ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
1745 07/06/14 00:04 to 07/06/14 05:45 5:40 I slept well

Last night it took me a while to fall asleep, but it was quite nice laying in bed for a while.

This morning I woke up at 4:45 from a dream that I don't remember, then again at 5:15 from the dream that I did remember. I was laying there trying to remember the details of both dreams (I could remember the first one at the time) but then I fell back to sleep and woke up at 5:45.

1744 06/06/14 23:28 to 07/06/14 00:04 0:36 I didn't sleep at all
1743 06/06/14 16:18 to 06/06/14 17:36 1:18 I slept well

Today I had a pretty relaxing day. Yu Lee dropped me in town this morning on her way to work, and I went to a cafe and had a cup of tea and did an hour and a half's work on my laptop. After that I picked up our wedding rings, bought my suit, handed in the paperwork to the wedding venue and then went to another cafe and did another hour and a half's work.

That was the end of my working day! I went for a pizza and a beer in the market square, then sat in the sun and had another couple of pints and read my book. By the time I'd walked home it was gone 4:00pm and I went for a sleep, and then Yu Lee came in and woke me up.

1742 06/06/14 00:04 to 06/06/14 05:52 5:48 I slept well

Last night I forgot to start the timer, but it didn't really matter because I remember looking at the clock and seeing 12:04am on it.

I didn't fall asleep instantly, but it didn't take too long either, and once asleep I slept through until just before 4:00am. When I opened my eyes and noticed it was a couple of minutes before 4:00am, it stuck in my head because yesterday we were watching a TED talk by a poet called Rives about his obsession with 'Four in the Morning'.

I went back to sleep again, and woke up at about 5:00am from a weird and creepy dream. I tried to remember it but fell back to sleep, waking at 5:25am and then finally at 5:50am when I got up.

1741 05/06/14 12:52 to 05/06/14 15:06 2:14 I slept well

I felt sleepy around midday, but then after lunch I woke up a little. I went for my nap around 1:00pm and it must have taken me about 15 minutes to fall asleep.

I slept lightly for about half an hour. I woke up and looked at my watch and decided I wanted longer, so I laid there for about another 5 minutes until I fell back to sleep.

This time I slept more deeply and dreamt, and then I woke up naturally at about 3:00pm and got up.

1740 04/06/14 23:50 to 05/06/14 05:36 5:45 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly. This morning I woke up at about 5:20am and dozed for about 15 minutes before getting up.

1739 04/06/14 12:28 to 04/06/14 13:45 1:16 I slept well

This was a very light nap. I took a while to fall asleep, then woke up after half an hour but didn't feel like I'd had enough. I went back to sleep for another half hour before getting up.

Even though I didn't sleep deeply I enjoyed this nap.

1738 03/06/14 23:30 to 04/06/14 05:46 6:15 I slept well

Last night I went to bed a little earlier than I have been doing, and it took me a little while to fall asleep, probably about 20 minutes. Once asleep I slept through the night, and then this morning I did my usual thing of waking up, looking at the clock, thinking "I need to get up" but then dozing off again whilst trying to remember my dream. I woke up about 10 minutes later and got up.

1737 03/06/14 12:40 to 03/06/14 13:45 1:05 I slept well

I wasn't particularly tired today, but at about 12:30pm a wave of tiredness came over me and I settled down on the sofa.

It took me a little while to fall asleep but it was nice laying there. When I opened my eyes it was about 1:30pm, but I laid there and dozed for another 15 minutes before getting up.

A short but nice nap.

1736 02/06/14 23:46 to 03/06/14 07:06 7:19 I slept well

Man I hibernated last night, and I have that horrible feeling behind my eyes that tells me I slept too much.

I woke up in the night around 2:30am, but went straight back to sleep. This morning I woke naturally and probably dozed for a while. Yu Lee didn't want me to get up.

I didn't remember my dream on waking, but it came back to me after about 15 minutes.

1735 02/06/14 12:01 to 02/06/14 13:31 1:29 I slept well

I didn't feel particularly tired at nap time, but just tired enough and I wanted to have my nap before my piano lesson. I dozed for about 30 minutes, then fell into a deeper sleep and had a dream.

1734 02/06/14 00:15 to 02/06/14 05:45 5:29 I slept well

Last night it took me a while to fall asleep, which is not surprising considering how much I slept yesterday. I woke up at 2:00am, and then again at 5:00am when I woke up from a dream, and looked at the clock and thought "time to get up".

I accidentally fell asleep again and woke up from another dream 40 minutes later.

dream dream
1733 01/06/14 23:52 to 02/06/14 00:15 0:22 I didn't sleep at all
1732 01/06/14 14:49 to 01/06/14 17:07 2:18 I slept well

Today after midday the sun came out, so we had our lunch in the garden, and then I had a few beers and relaxed in the sun. I went for my nap late, fell asleep quickly, a woke up after a lot longer than expected!

I definitely had a dream, but because I drifted in and out a bit before getting up it faded into the ether...

1731 31/05/14 23:36 to 01/06/14 06:46 7:10 I slept well

Yesterday we spent the day in town looking for outfits for the wedding. By the time we'd finished we'd bought the rings, and it looks like my suit is sorted out too. The whole thing was pretty tiring!

When we got to bed I fell asleep quickly. I woke up naturally at 6:45am feeling groggy and a bit nasty from sleeping so long in one go.

1730 31/05/14 08:30 to 31/05/14 09:24 0:54 I slept well

I sat on the sofa and read for a while, then around 8:30am I came over tired so I laid down and went to sleep for about an hour. When I woke up I went up stairs and got into bed with Yu Lee to wake her up. I laid there for about half an hour without sleeping.

1729 31/05/14 00:30 to 31/05/14 06:01 5:31 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly, and slept through until 5:00am when Yu Lee got up to go to the toilet. I thought to myself "I'll get up in a minute" but the next thing I knew it was 5:50am and I woke up again. I dozed for 10 minutes, then recorded the end of my sleep, but then just as I was about to get up Yu Lee cuddled up to me to I laid in bed for another 5 minutes.

1728 30/05/14 11:56 to 30/05/14 13:38 1:41 I slept well

I was bored of working this morning, and starting to feel a little tired, so I went to the back room and laid down on the sofa. Although I felt tired, I didn't know if I was tired enough to sleep and laid there for a few minutes.

After that I drifted off into a nice sleep, and woke up about an hour and a half later. I dozed for 10 minutes before getting up and recording the end of my sleep.

1727 30/05/14 00:01 to 30/05/14 06:10 6:08 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep pretty quickly and slept right through until 6:00am. I definitely had a dream this morning but I don't remember it now.

1726 29/05/14 13:49 to 29/05/14 15:31 1:41 I slept well

After sleeping for so long last night, I wasn't really sure if I would need to nap today, but I actually felt pretty tired around midday and was definitely ready for a nice nap at 2:00pm.

I napped on my bed with ear plugs and fell asleep quickly. I woke up naturally after about 1.5 hours.