Supermarket Swearing
The first part of the dream that I remember was being a supermarket. It was one of those dreams that didn't feel real, like I was playing a computer game, even though I was physically acting out the dream.
There was a man in the supermarket that I was chasing around, and every so often he would stop and say "mochila" which for some reason was very offensive in my dream (but in real life it's the Spanish word for "backpack"). I had some kind of gun in my hand and every time he stopped I would shoot him in the head, then he would run off and I would chase him again.
After a while, a lady in the show said that she was fed up of hearing his "cursing" and that we had to stop him. Someone grabbed him and spun him round on the spot a couple of times. At this point the dream lost its make-believe feeling and started to feel very real.
The man became dizzy from being spun round (even though they only spun him twice) and fell down on the ground. He hit the ground hard with a loud thud as the side of his head made contact with the tiles. He was very still for a couple of seconds and someone ran over to him and lifted his head up off of the floor. As they lifted him, I could see a lot of blood all over the floor (although it looked kind of thin and watered down, as though it was mixed with a clear fluid), and the man opened his eyes and said "I can't hear anything in my right ear. I think my ear drum has been punctured."
This is the last thing I remember before waking up.