ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
942 21/07/13 13:21 to 21/07/13 15:00 1:39 I slept well

Today I really didn't think I would need to nap, but at 12:00 noon I was in Saisbury's and I was really starting to feel tired.

When we got home we had pizza for dinner and then I went for my nap. I fell asleep instantly, but then woke up again about 10 minutes later when I suddenly became aware of my thoughts. After that I probably laid in bed for another 5 -10 minutes before falling properly asleep and sleeping for an hour and a half.

941 20/07/13 23:49 to 21/07/13 07:12 7:23 I slept well

Last night I went to bed a little bit later than usual because I was playing games until late. When I got in bed I didn't feel that tired but me and Yu Lee chatted for a while and by the time we finished talking I was sleepy and fell asleep straight away.

This morning I set an alarm for 5:00am and 5:15am but I switched both of them off and went back to sleep. I eventually woke up after 7:00am which is pretty late for me! I felt like I'd been asleep for a long time and I doubt I will sleep for my nap today.

940 20/07/13 13:15 to 20/07/13 15:00 1:44 I slept well

I went for my nap a little bit later because I was playing Sim City 4 and I couldn't put it down!

When I went to bed my mind was very active, first thinking about the awesome city I was going to build in Sim City 4 and then thinking about the horror of putting in offers on the house we like on Monday. At one point I was going to give up (even though it was only after about 5 minutes) but then I guess I managed to clear my mind and fall asleep.

When my alarm went off I could have slept longer, even though I had a longer than usual nap. This was a great and enjoyable nap!

939 19/07/13 23:10 to 20/07/13 05:10 5:59 I slept well

Last night I went to bed just after 11:00pm and fell asleep straight away. I slept through the night and Yu Lee didn't wake me up this time!

I struggled a bit to get up but after my second alarm I dragged myself out of bed and once I was up I was not tired at all.

938 19/07/13 12:13 to 19/07/13 13:35 1:21 I slept well

It took me a little while to fall asleep for my nap but I definitely slept.

937 19/07/13 04:01 to 19/07/13 06:10 2:09 I slept well

In the end I was up for about half an hour, but by the time I got back to bed I was wide awake and it took me 20 minutes to get back to sleep.

At some point this morning I dreamt that I was in Spain, and some people from my work were there as well as my Dad and Sue. Dad was looking for a house to buy, and we all went into a house to look around. The state of the house was pretty grotty and there were 2 small children there and in one room there was what looked like a vomit stain on the floor.

I spoke to the lady who lived there in Spanish but she didn't seem to understand me properly and she spoke in a really weird accent so I didn't understand her either. After that I was sitting on a sofa and the 2 children came up and sat next to me and were trying to hug me, and saying in Spanish "daddy daddy" and I was trying to tell them that I wasn't their dad!

I woke up to my alarm at 5:30am but I went back to sleep and got up just after 6:00am. I felt exhausted due to the interruptions in my sleep.

936 19/07/13 03:39 to 19/07/13 04:01 0:21 I didn't sleep at all
935 18/07/13 23:14 to 19/07/13 03:02 3:48 I slept well

Last night I was feeling pretty tired so I went to bed a little earlier than the previous couple of nights. I fell asleep quickly but woke up from a weird dream at 1:30am.

After my dream I got back to sleep quickly, only to be woken up again at 3:00am when Yu Lee was wriggling about because of her bad back. She tried to get out of bed but couldn't because it was really hurting her to move her legs so I ended up getting up and helping her get up and move about.

934 18/07/13 12:17 to 18/07/13 13:45 1:28 I slept well

Today when I came home at lunchtime there was a rucksack left leaning against my garage, next to the gate into my back garden. At the moment I am coming in through the back door as the estate agents have my keys and the side gate was open.

I had a good look around the garden and the house and actually had a bit of an adrenaline rush as I couldn't work out why the bag was there. Then when I was trying to nap I kept thinking about it, and thinking stupid things like what if it had a bomb inside or a decapitated head! Or what if it had a big bag of drugs and then I threw it away and the owner came back looking for it!

I didn't sleep very deeply and I woke up and tossed about quite a bit but I did definitely sleep. When I woke up I looked up the local police station number to ask them what I should do with it, but when I got outside it was gone.

933 18/07/13 00:09 to 18/07/13 05:18 5:08 I slept well

Last night it took me about 20 minutes to fall asleep. I slept pretty well but I think Yu Lee woke me up wriggling around because of her bad back.

This morning it was a struggle to get out of bed but once I was up I was fine.

932 17/07/13 23:48 to 18/07/13 00:09 0:21 I didn't sleep at all
931 17/07/13 12:22 to 17/07/13 13:50 1:28 I slept well

Today it was really hot again at lunch time but I managed to fall asleep pretty quickly. I was sleeping quite deeply and I was still fast asleep when my alarm went off.

930 16/07/13 23:46 to 17/07/13 05:15 5:28 I slept well

Last night it took me over 15 minutes to fall asleep, although I think I fell asleep briefly soon after I went to bed but was immediately woken up by someone shouting outside in the street.

I slept through the night and woke up naturally at about 4:45am. I went back to sleep for some reason and my alarm went off at 5:00am and I went back to sleep again, getting up after my seconds alarm at 5:15am.

929 16/07/13 23:28 to 16/07/13 23:46 0:18 I didn't sleep at all
928 16/07/13 12:23 to 16/07/13 13:35 1:12 I slept well

Today at lunch time it was hot! I fell asleep relatively quickly but don't think I slept particularly deeply, although I was refreshed afterwards.

I woke up naturally after just over an hour.

927 15/07/13 23:18 to 16/07/13 05:08 5:49 I slept well

Last night it took me about 15 minutes to fall asleep, and then I slept solidly through the night. After my alarm went off at 5:00am I dozed for a few minutes before getting up.

926 15/07/13 23:04 to 15/07/13 23:18 0:14 I didn't sleep at all
925 15/07/13 12:31 to 15/07/13 13:55 1:23 I slept well

Today I managed to nap again. I spoke to the estate agents before going to sleep and they told me that we have an offer 2.5k above asking price, and then when I got in I put my phone on silent and went to sleep.

I don't think I slept particularly deeply, but I drifted in and out and definitely slept. When my alarm went off I was still sleeping.

924 14/07/13 23:28 to 15/07/13 05:31 6:03 I slept well

Last night I felt a bit tired all evening, probably because I didn't have a nap. When I did go to bed it took me about 15 minutes to fall asleep, because although I was tired my mind was full of house stuff! I kept thinking about the houses that we are interested in and the one we put in an offer on and what I would need to say to the estate agent today...

I set an alarm for 5:00am and another for 5:15am, and even after those I ended up snoozing for another 15 minutes. I dragged myself out of bed and feel pretty tired. Hopefully I will be able to nap today and my sleeping pattern will be back to normal.

923 14/07/13 23:16 to 14/07/13 23:28 0:11 I didn't sleep at all