Car Thief
I only remember the last part of this dream.
I had some other people in the car, I think it was Yu Lee, Shivani and Nisha, and I was parking in a weird multi-storey carpark that I think has been in my dreams before.
I drove up the ramp onto one of the higher floors of the carpark, and I was about to cross the bridge (which they have on each floor) to the other section, when I noticed a set of wide spaces down a little ramp. For some reason I got out of the car and pushed it by the door whilst steering with my left hand.
As I got close to my space a man approached me and started talking to me. Before I could realise what was going on he'd popped open my bonnet and ripped some stickers off of the inside. "I've taken the stickers with the serial numbers and codes on them, so now you won't ever be able to claim on your insurance. Tell me the secret key for the engine," he demanded. I felt threatened, but I'm not sure why as he didn't have a weapon.
"I don't know the secret key, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you," I replied.
At that moment he started to do something which distracted him. I quickly pushed the car round in a circle and back the way I came, and then pushed it into a lift. The man notices and started to run towards me just as the doors closed and I pressed the 'down' button.
As the lift started to move (with the car inside it) I woke up.