This dream was about us wanting to buy a house off of someone who turned out to be a psycho.
We are living in Coventry, but our house has my living room from home. We went to look at a house and some really weird girl lived there.
We didn't realise how weird the girl was an made friends with her, and went round her house in the evening. She turned out to be a nutter so we left when we got the chance.
The next day me, Yu Lee and Shivani are chilling at home. It's getting late and the weird girl is calling us up and being very weird on the phone, and trying to get us to invite her round for the evening. We don't invite her round though because she's a psycho, and get back on with our conversation.
Then all of a sudden she's at the window, tapping on it with a knife. We jump out of our skins and turn the lights off so she can't see us, but we realise it's too late and she has noticed us already.
I go to get a knife from the kitchen, and the next thing I know she's inside the house and I am threatening her with the knife.
Then I wake up.
The whole experience was highly unpleasant, and I am feeling very uncomfortable now writing this.