Toilet Seats and Lizards
I only remember 3 fragments of my dream.
Scene 1
I was at a swimming pool. A few of my family were there, and so was Ces (my mum's ex-husband). I mainly remember going to the toilet.
To get to the toilets you needed to use a key and we only had one key between us, so Ces came with me to open the door. The layout to the toilet was really weird.
Ces went off and I went to a urinal to pee. Someone else came and stood very close to me which made me feel uncomfortable, so I went to move to another urinal. The other guy said "Why are you moving? Do you have a small willy?" and I told him it was because I couldn't deal with this piece of wood sticking out of the ceiling which was making me bend down. He said "fair enough".
I went and found a cubicle, and the cubicle was fairly odd. The toilet was very low and the seat was made out of black plastic, and the hole where you pee in was very small. The seat was even more bizarre as it didn't have the usual round hole in it, but instead had a cross shaped one. From above it kind of looked like this:
After I had my pee I went to find Ces and he was walking round the toilet talking to people and being a complete dick head.
Scene 2
The second scene was at my old school (Herschel Grammar) and I was with Yu Lee. I had a feeling from previous events that people were trying to advertise stuff to me on the sly (like in The Truman Show, maybe).
I was on a raised walkway behind the school hall, coming out of the canteen and into the foyer. A girl was standing there who I'd never seen before. She was very pretty, had lots of white make-up on and had thick, red lips.
I started talking to her and Yu Lee walked off into the foyer. She was being really flirty and at one point she started talking about AIDS!
After a really odd bit of flirting she grabbed me and started kissing me. We made out for a while and then I walked off. I got the impression she'd done it to advertise something to me.
Scene 3
The third scene was the most bizarre. I was in my bedroom at York Avenue but my mirror doors were back on my wardrobe. I was chilling in my room and I could hear birds really loudly.
I opened the curtains and looked outside and saw loads of birds on a weird plant outside my window. Next I noticed a bird that was really tall, and then I realised it was a weird mouse thing. Looking even closer revealed it to actually be a strange lizard thing. Suddenly I could see that the lizard and the strange plant it was on were both inside my bedroom!
The strange plant it was on was in the corner of my bedroom next to the wardrobe, and I could see its reflection in the mirror doors. The plant was woody and looked like a number of vines twisted around each other.
I backed off and when I looked around the lizard was much bigger and more lizard like. I was also dark green.
The lizard approached me and I wasn't scared: I thought it was being playful. It had long legs and its head had a disk at the back making it look more like a dinosaur.
The next thing I remember is being awake and trying to remember it.