I tell him and Will that I normally don't drink vodka and Red Bull because it stops me from being able to sleep, and that it's unpleasant being drunk and tired, but still being unable to sleep.

In the end I give in and drink the Red Bull cocktail and they do to. It's really alcoholic, and shortly after drinking it Mike lays down on the floor and falls asleep. Will tells me that he needs to use the bathroom, and I can tell by the sense of urgency in his voice and the fact that he looks terrible that he's going to be sick. I start directing him to the downstairs toilet but he starts to run up the stairs and finds his way to the upstairs bathroom.

A little while later I see Will again and he tells me that he was sick all over the toilet seat. I say "That's disgusting," and he tells me not to worry because he's cleaned it up already.

dream Dream: Monday 30 November 2015 08:05

The Top Floor / 800 Metre Race

Tags: Yu Lee

My dream is set in some kind of educational institution which is basically a cross between University and school. At the start of my dream I am in the student union building which is basically a pretty tall tower, and I've just finished eating in a restaurant on one of the lower floors.

Yu Lee wants to meet me and she asked me to meet her on one of the upper floors. I travel upstairs and wait for her.

The top of the building is like a medieval castle, almost as though a castle has been built on top of a modern tower block. I'm outside, and there are walls and towers around me, so although I'm quite high up it's impossible to tell as there is no way to see past the castle walls that surround me.

While I'm waiting for Yu Lee I look up at one of the towers and notice a large brown plant towering above it. I wonder how such a large plant could have gotten there, and wonder if it was planted there on purpose or was just a weed.

After a few minutes Yu Lee turns up and we head off. She tells me that this isn't actually the top floor, and that you can go even higher, inside the castle towers.

We head off an inside one of the towers. There are lots of people everywhere, and I think to myself how the building feels like a self contained city with all of its shops, bars and restaurants and so many people. We head up the tower and emerge into a hallway that must be inside what appeared to be the castle walls from the lower level.

We wander around for a while and it's a lot quieter up here. There are still a few people hanging around, but it feels like a secret place that not many people know about. There are quite a few restaurants up here and we say that we'll have to come back another time for lunch.

A little while later we head outside and are definitely up in what appeared to be the castle ramparts from the previous floor. We walk for a while and I notice a lot of trees and large plants, and then I spot the large brown plant that I was looking at earlier. It's not planted in any soil, and long wooden roots seem to be coming from inside the brickwork and from over the edges of the walls. The entire scene has a magical feeling to it and I feel a sense of wonder at the trees growing so high up in the top of the tower.

The next thing I remember is being in a completely different place. This time I'm outside in a grassy area and we're having a PE lesson. The teacher tells us that we're going to be having an 800 metre running race, and we position ourselves on the track ready to start. I ask the teacher if we just have to do 1 lap and she says "yes".

A couple of seconds later she blows a whistle to start the race and everyone starts running. I'm not running at full pace because I think that 800 metres is quite a long way to sprint, and I want to save some energy for the end of the race, but everyone else accelerates quickly and leaves me behind. As I'm running around I can't believe that the track is really 800 metres long.

I start to accelerate but I can't keep up with the other runners. A few minutes later I cross the finish line in last place. Everyone stops running apart from one other guy who keeps on running and starts a second lap. The teacher tells us that we were supposed to continue, and that we'd only run 400 metres. I protest that she told us to stop after one lap.