ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
289 14/12/12 16:19 to 14/12/12 18:19 1:59 I slept well

Today I felt very tired for a lot of the day at work, and I think I felt most tired at about 2:00pm. By the time it got to home time I was feeling a little more awake but still definitely in need of my nap!

This evening I had arranged to see one of my Spanish friends who lives in London but was in Cambridge for a conference. By the time my nap time had come around I still wasn't 100% sure what was going to happen. I sent her a text asking if she wanted to eat together and what time to meet and went for my nap.

2 hours later I woke up 2 minutes before my alarm was due to go off. I looked at my phone and she had replied and said to meet her at 7:00 to eat, so I quickly made a cup of tea and drank it, and then Yu Lee dropped me in town.

I managed the whole evening without reverting back to English once, so my nap obviously worked and stopped me from feeling tired. I really needed it today!

288 13/12/12 22:48 to 14/12/12 04:27 5:38 I slept well

Last night I went to bed when Yu Lee was tired, at about 10:40pm. We chatted in bed for 10 minutes and then I reset the timer and went to sleep.

It took me a little bit longer than usual to fall asleep, and I vaguely remember looking at the clock at about 11:30. As with previous nights, I don't remember laying in bed for this long and it wasn't at all frustrating, so I think I may have drifted into a light sleep before then and seen the clock when I woke up briefly to roll over.

I woke up naturally this morning at 4:25am from a dream. When I woke up I wasn't sure if it was morning, or if I had woken from a nap.

287 13/12/12 16:17 to 13/12/12 17:57 1:39 I slept well

I came in from work and went straight to bed and fell asleep very quickly, probably in about 5 minutes. I woke up naturally after 1:40 and could have easily gone back to sleep, but decided it was better to wake up.

I felt really drowsy still until I turned on my lamp which instantly made me feel more awake, but I still laid in bed for 15 minutes afterwards. I was expecting Yu Lee to be home already but when I opened the door I realised I was on my own.

286 12/12/12 22:55 to 13/12/12 05:00 6:04 I slept well

Yesterday I got quite a lot of sleep - I had 6 hours the previous night and 2 hours in the afternoon. For some reason I felt sleepy all evening. Maybe it was because I woke up from my nap and let myself go back to sleep, but I'm not really sure why.

In the end I went to bed just before 11:00pm and got up at 5:00. I woke up and got out of bed pretty much straight away and felt really alert.

285 12/12/12 16:31 to 12/12/12 18:36 2:05 I slept well

Towards the end of work I started to feel tired, but I was feeling a bit more awake by the time I got home. I was hungry so I had a tiny bowl of cornflakes, which turned out to be a bad idea! When I went to bed I laid there for 10 minutes picking the bits out of my teeth before reseting the timer.

I woke up when Yu Lee came in at 5:40, and I heard her coming up the stairs, but I easily (and accidentally) fell back to sleep. I had a vivid dream about having an alternate reality that I could get to through a wardrobe in my house, and woke up naturally after the dream.

Afterwards I felt like I could easily go back to sleep again but thought I'd probably better not and turned the light on. I called Yu Lee in and we chatted until 7:00 when I got up.

284 11/12/12 23:05 to 12/12/12 05:00 5:54 I slept well

Yesterday my nap was a little shorter, so I got tired a bit earlier than usual. I went to bed at 11:00pm and fell asleep straight away.

This morning I woke up easily to the alarm and bounced straight out of bed.

283 11/12/12 16:20 to 11/12/12 17:45 1:24 I slept well

Today at work I came over sleepy at about 12:00 but after an hour or so it passed and I felt fine. When I got in my bed all of the tiredness came back and I fell asleep in less than 5 minutes.

When Yu Lee came home I heard her and it woke me up, and for some reason this made me feel quite angry. I was still sleepy so I laid in bed for another half hour but I should have probably just got up. Still it was nice to lay in bed and the time went very quickly.

When I did finally get up I realised that I was being unreasonable being angry with Yu Lee as I probably would have woke up soon anyway.

282 10/12/12 23:32 to 11/12/12 05:02 5:30 I slept well

It was 11:30pm by the time I settled down to go to sleep last night, and I had felt pretty tired for the previous hour. I didn't fall asleep straight away though. I think I drifted in and out for a while as I remember looking at the clock and seeing 1:45am. I didn't feel frustrated and I don't remember laying there for a long time so I probably fell asleep and woke up a few times.

This morning when the alarm went off I was dreaming. I don't remember exactly what the dream was about but I remember it took place in a school and it was very vivid. Maybe I should start keeping a dream journal!

After the alarm I felt a little sleepy, and I thought "Maybe I should set another alarm for 5:30" but in the end I realised it was better to just get up.

281 10/12/12 16:22 to 10/12/12 18:23 2:00 I slept well

Today at work I was very tired at about 12:00, probably because this is the time I napped the past 2 days. I got over the initial tiredness, but by 4:00 I was feeling very sleepy and when I got home I was really ready for bed.

When I laid in bed I went straight into half-sleep where I was having vivid daydreams with lots of sounds, which lasted until I rolled over onto my side. About a minute later I had drifted off into a deep sleep.

280 09/12/12 23:34 to 10/12/12 05:00 5:26 I slept well

Last night I started to feel sleepy around 10:30, and initially tried to go to bed at 11:00, but in the end it was 11:30 by the time I settled down to sleep.

I don't really remember laying in bed last night so I guess I must have fallen asleep pretty quickly! I set my alarm for 5:00am and when it went off I got up straight away. Yu Lee tried to cuddle up to me and I said something like "I can't I need to get up otherwise I will start to feel drowsy if I lay here" which is progress!

279 09/12/12 12:38 to 09/12/12 15:10 2:32 I slept well

This was an amazing nap!

I had my lunch and at some point afterwards I ended up sitting on my bed and suddenly I just knew it was the right time for my nap! The feeling just came over me so I undressed and got in bed and was asleep within minutes.

I didn't bother setting an alarm, and woke up naturally after 2.5 hours. When I woke up I was having a long and vivid dream.

278 08/12/12 23:26 to 09/12/12 04:31 5:04 I slept well

Last night I went to bed with Yu Lee at 11:30pm, and I fell asleep within minutes. When I laid down in my bed I could hear the low frequency noise that I keep on hearing, but it didn't matter and I fell asleep quickly despite it.

I set my alarm for 5:00am as I didn't want to sleep for too long, but this morning I woke up naturally at 4:30. I laid in bed for a few minutes, and then my legs got really hot so I had to put them out of the covers, which is unusual as it is December and the temperatures are really low.

Now that I've got up I feel a little sleepy, but I think I would have felt more tired had I fallen back to sleep.

277 08/12/12 12:15 to 08/12/12 14:24 2:08 I slept well

Today I wasn't planning on taking my nap early, but at around 11:00am I ate lunch and then came over really tired. I was thinking that I should hold off and nap later, but then I thought 'why not?'. My body obviously wanted to sleep then so I let it.

I fell asleep in less than 10 minutes (probably more like 5) and drifted into a deep sleep. I woke up at least once but I have no idea whether it was half way through or near the end. When I finally opened my eyes and looked at the clock over 2 hours had passed.

This was a lovely nap, and I felt really good afterwards. I was really thirsty and had an amazing cup of tea! I think this is how it's supposed to be done.

276 07/12/12 22:35 to 08/12/12 04:30 5:54 I slept well

My sleeping pattern is not very consistent at the moment!

Yesterday I woke up naturally at 4:10am, so I was pretty tired when I got in from work but I only slept for just over an hour. By the time 10pm came around I was already feeling tired so I went to bed at half past.

When I got in bed next door were playing their tv pretty loud and laughing, the heating was creaking, I could hear the low frequency noise and Yu Lee was breathing heavily in my ear. All of the noises mixed together into a kind of jumbled background noise, and I think I fell asleep within 10 minutes! Not bad!

This morning I woke up at 2:30am but went straight back to sleep. Then I woke up at 4:30 to my alarm and got up (although I did lay in bed for 15 minutes and nearly fell back to sleep).

275 07/12/12 16:10 to 07/12/12 17:29 1:18 I slept well

Towards the end of the day at work, I knew I would be able to nap today! I was starting to feel like it was way past my bed time.

When I got home, I went straight to bed and must have fallen asleep within minutes. I set my alarm for 6:30pm which would have given me 2:20 hours of sleep, but I woke up naturally after 1:15 which surprised me.

I felt refreshed when I woke up, but I also felt like it was a very short sleep.

274 06/12/12 22:11 to 07/12/12 04:18 6:06 I slept well

Yesterday I couldn't fall asleep for my nap, so I was pretty tired by the time it got to 10pm, and I decided to just go to bed early. Yu Lee was tired too so she came to bed as well.

I fell asleep within about 5 minutes, and slept through until about 4:10am. I laid in bed for a while before recording the end of my sleep, and then laid in bed until 4:30am before I finally got up. As I've said before, laying in bed in the morning like this is not like watching the clock when you can't sleep: It feels more like having a lay in on a weekend.

273 06/12/12 17:08 to 06/12/12 17:44 0:35 I didn't sleep at all

...and returned to my bed about 10 minutes later. Still no sleep!

Although I basically laid in bed for an hour without sleeping, I didn't really feel frustrated and felt nice and relaxed. I think I will need an early night tonight though!

272 06/12/12 16:19 to 06/12/12 16:55 0:36 I didn't sleep at all

Last night I got quite a bit of sleep, and overslept my alarm this morning. Today at work there was no 'midday slump' and I felt awake all day.

When I got home, I went to bed and started yawning a bit. I relaxed, but sleep never came so I got up and went to the bathroom...

271 06/12/12 00:00 to 06/12/12 06:21 6:20 I slept well

Last night I went to bed at midnight, and although I felt pretty tired, it took me a while to fall asleep. I could hear the low frequency noise that interrupted my sleep a few months ago, which meant I didn't fall asleep for at least 15 minutes.

I moved my alarm back to 5:30am, but when it went off I turned it off and went back to sleep. When I opened my eyes I didn't even realise I'd fallen asleep - I thought I'd just laid there for a while, but when I looked at the clock it said 6:20. I wasn't very happy!

When I did eventually wake up, I felt like I'd had a bit too much sleep.

269 05/12/12 16:22 to 05/12/12 17:45 1:23 I slept well

I felt quite sleepy during the last 2 hours of work today, and when I got home I felt like I was really ready for my nap. I laid down in my bed, but the nap didn't come as quickly as I expected!

I think I fell asleep after about 20 - 25 minutes, and then when Yu Lee came in it woke me up and I couldn't sleep again. I felt like I had slept, but not for long enough, and the fact that I woke up so easily and wasn't dreaming at the time means I was probably only in light sleep. Let's see how tired I am tonight!