ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
268 05/12/12 00:08 to 05/12/12 06:02 5:54 I slept well

Last night I was watching TV when I started to come over tired just after midnight, so I went to bed and set the alarm for 6:00am. It took me a bit longer to fall asleep - I think it must have been 20 - 30 minutes.

This morning I woke up from a dream at 6:00am when the alarm went off. I am thinking of setting my alarm back to 5:30am tomorrow morning, as waking up naturally doesn't seem to be something that I can rely on.

The main problem that I'm having at the moment is knowing when I am tired enough to fall asleep straight away. It seems that I need about 7 hours each day: About 1.5 hours for by nap and 5.5 hours for my core sleep.

267 04/12/12 16:21 to 04/12/12 17:58 1:36 I slept well

Today I had a meeting from 2:00pm - 3:30pm, and I felt like I was falling asleep in my chair towards the end of it, although looking around the room I don't think I was the only one!

When I got home I had a very small bowl of cereal as I was starving, and went straight to bed, setting the alarm to go off after 1:45. I woke up naturally 10 minutes before the alarm, and was thinking "What time is it? Is it morning yet?". I felt refreshed.

266 03/12/12 23:42 to 04/12/12 05:27 5:45 I slept well

Last night Yu Lee went to bed at about 10:30pm, and I was feeling a bit tired so I had another early night and was in bed before 12:00. It's difficult to tell exactly when I am tired enough to sleep and I think I went to bed a little bit early, as it took me a while to fall asleep. I think I laid in bed for about 20 minutes before I fell asleep.

I woke up at about 2:30am and felt like I could get up, but I looked at the clock and decided to go back to sleep. When I finally woke up again at 5:30am (without my alarm) I was having a really vivid dream.

When I woke up I still felt a little tired and I laid in bed for about 10 minutes. I feel quite tired now too and I could probably fall back to sleep in no time!

265 03/12/12 16:19 to 03/12/12 18:00 1:41 I slept well

Today I felt moderately tired when I came home for my nap. For the first time in ages I set an alarm, as I have been sleeping up to 2.5 hours for my naps at the moment. I set it for 1:40 hours so that I would have 10 minutes to fall asleep, and then 1.5 hours to sleep.

It took me a little longer than usual to fall asleep: I think it was probably 10 - 15 minutes. The act of setting an alarm seems to make it harder to sleep, as I start to worry that if I don't fall asleep soon I will get a short nap and wake up tired.

When I woke up I could have definitely slept longer, and I felt slightly tired afterwards but not too bad. Let's see if this affects the amount of sleep I need tonight.

264 02/12/12 23:26 to 03/12/12 05:04 5:38 I slept well

Last night I was starting to feel sleepy around 11:00, and I was thinking about what time I should go to bed when I decided I should just give up on my normal bed time and go to sleep when I felt tired. I felt tired for a lot of the day yesterday, so I think I may have accumulated a bit of a sleep debt, so I went to bed at 11:30 and set the alarm a little later, for 6:00am.

I fell asleep pretty quickly, and Yu Lee came to bed a bit later. I woke up when she came in and thought I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, but I think I fell asleep again in about 2 minutes.

This morning I woke up naturally (which was great!) from a very vivid dream. I dreamt that I was back at university, with a mixture of people from my school and my current work. I remember it being between lectures and I wanted a cup of tea, but my friends needed to go to the toilet and there was a massive queue.

I feel great this morning!

263 02/12/12 12:58 to 02/12/12 15:15 2:17 I slept well

Today I didn't do a lot of work on my bathroom, but I did help a little bit. For some reason, around midday I started to come over quite sleepy, and by 1:00pm I was definitely ready for a nap!

I think I fell asleep in about 15 minutes, and woke up at 2:10pm, but decided 1 hour wasn't enough and went straight back to sleep until the alarm went off.

262 02/12/12 00:54 to 02/12/12 06:08 5:14 I slept well

Last night I wasn't that sleepy at bed time, partly due to the amount of sleep I'd had the previous day, but also the fact that I had an extra cup of tea after dinner might have had something to do with it.

It took me about 30 minutes (or maybe a little longer) to fall asleep, but I slept the night through and was tired in the morning. I ended up snoozing for 40 minutes after the alarm.

261 01/12/12 16:21 to 01/12/12 19:01 2:39 I slept well

Today I felt very tired at about 2:00pm, but we had to carry on and finish the wall we were tiling in the bathroom. At about 4:00pm the adhesive Yu Lee had put on the wall was too dry to work with any more, so we scraped it off and stopped there for the day.

When I got in bed I felt tired, and I think I fell asleep briefly after about 10 minutes, but then I noticed myself dribbling and woke up and couldn't sleep until at least 5:00pm.

In total I think I actually slept for something like 2 hours, and afterwards I laid in bed for 30 minutes. It was nice to have another lay in but a bit of a waste of time. I feel good now though...

260 30/11/12 22:54 to 01/12/12 05:53 6:59 I slept well

As my nap didn't really happen yesterday, I ended up going to be quite early last night. It's not often that I'm asleep before 11:00!

I fell asleep pretty much straight away and slept solidly through until 5:30 this morning. After the alarm I dozed for a bit, and I laid in bed awake for 30 minutes after recording the end time of this sleep. Hopefully I will be able to nap today!

259 30/11/12 16:22 to 30/11/12 17:31 1:09 I didn't sleep at all

I didn't really sleep at all for this, although I may have drifted off for a few minutes here and there.

I felt a little tired at work today, especially in the morning, and as I was walking home I thought I would probably sleep well for my nap. When I laid down I felt less tired, and next door were banging about for pretty much the entire time.

When Yu Lee came home at 5:20 I opened the door and marked my sleep as 'failed'. I chatted to Yu Lee for a while until her leg went numb from kneeling on the floor, and then I got up.

This was a bit frustrating, but I do feel that laying down had some benefit. I think I will be to bed early tonight though.

258 30/11/12 00:31 to 30/11/12 05:30 4:58 I slept well

Last night when I went to bed, I remember saying to Yu Lee that I didn't really feel tired. I think I fell asleep about 2 minutes later so I must have been!

This morning I just about managed to get up at 5:30am with the alarm. I actually laid in bed for 10 minutes afterwards, and came very close to falling back to sleep, but I did get up in the end.

Now I feel quite tired. I am not used to sleeping like this any more. Hopefully once the sun comes up I will start to wake up a bit more.

257 29/11/12 16:19 to 29/11/12 17:52 1:32 I slept well

When I came home today, Yu Lee said she felt sick and had been feeling ill for a few hours. We both went to sleep, and when she woke up she said she felt fine. That just goes to show that naps must be good for you!

I fell asleep in a few minutes and woke up feeling refreshed.

256 29/11/12 00:08 to 29/11/12 05:50 5:42 I slept well

Last night I went to bed just after midnight. I didn't feel super tired, but I knew I would sleep as I didn't have a very good nap yesterday.

This morning when my alarm went off I could have probably got up, but instead I set the alarm on my tablet to go off after 15 minutes and got up then. It's nice to get up early again as I have a nice chunk of time before work.

255 28/11/12 16:30 to 28/11/12 17:56 1:26 I slept a little bit

Yu Lee had the day off work today and stayed at home tiling the bathroom. When I got in she was still doing it, and wouldn't even let me use the toilet!

Despite the fact that I needed a poo, and that Yu Lee was banging about in the next room, I did manage to get some sleep, but nowhere near enough. I fell asleep at least 3 times, but woke up again when she cut a tile as it made some noise.

Still, at least I don't have to endure the horrors of tiling it myself!

254 28/11/12 00:30 to 28/11/12 06:51 6:21 I slept well

Yesterday, after dinner I spent a good few hours doing work on my bathroom. One of the jobs I had to do was to screw the bath into the wall using 2 metal brackets underneath the bath. This involved laying on my side with my head between the toilet and the bath, and reaching in between all of the pipes with a screw driver and screwing in a very tough screw. It was very tiring, and took me half an hour to get it all of the way in!

When I went to bed at 12:30am, I fell asleep straight away. I must have been very tired because I ended up sleeping in until 7:00am!

When I woke up I still felt tired and had a minor headache, like I normally get after a long lay in.

253 27/11/12 16:35 to 27/11/12 18:30 1:54 I slept well

Today someone was due to come round at 7:00pm to give us a quote on a new window for our study, so I had to make sure I was up at 6:30pm. I always find that setting an alarm makes it harder to fall asleep, and today was no exception.

It took me a while to fall asleep, and I am sure that I woke up briefly in the middle of the nap. When the alarm went off I was sound asleep though, and the nap definitely did provide some refreshment.

252 27/11/12 00:47 to 27/11/12 06:00 5:12 I slept well

Once again I went to bed slightly later than usual, but not much. I also got up to go to the toilet just after 2:00am, which is the first time I've done that for a long time.

This morning when I woke up I still felt quite tired, but instead of just going back to sleep I set an alarm for 6:00am on my tablet. At 6:00 I felt a little bit sleepy but not too bad and got up, and now I feel fine.

251 26/11/12 16:45 to 26/11/12 19:00 2:14 I slept well

I was feeling pretty tired on my walk home from work today, and when I got home I was ready for sleep! I ended up getting into my bed a little later than usual, and I think it took about 15 minutes to fall asleep.

For some reason, when I'm really tired it often takes me longer to fall asleep.

After my nap I felt sleepy and didn't want to get up. I woke up naturally and laid in bed for a few minutes. It feels like a luxury to have a lie in after work!

250 26/11/12 01:00 to 26/11/12 06:31 5:31 I slept well

I could have easily gone to bed just after midnight, but in the end I got distracted end ended up staying up until 1:00.

This morning I was tired, and I turned the alarm off and slept until 6:30.

249 25/11/12 16:17 to 25/11/12 18:16 1:58 I slept well

Today we did more work on our bathroom, and then went to B&Q as they had 20% off of everything this weekend. We got back just after 4:00pm and I was glad to get into my bed!

Yu Lee said she wasn't tired and didn't think she could sleep, but she was asleep within minutes and I fell asleep shortly afterwards. I set an alarm but woke up naturally after 2 hours.

I really needed that one!