Displaying dreams 461 to 470 of 475
dream Dream: Thursday 26 January 2006 08:00

Toilet Seats and Lizards

Tags: Ces Yu Lee

I only remember 3 fragments of my dream.

Scene 1

I was at a swimming pool. A few of my family were there, and so was Ces (my mum's ex-husband). I mainly remember going to the toilet.

To get to the toilets you needed to use a key and we only had one key between us, so Ces came with me to open the door. The layout to the toilet was really weird.

Ces went off and I went to a urinal to pee. Someone else came and stood very close to me which made me feel uncomfortable, so I went to move to another urinal. The other guy said "Why are you moving? Do you have a small willy?" and I told him it was because I couldn't deal with this piece of wood sticking out of the ceiling which was making me bend down. He said "fair enough".

I went and found a cubicle, and the cubicle was fairly odd. The toilet was very low and the seat was made out of black plastic, and the hole where you pee in was very small. The seat was even more bizarre as it didn't have the usual round hole in it, but instead had a cross shaped one. From above it kind of looked like this:

After I had my pee I went to find Ces and he was walking round the toilet talking to people and being a complete dick head.

Scene 2

The second scene was at my old school (Herschel Grammar) and I was with Yu Lee. I had a feeling from previous events that people were trying to advertise stuff to me on the sly (like in The Truman Show, maybe).

I was on a raised walkway behind the school hall, coming out of the canteen and into the foyer. A girl was standing there who I'd never seen before. She was very pretty, had lots of white make-up on and had thick, red lips.

I started talking to her and Yu Lee walked off into the foyer. She was being really flirty and at one point she started talking about AIDS!

After a really odd bit of flirting she grabbed me and started kissing me. We made out for a while and then I walked off. I got the impression she'd done it to advertise something to me.

Scene 3

The third scene was the most bizarre. I was in my bedroom at York Avenue but my mirror doors were back on my wardrobe. I was chilling in my room and I could hear birds really loudly.

I opened the curtains and looked outside and saw loads of birds on a weird plant outside my window. Next I noticed a bird that was really tall, and then I realised it was a weird mouse thing. Looking even closer revealed it to actually be a strange lizard thing. Suddenly I could see that the lizard and the strange plant it was on were both inside my bedroom!

The strange plant it was on was in the corner of my bedroom next to the wardrobe, and I could see its reflection in the mirror doors. The plant was woody and looked like a number of vines twisted around each other.

I backed off and when I looked around the lizard was much bigger and more lizard like. I was also dark green.

The lizard approached me and I wasn't scared: I thought it was being playful. It had long legs and its head had a disk at the back making it look more like a dinosaur.

The next thing I remember is being awake and trying to remember it.

dream Dream: Wednesday 25 January 2006 08:00


Semi-Lucid Dream (L1)

I dreamt that I came back from uni and Bob had been having fights with Humza's little brother. We were talking about it for a while and I was saying it would be ok to use weapons and he should probably just stab him with a screwdriver.

After we finished talking about that, Bob was saying how he needed a new watch, and Matt (O'Brien) said Bob could have his old watch in the summer because he was getting a new one. He said it was a bit broken but could be easily repaired because it was a swatch.

We ended up talking about my swatch and I was showing them the stop watch on it. Normally when you reset the stop watch on mine the second hand moves all the way around clockwise to reset to zero. This time when I pressed reset it when anti-clockwise to zero, so I realised I was dreaming.

As I became lucid I immediately woke up.

dream Dream: Tuesday 24 January 2006 08:00


I am not sure of the ordering of events in this dream.

At some point I decided I wanted to do something else other than my uni course, so I was trying to get into another career (something practical). I was trying to enrol at a college and get a job.

I went into town and bought a gameboy advance and two pokémon games. After I got the first one I washed my clothes and forgot that the cartridge was in my shirt pocket. The cartridge was broken after that and I was gonna take it back but it was obviously broken. I ordered the second cartridge by courier and told him (the delivery man) the story of how I broke the first one.

Something weird was going on with Brummy Matt's accommodation but I can't remember what.

The dream ended with me designing some weird machine on the computer as a competition. The main thing I remember is that it had to be attached to a tight rope and move across it.

Also, at some point I played one of the pokémon games and it seemed very familiar. You could only have two pokémon on your team instead of the usual amount, and it was an original gameboy game because the colours were shit.

dream Dream: Monday 23 January 2006 08:00


Tags: Bob Dad Yu Lee
Semi-Lucid Dream (L1)

I had a dream about going to see my dad in Spain.

Me, Bob and Yu Lee were there. We chilled and had a few beers, and then drove to a bar. Dad was driving really fast and at one point he was talking and not really paying attention to the road. We nearly went straight into the back of a white van, but I screamed and he put his foot on the break.

He said it was hard to concentrate when he'd been drinking.

After a drink it was time to go home. Dad took us outside.

Outside, the bar looked more like a mansion. It had a huge metal gate with chains on it. I seem to remember me and Bob being at the gate before and having to find a different way in - although I don't really know how that fits into the dream.

This time I put my hand through the gate and opened it. It seems the chains were for show and weren't actually locking it.

Dad said goodbye and me and Bob left.

I distinctly remember walking and talking for a few seconds, and then telling Bob to stop and think where we were supposed to go because we were going the wrong way.

Spain didn't look like Spain: it had lots of English pubs.

Next is where it got strange. I noticed it wasn't very realistic, started to become lucid and lost it in a second. The graphics went all pixelated and faded out.

Next thing I knew I was telling Bob that I became lucid because the streets had a repetitive, randomly generated feel. I got the impression I had seen this dream on a computer monitor like it was a computer game or something.

Then I woke up.

dream Dream: Sunday 22 January 2006 08:00

Cutting up Rings

This one is really weird.

Some woman wanted to marry me and I decided to play a little prank. I got a ring and cut it up and put bits of it all over the house. For some reason this was supposed to be a really upsetting thing to do.

I was actually planning on marrying the girl - I thought she wouldn't notice the cruel trick I played on her, but she did notice and called the wedding off.

Then I did it again.

I don't understand why it was cruel or funny. Also I cut the rings up with scissors and got a lot of pieces. I was at home in York Avenue in this dream.

dream Dream: Saturday 21 January 2006 08:00

Bob's Puke

Tags: Bob Mum

I only remember the end of the dream.

I am visiting home and when I get there Mum has told me that Bob threw up the previous night.

When I arrive at home someone is talking to Bob and saying "Were you sick again this morning?" and he said "yes". I asked him about it and he said he drunk too much last night and puked. Then he said this morning he woke up and was starving and he was going to "enjoy being hungry". Then he had a "phat fry-up" and was thinking how much he was enjoying it when he suddenly felt sick and made a dash for the toilet and threw it back up.

I said "I bet that was horrible throwing up all of that fried food" and he said it was.

I don't remember exactly what else I said but I think I was telling him how to avoid puking.

dream Dream: Friday 20 January 2006 08:00

Pimped out Crib

I had a dream about skiing: it was a competition between a pro skier and an amateur. The amateur guy had weird training where he had to use dance to train and move on the slope. The competition was judged on jumps rather than speed.

The end of the dream didn't make a lot of sense. It started talking about how women skiers would be judged on looks as well, for example how the looked in water. Then I was taken to a swimming pool in the garden of a luxury London apartment.

Next I was inside and talking to the owner who was showing me around. I was in a room with large patio doors looking out on the pool and he explained how the whole apartment was double glazed apart from the patio doors.

Then he showed me his computer and explained how he filmed stuff on it. It had an absolutely huge flat screen monitor and he was saying how he wished there was a microphone built into the monitor that would pick up the sound of the wind to make his films more realistic.

I asked him how much wind he got in his apartment.

dream Dream: Friday 20 January 2006 06:00


Tags: Cliff Yu Lee

I only remember 2 parts.

Firstly my next door neighbour Cliff was building some kind of motor vehicle.

Secondly, me and Yu Lee were in a supermarket doing our weekly shop and buying all sorts of junk. Immediately before waking we asked someone where either ice cream or yoghurt was. Yu Lee wanted to go but I wanted to get more food.

dream Dream: Wednesday 18 January 2006 08:00

Two Really Vague Dreams

  1. Christmas time: Jack and Brad are spending Christmas together. Jack and Jack's dad aren't drinking so that Jack's dad can drop him home at midnight.

  2. Something about spaceships and time travel which went into a false awakening where I wrote the dream down.

dream Dream: Thursday 03 February 2000 08:00

Year 9 Dream Diary - Dream 6

I had a dream that I was in ‘Toys ‘R’ Us’, buying lego. After I went home, there was a red lion in my house, eating my family.