Computer Game with Romanian Soldiers
Me and Yu Lee were playing some kind of computer game in this dream. We were actually inside the game though.
The first level involved climbing down a cliff on what seemed to be an alien planet. It was basically like climbing down a climbing wall.
Yu Lee had done it before so she guided me through it and we climbed down the cliff which was covered in vegetation. There were all sorts of flying creatures around.
When we go quite a way down the cliff, Yu Lee blasted a hole in the cliff face with a grenade. Inside the hole was a building with bedrooms and a communal room with a pool table and a table football table. They weren't normal tables though, and the balls were weird.
We chilled out there for a while, and Bob, Shivani and Nisha were there. Yu Lee went in a bedroom with the girls and I tried to play pool with Bob.
After a while some men with guns came in and said that they were Romanian soldiers, and that our guns couldn't hurt them. They tried to sell me some cigarettes but I wasn't interested.
After a while they put their guns on the table and went into another room. I stole their guns and tried to shoot them, but the bullets wouldn't work. I saved my game and then tried to shoot Yu Lee to see if the guns actually worked. She immediately slumped back in her chair with lots of bullet wounds down her front.
The soldiers were angry and one of them told me that even if I load my game she still might have some bullets inside her. All of a sudden Yu Lee moved and the solider said "Oh shit she's still alive." He told me to hurry up and load my saved game, but when I tried to load it it said that it couldn't decrypt the file as it was from an earlier version of the game. The soldiers didn't know what to do either.