ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
2343 17/02/15 23:32 to 18/02/15 05:58 6:25 I slept well

Last night we were still working on our website at 11:00pm and was exhausted. I sat down and had an infusion and then went straight to bed.

I didn't fall asleep instantly but I was super relaxed and was asleep before midnight. I'm sure I had at least 2 dreams in the night and I was definitely dreaming when I woke up, but I only remember one fragment of an earlier dream now. I also had major sleep inertia when I woke up and it took a lot of will power to not get back into bed.

2342 17/02/15 12:27 to 17/02/15 13:46 1:19 I slept well

This morning I was pretty busy, and then at 2:00pm a builder was due to come round to give us a quote. I had to set my alarm a bit earlier than I normally would have so that I had time to get up and make tea before he turned up.

When the alarm went off I did not want to get up!

2341 17/02/15 00:10 to 17/02/15 05:57 5:46 I slept well dream
2340 16/02/15 12:21 to 16/02/15 14:26 2:05 I slept well

I was really tired at nap time and fell asleep quickly. I woke up after 1.5 hours to my alarm and Yu Lee came in about a minute later.

When Yu Lee left the room I shut my eyes for a second, and by magic another half an hour had passed! I guess I really was tired!

2339 16/02/15 01:07 to 16/02/15 05:57 4:50 I slept well

Last night we watched the last 7 episodes of Steins;Gate back to back. It was so awesome we just couldn't stop!

This meant we went to bed a little later than usual, so I was pretty tired and fell asleep quickly.

I woke up naturally from a dream about 10 minutes before my alarm was going to go off. I was just considering getting up when Yu Lee cuddled up to me so I ended up falling asleep again for the last 10 minutes. Then when the alarm went off I struggled to get up.

2338 15/02/15 08:23 to 15/02/15 10:00 1:37 I slept well

When I went upstairs to wake Yu Lee up she didn't seem to want to get up so I ended up getting back in bed and went back to sleep. I woke up naturally an hour and a half later.

2337 15/02/15 00:31 to 15/02/15 05:57 5:25 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly and woke from a disturbing dream at about 3:00am. I got back to sleep again and woke up again at 5:30am from another dream.

I could have probably gotten up at that point but instead I cuddled up to Yu Lee and went back to sleep. The next thing I remember is the alarm going off and trying to untangle myself from Yu Lee so that I could turn it off.

I sat there for about 10 minutes thinking about my dreams before getting dressed.

dream dream
2336 14/02/15 13:19 to 14/02/15 15:01 1:41 I slept well

Today I had my first Italian lesson in town from 11:00 until 12:00. The teacher was amazed at how fast I was picking it up and I burned through her 1 hour lesson in about 10 minutes!

After that I had some falafel and came home. I was pretty tired when I got in and fell asleep quickly, and then slept through until my alarm. As soon as the alarm went off I was wide awake and didn't struggle to get up at all.

2335 14/02/15 00:22 to 14/02/15 05:57 5:34 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly. I slept through the night and woke up to my alarm at 6:00am.

Yu Lee had asked me to wake her up at 6:00am this morning so I turned the light on straight away and it made a massive difference! It was much easier to properly wake up with the light on.

Yu Lee then asked me to let her sleep for another hour.

2334 13/02/15 12:06 to 13/02/15 13:56 1:50 I slept well

I was tired and fell asleep quickly for my nap today. When the alarm went off I fell back to sleep and slept for another half an hour or so.

I'm pretty sure I woke from a dream (which I remembered) at about 1:00pm but I don't remember it any more.

2333 13/02/15 00:11 to 13/02/15 05:57 5:45 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly but woke up at 2:00am with a dead hand. When we fell asleep I had my arm underneath Yu Lee's neck so she had been laying on it for 2 hours, and when I woke up it had gone completely numb.

After laying in bed with intense pins and needles the sensation came back into my hand. Once that distraction was over I realised I was desperate to pee and got up to do that, and then had a big glass of water and went back to sleep.

I slept through until 5:30am when I woke up from a dream. After that I got back to sleep for the final half hour of the night and woke up to my alarm as usual.

2332 12/02/15 14:29 to 12/02/15 15:35 1:06 I slept well

I actually came up to bed at about 1:00pm, but I was angry about something and didn't feel like sleeping so I called Yu Lee up and she stayed with me for a while.

After Yu Lee left I fell asleep quickly and woke up an hour later when she came in to wake me (as instructed).

2331 11/02/15 23:28 to 12/02/15 05:57 6:29 I slept well

Last night I felt really tired and finally managed to get to bed early. It felt good going to sleep earlier and I fell asleep quickly.

I woke up this morning and felt really groggy, so I guess I must have been in a deep sleep. I was dreaming when I woke up but I don't remember much of the dream now.

2330 11/02/15 12:21 to 11/02/15 13:55 1:33 I slept well

Today I was pretty sleepy and went for my nap just before midday, but Yu Lee came up with me and stayed for half an hour. When she left I fell straight to sleep without setting an alarm.

I woke up naturally from a dream about 1.5 hours later. Yu Lee came in again and we stayed there for another 20 minutes or so.

2329 11/02/15 00:50 to 11/02/15 05:57 5:07 I slept well

Last night I probably went to bed a little later than I should have, but Yu Lee had slept for 3 hours on the sofa and wasn't particularly enthusiastic about going to bed.

Once we'd settled down in bed I fell asleep relatively quickly, although I did cough for a while when I first laid down. After that I slept soundly through the night and when the alarm went off I struggled to get up.

2328 10/02/15 15:15 to 10/02/15 15:30 0:15 I slept well
2327 10/02/15 13:30 to 10/02/15 15:11 1:41 I slept well

I really wanted to go for my nap early today, but as usual everything started happening just before lunch. After some quick bug fixes and client calls I made and ate some ramen and finally got to bed around 1:30pm.

I fell asleep quickly and slept through until my alarm, then snoozed it twice. Yu Lee came in and woke me up but then she laid on top of the bed to give me a cuddle and promptly fell asleep!

I slept for another 15 minutes or so until my phone went off and woke me up. I got Yu Lee up 45 minutes later.

2326 10/02/15 01:26 to 10/02/15 05:56 4:29 I slept well

My cold is pretty much done, but today was full of drama which made it hard to get to sleep.

Once I was asleep I slept well and woke naturally from a dream a few minutes before my alarm. I don't remember the dream now.

2325 10/02/15 00:24 to 10/02/15 01:26 1:01 I didn't sleep at all
2324 09/02/15 13:26 to 09/02/15 15:14 1:47 I slept well

I was looking forward to this nap. I fell asleep quickly and slept deeply, and when my alarm went off I snoozed it until Yu Lee came in.