Displaying dreams 461 to 462 of 462
dream Dream: Sunday 23 January 2000 08:00

Year 9 Dream Diary - Dream 2

Me, Jack, Bradley, Michael and Humza are together in the class room, picking on Amardeep, saying that she’s got hairy breasts. She gets very upset and eventually shows us her chest and it’s very hairy!

(note : this is quite realistic isn’t it?)

dream Dream: Tuesday 18 January 2000 08:00

Year 9 Dream Diary - Dream 1

Tags: Bob Dad

Me and Robert (my brother) are round my dad’s house for the day. Robert wants to make a phone call, but his battery on his phone is flat so he asks to use my dad's. My dad agrees to this so Robert uses his phone. When he finishes the call, he’s in a bad mood, and wants to annoy my dad, so he purposefully drops the phone on the floor breaking it. My dad’s response to this is to beat him up, punching him round the head until he falls down, unconscious.

(note : this is weird because my dad’s never hit either of us in real life.)