ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
55 30/08/12 12:30 to 30/08/12 12:55 0:25 I slept well

Today I started the process of pushing this nap back towards 1:00pm.

This morning I felt really tired - it feels like a real step backwards from yesterday. I cycled home at lunch time and passed out on my sofa.

I feel better now but still not 100%.

54 30/08/12 06:13 to 30/08/12 06:38 0:25 I slept well

I was extremely tired this morning: I think this was one of the toughest nights yet.

I was planning on taking this nap at 6:30, but I was so tired that I couldn't stay awake and I thought it's better to take my nap a little early than to fall asleep randomly without an alarm.

I napped on the sofa down stairs, and surprisingly it took a few minutes to fall asleep. I feel better than before my nap now, but I still feel very sleepy.

The weird thing is that when I was laying down to sleep, my heart seemed to be beating hard and fast. Today I had a green tea instead of a normal tea, so I should have less caffeine in my system. It felt very much like I had taken some kind of stimulant...

53 29/08/12 23:24 to 30/08/12 03:02 3:38 I slept well

Wow I am tired! This is definitely the most sleepy I have felt after my core. I'm wondering if the extra 8 minutes I had past 3:30 hours was enough to push me into deep sleep, because this is seriously uncomfortable!

Normally when I wake up from my core I am a bit groggy, and I have a desire to go back to sleep. Today I am having to try extremely hard to fight off sleep: If I were to lay / sit down I would be asleep in seconds.

I also am switching from black to green tea after this sleep for the first time, to try and reduce the amount of caffeine in my system.

Now I'm off to listen to loud music and do the washing up!

52 29/08/12 16:41 to 29/08/12 17:03 0:22 I slept well

I didn't feel majorly tired for this nap but I fell asleep for it quickly and had a good sleep. Now I am feeling a little groggy.

51 29/08/12 12:17 to 29/08/12 12:42 0:25 I slept well

Before my nap today I didn't know whether I felt tired or not! I would say that my sleepiness was pretty low - I had no drowsiness at all really. My eyes on the other hand felt very tired but this could be from staring at a screen too much.

Today I slept on the couch for my 12:20 nap. I put on my eye mask and ipod and fell asleep pretty quickly.

My favourite technique at the moment for falling asleep fast is to count my breathes up to 10. If I get to 10, I start again at 1. I don't know why this works so well but it does, and most of the time I either don't get to 10 or only do it once.

After waking up a lot of my eye strain was gone and I feel better, but I would say now I feel more drowsy than before...

50 29/08/12 06:25 to 29/08/12 06:47 0:22 I slept well

I moved this morning nap forward a little bit and shortened it. I did this because I was becoming more and more alert before the nap, and I thought if I don't take it soon, I will not be able to sleep!

I fell asleep pretty quickly and woke up feeling pretty good. I felt like I would normally feel after getting up on my monophasic schedule.

49 28/08/12 23:31 to 29/08/12 03:02 3:30 I slept well

Last night was the first night that I wasn't sure I'd be able to fall asleep for my core. Yesterday I felt myself become a bit more awake just before each sleep, but in the end I slept through all of them. I must have fallen asleep for my core in a couple of minutes at most.

I had a good sleep as always, but I do feel a little groggy now like I normally do.

48 28/08/12 16:44 to 28/08/12 17:10 0:26 I slept well

I have been counting my breathes to fall asleep: You count each time you breathe out from 1, 2 up to 10. If you get to 10 you start again at 1.

While I was going to sleep I would count '1, 2, 3, 4' and then drift off into a dream. A few seconds later I would realise I was dreaming and wake up. Although I don't remember any of them in particular, they were vivid flashes of people and scenes.

This must have happened 5 or 6 times before I drifted off into a nice sleep. Now I feel a little bit groggy but I am glad to have slept.

47 28/08/12 12:15 to 28/08/12 12:44 0:29 I slept well

This morning I felt very sleepy. For some reason I started to feel a little less sleepy around 11:45, but after my cycle home I still managed to fall asleep pretty quickly.

My sleep was refreshing and I felt alert straight away after waking.

46 28/08/12 06:29 to 28/08/12 06:54 0:25 I slept well

Unusually, this nap took me a while to fall asleep for. I knew it would be more difficult so I used my face mask.

I'm pretty sure I was laying awake for at least 10 minutes of it, but now I feel pretty good. I would say I feel more alert now than I normally would in the morning on a monophasic sleep pattern. Let's see how this holds up throughout the day!

45 27/08/12 23:18 to 28/08/12 02:50 3:31 I slept well

This was the first time I have woken up from dreaming since starting this sleep pattern. This is a very good sign and means that the length of my core is probably right now.

I still feel a bit tired, but it is not as bad as the usual feeling when I wake from my core.

44 27/08/12 16:49 to 27/08/12 17:14 0:25 I slept well

After not really sleeping at lunch time today, I was worried that I would not be able to sleep for my 5:00pm nap. In the end I fell asleep quickly and slept like a log!

I still feel drowsy from sleeping but I'm sure that will pass and I will feel better.

43 27/08/12 12:11 to 27/08/12 12:36 0:25 I slept a little bit

I think I slept for at least a few minutes but I'm not 100% sure.

I was getting more and more tired up to my nap, and I laid down and closed my eyes and maybe slept a few minutes. I woke up and felt slightly sick and took a sip of water and only 10 minutes had passed. Afterwards it was like starting again, and maybe I slept a few more minutes but I don't know.

I do however feel like I've been to sleep and I am less drowsy.

42 27/08/12 06:32 to 27/08/12 06:57 0:25 I slept well

My girlfriend stayed up with me from 3:00 to 6:30, and we went to bed together for this nap. The difference is that she is still in bed now, whereas I am just wishing I was still in bed!

I fell asleep quickly as usual but for some reason I woke up after 10 minutes and thought I had overslept. I looked that the clock and it said 15 minutes left so I went back to sleep.

I feel quite tired.

41 26/08/12 23:18 to 27/08/12 02:51 3:32 I slept well

Today for the first time I took the full 3:30 hours for my core sleep. I woke up feeling tired as usual, but after about half an hour the tiredness faded and this has been the easiest morning yet.

Last night I wanted to give up - I was sick of feeling tired all of the time. My girlfriend persuaded me not to, and agreed to get up with me for this period which has been great. It's great to have someone else to talk to and to not have to worry too much about making noise.

40 26/08/12 16:52 to 26/08/12 17:14 0:22 I slept well

I laid down and dozed off, and what seemed like a few seconds later woke up but kept my eyes closed. A few seconds later the alarm went off.

I don't feel particularly refreshed but I was really tired today. I think I have accumulated some sleep debt yesterday.

39 26/08/12 12:20 to 26/08/12 12:45 0:25 I slept well

I was feeling a little sleepy this morning, and in the end we went roller blading from 10:30 - 12:00. When I got in I was starving so I ate a pice of Spanish cured ham, and then went for my nap.

I was worried that I wouldn't sleep so soon after doing exercise but I passed out straight away and had a nice nap. I still feel tired afterwards but I'm used to that by now...

38 26/08/12 06:28 to 26/08/12 06:56 0:28 I slept well

I crept into my girlfriends bed and was out like a light. This is normally one of my favourite naps as I fall asleep so easily for it. I wish they were all this easy!

37 25/08/12 23:50 to 26/08/12 03:08 3:18 I slept well

Okay so I moved my core back a bit today. To be honest I thought I was going to have to abort this experiment but I guess I'm still here!

Last night I had my pet rat out (who is very old and has 2 tumors growing on her) and at about 10:00pm she started to get weird. I think she couldn't breathe because of the cancers pressing on her lungs. In the end I sat with her for a while because she seriously looked like she wouldn't survive and I couldn't just dump her back in her cage to die.

At about 23:30 which was 15 minutes after my bed time, I discussed with my girlfriend what I should do. In the end, I slept downstairs on the sofa with my pet rat on my chest while she watched Red Dwarf DVDs and watched me to make sure I didn't roll on her or anything.

At about 2:00am I woke up and my rat seemed to have much improved so I put her back in the cage, and my girlfriend went up to bed. I stayed on the sofa and had another 1.5 hours of actually pretty good sleep.

I woke up easily for my alarm but now I feel very drowsy. I'm not sure of the overall quality of my sleep last night, but at least I can still continue with this!

36 25/08/12 16:57 to 25/08/12 17:22 0:25 I slept a little bit

I'm not 100% sure whether I slept or not for this one. I was quite drowsy before the nap, and I definitely felt the sensations of falling asleep a few times, but I seemed to snap out of it each time. I'm not sure whether I snapped out of it before falling asleep or a while after.

It felt a lot quicker than 25 minutes though so I guess I did sleep a bit. I feel pretty good now but still a bit tired.